Bozenna Slominski
Bozenna Slominski

Bozenna Slominski




#CRWDWORLD Distributor/Reseller for # Advanced Medicine, Cybersecurity, Real Estate Products/Services on the Blockchain Ecosystem, Miericoast Homes Agent
Why have I become MicroPreneur?

During my career as a Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse/ Deputy Care Manager, CEO of Health and Wealth Centre, and running my own Hypnotherapy Clinic, I held positions of responsibility focused on helping the community.

The qualities that supported my achievements were leadership, compassion, love for people, and drive to be successful and proud of what I do.

I am delighted that after many years of searching, I finally found an opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with like-minded people who share my mission to contribute positively to the world by creating healthier bodies, minds, and Privacy for its citizens.

I am grateful to the universe for helping me find this amazing opportunity - This Is It. I am a Micropreneur and #CRWDWORLD Distributor/Reseller on the Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem!

This could not have been possible without Dr. R. Buttar - at Advanced Medicine and Sean Brehm, the Executive Chairman and CEO of CrowdPoint Technologies, to whom I am also eternally grateful.

Inspired by their Mindset, I feel together; we can change the world and make it a better place for everyone on our planet.
As a Micropreneur, I am working to build a safe and secure economic environment for others.
As a distributor, I provide the best quality organic products and environmentally friendly services.
As a Miericoast Healing Associate, I will guide you to the resources where you can learn how to bring the mind, body, and soul into your most optimal natural state. Miericoast Healing Centre's aim is to educate people about health for wellness and longevity. Our goal is to ensure that Quantum Technology Energy Healing opportunity is offered and accessible to everyone, regardless of their situation.
It's a great profession; I make money distributing and reselling something I love while safeguarding the most precious asset in all of History: The Human Identity.

When my customers buy from me, I give them an added service; I onboard them onto the Blockchain. In this process, they can authorize their own digital identity for them.

My customers and I both win. I get to help others learn about Advanced Medicine …and CRWDworld technologies products and services, and they get a chance to protect their privacy.
I'm not alone; I am building this with 1000 of my newest friends.!

At CRWDworld, we are looking for our members to help us champion privacy and be a force for good.
"When a business “does the right thing,” results will follow.

Do You want to join the Power of The Crowd that will make a difference in the world? Ask me how.