Hello, friends!
Humanity is at a critical juncture in our evolution. Every single area of our lives is affected. Every single area of our lives is changing --- health, money and the economy, work, relation-ships, education, food, geo-politics, where and how we live, what we’re “allowed” to do and say, where we’re allowed to go. There are even more changes coming up very soon, that have the potential to shake us to the core, that most people are not even aware of yet.
Whether the changes are “good” or “bad” remains to be seen. There are many battles being waged on many different fronts...battles designed to co-opt our thoughts, beliefs and our hu-manity itself (to paraphrase Gregg Braden).
We, Glenda and Korina, have felt a soul calling to help people through this. For the last 3 years, we’ve taken a deep dive into all that is morphing in our world --- not just from a pragmatic standpoint, but from a spiritual one.
We feel there’s a critical need to create sustainable, whole-system approaches in all areas of life, that support the wholeness of people as spiritual and physical beings. It sounds like a tall order, until you realize that this happens one person at a time. It happens with each of us, indi-vidually, as we transform ourselves and our own lives --- and then share with others and work together to create lives that are meaningful, connected, prosperous and happy.
The dystopia that is currently facing the world doesn’t have to come to pass. Yes, the darkness is real. But if we have the courage to actually LOOK at what the darkness doesn’t want us to see...we will find that the power to be sovereign over our own lives is WITHIN US. It does not lie outside of us --- ever.
Humanity is being manipulated right now --- to a degree that has never happened before. The manipulation happens by making people afraid, by making them feel powerless, by making them think that they need someone else to save them. When you feel like that, you’re the per-fect target for someone who wants to control you and your life; to take what is yours; to exploit you and enslave you. Yes, I said “enslave” you. There are so many ways this is happening --- and in fact, has been happening gradually for many decades. Only now, the pace is dramatically accelerating. It’s time for humanity to awaken to our true power, our true sovereignty. That is the way we create a world that actually IS better.
Glenda and I have created a venue where we’re sharing our journey. We’ve been spiritual seek-ers all our lives and constantly pushing ourselves forward in our personal evolution. Natural healing and health has been a passion of ours, as well as learning to manifest better and better relationships, finances, careers and lifestyles. What we’ve learned is that the key to our own freedom always lies within us. Yes, often there are actions to be taken, things to accomplish in the physical world --- but the blueprint for the ultimate outcome resides within --- in our con-sciousness!
Uplifting and refining consciousness is where it’s at --- graduating to a higher level, learning to consciously choose where we place our attention and energy and to consciously choose our emotional states --- to effect powerful change. This happens one person at a time, until there are so
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