WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL, really excited to be part of this community, to learn and to share! We are all students and teachers. The perspective that I would like to share right away is in regards to how we acquire knowledge and expansion in consciousness.
..."The quality of perception that comes through the logical mind brings conclusions whereas that which comes through the emotions brings cognition".
I am now 'retired' after 40+ years from the 'practice' of medicine but exploring and pursuing other areas of interests. My background is in medicine and physics.
My passion is to share as much as possible the info and knowledge I have gathered over the past 20+ years on the Science of Spirituality based on 15 Dimensional Unified Field Physics which I have applied in my own life.Hopefully the articles I will be sharing here will provide some insights/glimpse into what is possible in consciousness expansion. We can only prove the validity of this information by applying the knowledge gained in the laboratory of our own lives...
Please feel free to contact me through my email address for any questions and or more info if need be...still working on setting things up here and sharing a lot more
Gender: Male
Country: United States