52 Ansichten· 08/22/22· How-To & Style
Anti Inflammatory Onion Broth - Dr. Joyce Choe demonstrates
Antiviral, and antibacterial, this broth not only has antimicrobial activity, it’s also high in antihistaminic quercetin. Here is how we use it and why you should too when you get sick 😊
Anti-inflammatory Onion Broth demonstrated by Dr. Joyce Choe. Visit her YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/MedMissionary. She also has a website at https://medmissionary.com.
Real Salt - https://amzn.to/3votgWy
Celtic Sea Salt - https://amzn.to/3votgWy
Ava Jane's Colima Sea Salt - https://bit.ly/Aj1SeaS
Are you a Seventh-day Adventist and want to be trained in Biblical methods of healing, i.e., being able to ascertain the cause of illness and empower others to cooperate with the body's healing process? Would you like to become a modern-day Medical Missionary? Then consider signing up for the next, intensive, 6-week program at https://medmissionary.com/training.
#foodscience #foodismedicine #naturalwaystoheal #wholenessforlife
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