2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee

2 Guys Drinking Coffee



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2 Guys Drinking Coffee
4 Views · 2 years ago

⁣After a few weeks of guests and special broadcasts, we are going back to our world events format for this week's podcast. It's not that we've ignored these topics in our recent discussions... rather we are just going to go deeper into the areas of politics, World War III (many people don't know this has already started), the attack on our children and how spirituality weaves in and through all this,
We want to remind you that this is an interactive podcast. We invite and in fact, encourage your comments either in person or on-line. Our friends Tanya and Fred Wilbon monitor our FB page for us and will relay all pertinent comments.
So, join us this Wednesday at 9:00am in person at John Williams European Pastry Shop or make sure to visit our FB page, 2 Guys Drinking Coffee for the live feed. And as always, look for us on all the popular social media platforms.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We have a very special guest for this episode. When members of the North American Unity Tour visited Eldred, PA and were guests on our podcast in Episode 68, we were introduced to a lady that goes by the name, Soup Mama.
Soup Mama gives a new meaning to and raises the bar for volunteerism and selfless giving. She and her volunteers have fed thousands at the Freedom Convoy in Maryland to the Reawaken America Tour in Batavia, NY and many stops in between.
We have had a couple of opportunities to hear her speak and to chat with her personally. In addition to using her gifts to feed people at these very large events, we have found that she is very passionate on many other issues. Issues such as education for our children, constitutional issues including the "unconstitutional mandates", medical tyranny, and many others. In fact, the more we spoke to her, the more we realized she would be a perfect guest for the podcast.
In fact, I believe this will end up being our second 2-part podcast. So, don't miss part 1 this week as we go live at 9:00am from John Williams European Pastry Shop and bring Soup Mama remotely. Join us in person if you can and definitely, join us online to hear this amazing woman!

2 Guys Drinking Coffee
4 Views · 2 years ago

⁣In episode 69 we have another special guest to bring to our followers. James Roguski will be joining us from Torrence, CA. James has been outspoken for many years and about many subjects in the public eye, not the least of which is “covid” and the use of it to end our freedoms an liberty.
James has been a guest on the Stew Peters Show, BitChute, Catching Fire News, and many others. He’s published many articles and you can find much of his work on his substack. Just go to https://jamesroguski.substack.com/.
Most recently he has been on many podcasts and news shows talking about his latest project, Declaration of Demands. Fashioned after the Declaration of Independence, it calls to light and demands changes for all the tyrannical things the US government has been doing. This can be summed up by one paragraph on this Declaration of Demands page where he says:
“We the People demand the full and immediate restoration of our inalienable rights and freedoms.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a multitude of people around the world to come together to stand up in defense of their inalienable rights against the oppression and abuse heaped upon them by the Fascist collusion of government, corporations and non-governmental organizations working together to strip the people of their many freedoms, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to seek redress of our grievances.”
James will be sharing with us his thoughts on the Declaration of Demands as well as many other issues and problems we are facing not only in this country but around the world. You won’t want to miss this episode!

2 Guys Drinking Coffee
6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣2 Guys Drinking Coffee Podcast
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 - 9:00
John Williams European Pastry Shop, Bradford
Facebook Live - 2 Guys Drinking Coffee
You don't want to miss this one! We have two guests coming to chat with us, Randy Barber from Randolph, NY and Wendy Dominski from Fort Niagara, NY.
Both of these individuals are very involved with the North American Unity Tour which grew out of the Canadian Truckers movement and the US trucker's convoy.
They will be at the restaurant in person to talk to us about the history of the movement, what they are doing now, what they want to do moving forward and how "We the People" can get involved in this or with like minded groups all over the country.
Randy met with General Flynn at Reawaken America Event in Batavia, NY just a couple weeks ago and discussed how the two organizations can work together.
I hope you can be there in person, but if you can't, please don't miss this podcast. This will be one our best yet!

2 Guys Drinking Coffee
7 Views · 2 years ago

It's been fairly quiet for a while except for the regular scare tactics on commercials and Main Stream Media. But, we are starting to hear about new variants that are bigger and badder than ever. BA.5 is one of the latest scare tactics being ramped up. And if that doesn't work, they have the Ninja variant waiting in the wings.
But why? In order to answer that question we have to look at what's going on from a couple different angles. What are the motives behind ramping up the "scamdemic"? Let's take a look at a couple of the beneficiaries of such a ramp up.
BIG PHARMA - Big pharma has been raking in the dough for years on their vaccine programs for kids. But now, they found the goose that's laying the golden eggs! Boosters, boosters and more boosters! Boosters that will never go away. And with that billions upon billions of profits are rolling into their coffers.
THE DEMOCRATS - Much to my partner's (Jim M) chagrin, I'm going to talk politics here. The dems used the covid scamdemic to steal an election in 2020 with unlimited, unchecked mail in votes. Well, they are looking at a mid-term election that by all indications will be a bloodbath for them. They look to lose both houses in congress in a BIG way and many state races are in jeopardy because of the condition of the country thanks to the radical left's "destroy America" agenda. Don't be deceived, the dems will stop at nothing to avoid losing in the mid-terms. We will discuss this as well and afterwards, I may be in search of a new partner! 🙂

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