Welcome to our new features page
Here you can read about some of our new exciting features. This page will be updated with every significant modification or new feature added to ClikView. You will be notified of these new updates via a popup so you never miss out. You can read details of all these feature below.

Importing Videos
Import Videos From Multiple Social Media Platforms
We have just launched a brand new feature that allows you to import videos from YouTube and YouTube Shorts, Facebook Videos/Reels, Rumble, TikTok, Bitchute and Vimeo! Please ensure you have permission to Download/Import the videos from other social networks before adding it to your channel!
Ideas and Suggestions!
Recommend your suggestions to Clikview
You will be able to put forward the features that you want Clikview to develop for the Clikview platform, this will go through a "polling system" meaning, whichever idea gets the most upvotes, it'll more likely be implemented!
Arbitrage Wallet
Earn from the Arbitrage Wallet!
You can now replenish your Arbitrage Wallet and start earning passively! To get started, head over to your CV Main Wallet and Scroll down to find the Arbitrage Wallet. Please be advised once you put a certain amount into the wallet and lock it in, you won't be able to replenish the arbitrage wallet or withdraw for 30 days.
Find out more
Changes to Articles
We have made changes to the Articles that allow you to display them from "Latest", "Popular" and "Most Viewed Today". Creating Articles will also grant you Silver Tokens!