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⁣Amazon talk response! | [a]www.smartecommercelearning.com[/a]

Amjad Ali




⁣Can White People Be Muslim 🤔





Share a moment where you faced your fear and felt relieved that you did! ❤️ P.S. Are you ready to lift your consciousness higher and gather around other spiritually glowing souls ? If you're reading this and feel as though you are not using your fear to excitement to fast track your manifestation from coming through and are looking to cut time out of the equation on proper unfoldment. I Invite you to Join The Manifest Destiny Summit 2 day virtual event where I can guarantee things will change for you. This is a place for growth oriented individuals who want to advance spiritually and experience a energetic upgrade to their frequency in real time. This will allow you to create possibilities that already exist for you. Begin to walk in the direction of your newly installed program/belief. We will be guiding you to your truest essence where you will learn the tools to reprogram and deprogram your mind - body - spirit. This is a experiential 2 day event experience where I, along side @antonwisbiski @4biddenknowledge and many more gifted beings gather to show you everything that has lead us to achieving more freedom, abundance, and love than you could ever imagine. As it is your birthright click the link in my bio so you to can manifest your destiny -





⁣The globalists are in a panic to brainwash all of us into forcing us to get the clot-shot…
And innocent people are being swayed to get the 'shot' with bigger payout incentives.
Rumors are popping up about more lockdowns, new mandates, and more shots.
It's time we ALL put our foot down.
Remember that knowledge is power, and you have the right to hear both sides of the story.
In today’s sneak peak video, discover:
“Spoiled” Vaxx Batches: Can parasites and snake venom hide inside the vaxx formula?
Why decisions by the CDC and Tony Fauci for COVID have been disastrously wrong.
The story about mandatory vaccines that killed 800 sports players
Discover the latest news about US Senate new vaccination laws
The disastrous effects of lockdown attempts and your personal right to refuse getting thevaxx
Censored Treatments: Why are new C0VID treatments being kept from the public?
LONG C0V!D RECOVERY: how our doctors are treating long C0V!D patients to assist in recovery. (This is covered in detail with numerous expert guests)
Plus so much more...





Merry Christams, God Bless You and Yours.

Sharon Leonard