Jill Gordon

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Jill Gordon
33 vistas · 1 año hace

You may think you have too much acid when your stomach burns or bloats, but you actually don’t have enough! Check out how to naturally heal and even resolve digestive issues and even resolve other mysterious symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss and even bruising.

Check out https://jillthehealthcoach.com for more.

Jill Gordon
26 vistas · 10 meses hace

Gut health is essential for us women over 50.

Discover why and what to eat so you can get to the weight you want, eliminate digestive issues and improve energy and your immune system.

Check out the full article here:https://jillthehealthcoach.com..../what-to-eat-to-impr

Get your FREE shopping list to see what I eat to maintain my weight and feel energized all dayhttps://jillthehealthcoach.com/free-shopping-list


Jill Gordon
9 vistas · 11 meses hace

Do you experience any of these on a regular basis?

Cravings and Obsession: Frequent and intense cravings for specific types of food, often high in sugar, fat, or salt. Persistent thoughts and preoccupation with food, even when not hungry or full.

Loss of Control: Difficulty stopping or controlling the amount of food consumed, often leading to overeating or binge eating episodes. Feeling powerless to resist the urge to eat certain foods.

Emotional Eating: Turning to food as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, or other emotional triggers. Using food as a source of comfort or reward.

Eating in Secret: Consuming large quantities of food in private or hiding food to avoid judgment or scrutiny from others. Feeling ashamed or guilty about eating habits.

Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing physical or emotional discomfort when attempting to cut back or eliminate certain foods from the diet. These symptoms may include irritability, restlessness, mood swings, or increased cravings.

Continued Consumption Despite Negative Consequences: Persisting in compulsive eating behaviors despite experiencing adverse effects on physical health, weight gain, or negative impact on relationships, work, or social activities.

Failed Attempts to Control Eating: Repeatedly trying various diets or restrictive eating plans, but ultimately returning to old patterns of overeating or bingeing. Feeling trapped in a cycle of unsuccessful attempts to control food intake.

Tolerance and Need for Increased Intake: Developing a tolerance to certain types of food, requiring larger quantities to experience the same level of satisfaction or pleasure. Needing to eat more to achieve the desired effect.

Withdrawal from Social Activities: Avoiding social situations that involve food or making excuses to skip events where food is present to prevent overeating or losing control. Social withdrawal due to shame or embarrassment.

Emotional Distress and Guilt: Feeling guilt, shame, or self-disgust after episodes of overeating or bingeing. Engaging in self-destructive thoughts or negative self-talk related to food and body image.

Come with me on my journey as I talk about my experience with tips to break free from your own food addiction struggles.

Check out my full article here:https://jillthehealthcoach.com..../are-you-a-food-addi

Get your FREE shopping list to see what I eat to maintain my weight and feel energized all dayhttps://jillthehealthcoach.com/free-shopping-list


Jill Gordon
11 vistas · 1 año hace

I am loving my air fryer. My daughters both turned me on to using it. Now I cook so many different foods in it from fish to all kinds of veggies to tofu. Everything comes out slightly crisp and delicious with next to zero clean up!

For my cod recipe, I simply bought some wild cod from Costco, I lined the air fryer basket with parchment paper for no clean up. Then I placed the cod on the parchment paper and sprayed coconut oil and sprinkled some salt and pepper. That's it!

Then I turned on the air fryer to 350 degrees for 12 minutes. So easy. It came out perfectly flaky and delicious.


Get your FREE shopping list to see what I eat to maintain my weight and feel energized all dayhttps://jillthehealthcoach.com/free-shopping-list

Jill Gordon
10 vistas · 1 año hace

The one who removes a mountain 🏔️ begins by carrying away small stones.

We all have to start somewhere, but sometimes big goals can seem overwhelming and then many times we don’t even start.

That’s so common-especially with health or weight goals. We feel like our goal is so big, it just overwhelms us into doing nothing.That’s why I created Reboot with Real Food 14-Day Detox Solution.

Anyone can do anything for 2 weeks. That’s where you start.But the motivating part is that you will get big results in a short amount of time—just like the 1,000 plus other Rebooters before you. And that success will help propel you to continue another 14 days and than another 14 days until we get to our goals before we know it:).

Our next group Reboot begins on Thursday, April 20th.

Please email me if you have any questions.Check it out at https://RebootwithRealFood.com. So you can feel confident again when you look in the mirror:).


Jill Gordon
21 vistas · 1 año hace

Want optimal health?

Your body operates optimally in a high vibrational frequency state.

Conversely, sickness and disease can only develop in a low frequency body.

What does it mean to be high frequency?

Being a high frequency individual means having a positive and optimistic mindset, which can have many benefits in life.

High frequency people tend to focus on the good things in life, and as a result, they attract more positive experiences and opportunities. Here are some of the benefits of being a high frequency person:

Improved relationships: High frequency individuals tend to radiate positivity and kindness, which can make them more attractive to others. They are often seen as kind, empathetic, and approachable, which can help them build stronger relationships.

Increased energy: High frequency people tend to have higher levels of energy and vitality. This is because they are more likely to engage in activities that boost their energy levels, such as exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature.

Better health: High frequency people tend to take better care of themselves, both physically and mentally. They are more likely to eat a healthy diet (high frequency foods!), get enough sleep, and engage in self-care practices such as meditation and yoga.

Greater success: High frequency individuals tend to have a more positive outlook on life, which can help them achieve their goals. They are more likely to believe in themselves and their abilities, and to take action towards achieving their dreams.

Reduced stress: High frequency people tend to be more resilient and better able to cope with stress. They are less likely to get overwhelmed by difficult situations, and more likely to find ways to stay calm and centered.

So, what's a good way to start being more high frequency?

Go outside! Being outdoors and taking in nature is the natural way to increase your frequency instantly.

So, get outside, think positive thoughts and be grateful for all you have to increase your health and happiness by increasing your vibrational frequency.


What do I eat to stay energized and at my optimal weight? Check out my free shopping list at https://jillthehealthcoach.com/free-shopping-list

Jill Gordon
14 vistas · 1 año hace

1. Gives you more energy! It gives your body an instant lift 💪with its natural vitamins and nutrients
2. Easy to absorb and digest. One of the greatest benefits of having green drinks is that half of the work is already done! Whether blended or juiced, it is broken down so it is super easy for your body to absorb. Which means that your body is most likely to take in most of its benefits readily. That’s why we often feel so energized ⚡️after enjoying our green drinks
3. Helps support better digestion. Green drinks can really help move along things in your pipes 🪠and eliminate and also help with digestive issues or bloat.
4. Boosts your immune system. Your gut is the home of most of your immune system. So, if you feed and support your gut with foods high in vitamins and nutrients, your immune system will become stronger
5. Helps you detoxify. ☠️We are exposed to different types of toxins all day and every day whether it’s in the food we eat, the water or beverages we drink or the air we breathe. Green drinks support the liver. Your liver is what helps the body filter out those toxins. So, by keeping your liver clean and nourished, it can more effectively work to escort out those toxins.
6. Alkalizes the body. Most of our body’s pH level 🌡️is more acid than alkaline. But we need our levels to be somewhat in the middle at around 7.35 or 7.45).
When the body is in more of an acid state, it can’t function as well and prone to inflammation. Being too alkaline is not good either, but it is very rare that people are too alkaline.
The simple way to get it just right is to eat more alkaline foods such as real foods your body is meant to eat such as green drinks.
7. Helps to release weight. Fat is held into place by toxins. Green 🥒drinks help eliminate toxins thereby the fat being released as well. They are also filling and satisfying and can help replace other snacks and actually help you crave less junk food.


Jill Gordon
16 vistas · 1 año hace

Most people have heard of insulin resistance but aren’t really sure what it means. And insulin is truly being found more and more to be the key to controlling your weight and so much more.

But what is insulin anyway?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas when we eat high carb foods such as sugar or foods that break down into sugar (processed foods, bread, cakes cookies, pasta, rice, etc.).

When we eat carbs and sugar, the sugar goes into our blood raising our blood glucose levels. We don’t want sugar in our blood and that’s where insulin comes in.

Insulin escorts the sugar out of the blood and into the cells to be used for energy.

However, after eating that bagel and OJ, we often don’t burn off that sugar and use it up as energy, so it gets stored in the cells as fat.

Hence, insulin’s nickname being the “fat storage hormone.”

Insulin resistance results when the body is bombarded constantly with carbs and too much sugar causing constant insulin production. The body then becomes resistant to the effects of insulin, thereby producing even more insulin to escort that sugar out of the blood.

This vicious cycle results in a constant battle of trying to tame high blood glucose levels.

High blood sugar results in hard-to-lose weight and inflammation and damage and much worse conditions.

So, how to we regulate our insulin?

Don’t feed it the foods that keep forcing our bodies to produce so much insulin!

Eating lower carb and more nutrient-dense foods lower the need to produce insulin in the first place.

This will give the pancreas a break and calm it by reducing the response to make insulin.

The first step is to avoid processed foods and eat more foods that our bodies are meant to eat such as clean proteins, beans, nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruit.

Also, drink lots of water to stay hydrated and flush out what the body doesn’t need.

You will be amazed at how quickly your body will go from being fat storing to fat burning by eliminating the fake food and eating REAL, clean food.

And if you want to see the healthy foods I eat so I will never fall into the insulin resistance cycle, check out my free shopping list at https://jillthehealthcoach.com/free-shopping-list



Jill Gordon
27 vistas · 1 año hace

⁣Maybe you have some negative emotion you can't shake after a breakup in a relationship, or perhaps you have a limiting belief that you are "not meant" to get to the weight you want because weight gain "runs in your family," or maybe traveling by plane keeps you anxious and uptight for a week before traveling.

How would it feel to release these blocks with a simple technique that has no side effects that you can do in the comfort of your own home?

Eye Movement Integration or EMI is a simple yet effective tool that involves moving the eyes in specific directions by following visual and/or verbal cues.

The idea behind EMI is that the act of moving the eyes can stimulate the brain's neural networks and help process and integrate traumatic or conflicting memories or situations.

During an EMI session, a practitioner will guide the client to move their eyes in various directions while they intensely focus on that memory or situation. Please click on the video above to see how it works.

This eye movement is believed to activate different parts of the brain and stimulate the processing and integration of the traumatic experience.

The eye movements can be performed in various ways, such as following the practitioner's hand, following a light, or simply acting on verbal cues to be directed to move the eyes in a specific pattern.

EMI is based on the principles of neuroplasticity, which states that the brain has the ability to change and reorganize itself in response to new experiences and information.

By using eye movements to stimulate the brain, the theory is that this can help rewire the neural connections associated with the traumatic memory, reducing the emotional distress and negative effects it may have on an individual's life.

You can even do this on yourself.

Start by thinking of the negative emotion or block you wish to release. See, hear and feel yourself in it and even increase the intensity of negative emotion as much as you can. The higher the intensity, the better this will work.

Then start to move your eyes only from side to side, not your head. Be sure to look all the way to each side as you look. Do this 7 times.

Then stop and take a quick break and evaluate the intensity of the negative emotion to determine whether it has decreased.

Then, do another eye pattern such as the shape of a box, moving the eyes all the way up and then to the side and then down and to the side forming a square. Do this seven times.

Stop and take a quick break for evaluation and again continue to another eye pattern and again until the intensity completely dissipates.

Try it out when in a stressful situation and see how well this can work for you.

If you would like to work with me, I opened up a limited number of 11 spots at an introductory price of only $44. After those spots are filled, the 30-45 minute Zoom sessions will increase to its regular price at $88.

Think it's not possible for you?

Brooklyn was struggling in her business to take the next steps to set up speaking gigs. She didn't know why, but she was so resistant to moving forward.

After just one session with me, she said she felt this sense of release and the next day felt confident and found it easy to make the calls that she had been putting off for months. Yay!

If this is something that makes sense for you, please click below.

Here's to saying adios to what you want to release!


Book a sessio: ⁣https://calendly.com/jillthehe....althcoach/eye-moveme




Jill Gordon
22 vistas · 1 año hace

⁣Every night before just before I close my eyes to go to sleep, I take 30 seconds to say my gratitudes.

No matter how tired I am, I force myself to curve my lips up into a smile and say how grateful I am for the amazing things in my life. I always start with my husband, my children and my whole family and then continue to maybe an event or an achievement or other things going on in my life.

This simple practice literally changed my life.

You see, I used to be a very negative person. My brother even called me Miss Criticalia!

My sister on the other hand was (and is) the brightest, most beautifully positive person I know. She would go to bed with a smile on her face, sleep with a smile on her face (yes, really!) and wake up smiling.

Of course I used to make fun of her. But then I realized that I wanted to be more like her. But how?

I am sooooo grateful that I learned about, well... being grateful! and once I applied this simple practice every day, my life took a 180.

When many of us think of gratitude, we associate it the act of simply saying “thank you” to someone for an act of kindness.

However, gratitude is more than just a reaction, or the feeling associated with feeling thankful for something. It is a powerful positive emotion, and a deeper appreciation of someone or something.

It helps you to focus on what you HAVE instead of what you don’t. This deeper relationship with gratitude, of course, has a longer lasting effect.

Gratitude is a state of mind that we create when we affirm good in our lives that come from inside or outside of ourselves and relish in big or small pleasures.

Practicing gratitude means developing an awareness that allows you to be grateful for everything in life like good health, a delicious meal, a child’s smile, the air that you breathe...

It is a deeper appreciation of life in all its moments. This includes negative experiences as well. Yes, really. Because by practicing gratitude, you become aware and grateful that there is always something to be learned. It can even help you focus on positive solutions instead of just the negative event.

The benefits of practicing gratitude are plentiful. Here are some of them:

Expressing your gratitude can improve your overall sense of wellbeing by constantly promoting positivity.

Gratitude strengthens interpersonal relationships by appreciating others more.

A focus on gratitude can increase optimism by shifting your energy to more positive emotions.

The pursuit of happiness is subjective, but the satisfaction that comes from practicing gratitude has a lasting positive ripple effect. Therefore, the more we practice gratitude, the more positive we feel, thus the happier we are with our lives.

So. how do you enter into this state of mind?

Start simply by saying your gratitudes every morning and every night. It takes only seconds.

So quick and easy and doable.

The best way is to handwrite your gratitudes in a designated gratitude journal. The act of writing on paper connects to your brain so you can feel it more intensely, resulting in a more permanent state of positivity.

To do this, get yourself a journal that is only going to be used for your gratitude journal. This is important because you want this journal to be filled with positive, happy experiences and emotions.

It is good to be able to express all of your emotions, so maybe have a secondary journal for all other expressions.

The purpose of the journal is to reflect on your day or week to pull out at least three things you feel grateful for.

Before you begin your journaling, it is best to feel sincere about what you are about to write, and try to focus your energies on both people and intangibles.

I have my journal in the bathroom so I don't forget! I write down 5 things that I'm grateful for every morning. It's such a great way to get your day started by appreciating what you have:).

Then, at night, I say them outloud to myself, but always with a smile on my face:).

I invite you to see for yourself the amazing benefits of a gratitude practice just as I have.

Besides highlighting the wonderful things you can be grateful for, this practice has been proven to increase sleep quality, decrease symptoms of sickness, and increase happiness and joy.

Enjoy the journey and please, make my day and email me back with some things you are grateful for!



Jill Gordon
33 vistas · 1 año hace

You may think you have too much acid when your stomach burns or bloats, but you actually don’t have enough! Check out how to naturally heal and even resolve digestive issues and even resolve other mysterious symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss and even bruising.

Check out https://jillthehealthcoach.com for more.

Jill Gordon
45 vistas · 1 año hace

⁣⁣Get to the weight you want by eating real food without drinking shakes or supplements so you can feel confident and free.

Getting to the weight you want is is easier than you think. Check out this beautiful flounder 🐠dinner with sautéed veggies that only took about 15 to 20 minutes to make.

Faster than ordering in and healthier because you know exactly what’s in your meal!

I had bought some wild flounder from #costcofinds

Then, I placed the fish on a baking stone or pan and poked holes in the fish with a fork to better soak up the marinade

Coconut 🥥 aminos is a quick and easy marinade along with dill weed to season. Then it went in the oven for 10 minutes only in a preheated oven at 375.

While the fish is cooking, sautee some cut up bok choy with garbanzo beans 🫘seasoned with gluten free tamari and more dill weed (💕 that dill!).

Voila! So easy and soooooo good.

This is the easy and delish type of meal you can enjoy on RebootwithRealFood.com 14-Day Detox Solution. We nourish both your mind AND your body so you can get to the weight you want.

We begin Thursday January 12th. Please DM me with any questions:)

Jill Gordon
27 vistas · 1 año hace

have you ever had a negative emotion that you just can't seem to shake and you want to eliminate it right away? Learn how tapping can help release these instantly. It's quick and it's super easy.

Jill Gordon
0 vistas · 1 año hace

If there's an area in your life that isn't working for you, it's likely that you're being in "effect" of something or someone. Whether it's an environment or a person that you think is holding you back, I invite you to ask yourself, "How did I contribute to this problem?" This shifts you to be at more at cause and will help bring about empowerment to come up with solutions to your problem. By staying at cause will help you focus on the results instead of the problem.

Jill Gordon
87 vistas · 2 años hace

⁣Ever experience racing thoughts where you just can't seem to focus or even keeping you from falling asleep?

It's certainly not uncommon but it sure can be annoying!

What if I were to tell you that there was a quick and easy way to help relax that overactive mind?

In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), there is a super simple way to help calm the mind.

It is called getting into the Learning State or getting into Hakalau.

It enables the mind to shift the attention from concentrating on what's going on inside you to what is going on outside of you.

By switching, you essentially relax more into your outside environment enabling you to take in far more of what's going on and then eliminate the internal chatter that can be very distracting.

Jill Gordon
48 vistas · 2 años hace

My Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotist training included breaking this board in half with my hand while crushing my obstacles and manifesting my desired outcomes.

Jill Gordon
27 vistas · 2 años hace

Taking back control can be easier than you think if you focus on what you CAN control instead of what you CAN'T. Learn how by pressing play:). Please click on "like" and comment if you enjoyed this video!

Jill Gordon
16 vistas · 2 años hace

Being “hangry” can be a sign of prediabetes and has everything to do with fluctuating blood sugar. Learn how to take control.

Jill Gordon
16 vistas · 2 años hace

Breville makes a great inexpensive juicer that’s worked great for me for several years and then started to die. Customerservice was great and sending me a new one for free!

Jill Gordon
16 vistas · 2 años hace

How can you have the best relationships? It's all about how you communicate! You may not even realize what you are doing or not doing to get the reaction you would like.

Jill Gordon
17 vistas · 2 años hace

Do you get Keratin or other hair straightening treatments? My tips for less toxic hair treatments

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