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22 Views · 1 year ago

⁣One of our top experts, Dr. Bryan Ardis who is well-known for his incredible research and revelations about CVD bioweapons…
Recently revealed shocking information about hidden results in a study PROVING that nicotine at a certain dose…
Can completely reverse one of the most aggressive forms of brain and spinal cancer.
He shares two major concerns…
#1 That the researchers intentionally hid these findings in the summary of their study
#2 This form of aggressive cancer is known to be caused by injecting two venomous substances into humans
Dr. Ardis reveals this, and so much more about the powerful treatments that are actively reversing diseases caused by the deadly CVD bioweapons.
Treatments that Big Pharma and researchers don’t want you to know about!

14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣The globalists are in a panic to brainwash all of us into forcing us to get the clot-shot…
And innocent people are being swayed to get the 'shot' with bigger payout incentives.
Rumors are popping up about more lockdowns, new mandates, and more shots.
It's time we ALL put our foot down.
Remember that knowledge is power, and you have the right to hear both sides of the story.
In today’s sneak peak video, discover:
“Spoiled” Vaxx Batches: Can parasites and snake venom hide inside the vaxx formula?
Why decisions by the CDC and Tony Fauci for COVID have been disastrously wrong.
The story about mandatory vaccines that killed 800 sports players
Discover the latest news about US Senate new vaccination laws
The disastrous effects of lockdown attempts and your personal right to refuse getting thevaxx
Censored Treatments: Why are new C0VID treatments being kept from the public?
LONG C0V!D RECOVERY: how our doctors are treating long C0V!D patients to assist in recovery. (This is covered in detail with numerous expert guests)
Plus so much more...

94 Views · 2 years ago

Starring: Brian Rose, Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman, Cory Klippsten, Josh Lawler, Juan Villaverde, and more.

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