90 Views· 10/21/22· How-to & Style
How to Relax an Overactive Mind
Ever experience racing thoughts where you just can't seem to focus or even keeping you from falling asleep?
It's certainly not uncommon but it sure can be annoying!
What if I were to tell you that there was a quick and easy way to help relax that overactive mind?
In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), there is a super simple way to help calm the mind.
It is called getting into the Learning State or getting into Hakalau.
It enables the mind to shift the attention from concentrating on what's going on inside you to what is going on outside of you.
By switching, you essentially relax more into your outside environment enabling you to take in far more of what's going on and then eliminate the internal chatter that can be very distracting.
Arlene Coffey, CDT, LD
2 years agoJill Gordon
2 years agoJill Gordon
2 years agoJill Gordon
2 years ago