Grace Asagra
Grace Asagra

Grace Asagra




Quantum Nurse (Grace Asagra) is an awareness platform of holistic empowering conversations dedicated but not limited, to those who have the responsibility of caring for loved ones suffering with Dementia. All that affects health is discussed through inspiration, imagination, intuition and exchange of information. We invite guests who are experts in holistic health and life in general. These guests are critical thinkers with vast knowledge of the subjects discussed. They are compassionate, talking from their hearts with love. Quantum Nurse invites the audience to intentionally co-create the successful outcomes of their life's journey.

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Grace’s expertise spans cultures and worlds. Located in central New Jersey, she has an MA in Health Arts and Sciences, and is a Holistic Registered Nurse, specializing in integrative-complementary-functional medicine. She is a seasoned nurse with diverse clinical experience, including twenty years in critical care. A native of the Philippines, Grace is also a traditional Filipino hilot, an indigenous health practitioner with a knowledge of restorative joint-muscular manipulations, bentusa (cupping), cooking and herbal food as medicine. Grace is also a Health Coach (nutritionist-counselor-life coach-health advocate), and an author and speaker on mind/body wellness: “who and what’s the matter with you.”In the Philippines, she was brought up to respect the wisdom of the elders and parabulong (healers). She spent a great deal of her free time learning traditional teachings on herbs, hilot, bentusa, reflexology, aromatherapy, and good nutrition.

Currently, Grace views her integrative practice as a hilot as a dance, co-created with the diwatas (forces in nature/deities/angels) and ninunos (ancestors).She guides individuals through living, coherent and cellularly resonant whole foods nutrition, the use of supplements and lifestyle choices to change the course of their health from rectifying chronic conditions to healthy harmonic aging. She understands the dance between your inner and outer selves (as it is in heaven, so on earth) so you can absorb nutrients, and frequencies of energetic waves authentic to your being to experience joy and be cheerful in the storms of your life.

As a modern-day health coach, Grace takes the time to discuss daily diet and lifestyle choices with clients who want to achieve their goals in areas such as weight management, food cravings, quality of sleep, energy revitalization, improved digestion, resolving allergies, lessening anxiety and managing stress. Clients develop a deeper understanding of the foods, lifestyle choices and behaviors that produce these results, as well as cultivating thought processes that work best for them, and implementing lasting changes that improve their lives as a whole.

Gender: Female

Country: United States