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4 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Our mission is create one fun event to another fun event.

7 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Abraham warns to not try to teach others. I heard about Abraham Hicks' Law of Attraction at a meetup that actually did not adhere to Abraham's tenets, so the meetup outcomes were mostly less than ideal.

9 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Probably my last video on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome which was close. My perf dropped to only 0.3 more than once. I used nicotibe DMG SAM-e previously to boost perfusion on an emergency basis. My right ear is also working again, which I had given up on restoring, but Ginko leaves may have cured that as well. Thank you, Ramone, Abraham Hicks, the Universe, Seneff, Ardis, Mikovits, Bhuttar, Mercola!

10 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Cured of chronic Lyme in 53 days. Authenticated by 8 medical professionals. Similar to Will Weigman PhD, who got cured of chronic Lyme in 60 days.

26 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

It was scary at the time, since I was relying on a VeteransToday PDF and Abraham Hicks' Law of Attraction mostly. My mom asked me to create this video some two years ago because a good friend and a cousin died, and she thought people would use my experience. if course, this us now old news.

7 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Useful for a famine?

20 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

My DIY knee repairs. Not me yakking, a total stranger.

6 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Are 4 better than just one or two water ozonators?

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