
1,000% Increase in Newborns With Rare Disease in the Last Two Years...What's Changed?

Dr Richard Bartlett is examining why so many babies are being born with rare diseases these past two years; a time in history the CDC deems 'the new normal'... Really?

With so many babies being born having to combat rare disease in their first breaths of life, Dr Richard Bartlett is asking questions. There is evidence and data showing an increase of 1,000% in 2021 of rare diseases in newborns. With each new vaccine and booster it appears that heart attacks in young adults have spiked like never before in history, "sudden adult death syndrome" was added by the CDC as an illness last year, an enormous spike in cancer like never before, and now babies being born with rare diseases. The only thing that has had as fast an uptick in all of these illnesses and deaths, is the uptick in vaccines...See the interesting article by Matt McGregor of the Epoch Times:  https://www.theepochtimes.com/texas-doctor-questions-whether-frankenstein-viruses-causing-spike-in-disease_5054358.html?utm_source=News&src_src=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2023-02-18-3&src_cmp=breaking-2023-02-18-3&utm_medium=email&est=fKm%2B2HRqjd58zFxKeBlYshxq5w5bGaqhkbELJlJe%2BtmxGjdeNVfg3QmJbNnYtWt52pyGLdONBjo%3D



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