
Aging is a diagnosis

Thank you Peg ~ A conversation about aging

My dear friend and soul sister Peg and I were talking about “what is aging” and she said “Aging is a diagnosis.” And we laughed and then I said that is brilliant!

Definition of diagnosis: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.

Aging in our culture is about fear and it seems to be marketed as a sickness and not something to look forward to, welcomed or revered. No, we do not respect or admire aging. It is aggressively dealt with as a notice of impending debilitation and death. It has become a symptom and also a symbol for you to do just about anything to stay young forever.

I see articles that patronize aging: some model perfectly coifed, exquisitely clothed with impeccable make up and this is supposed to make the majority of us feel accepted? But what it actually does is make the majority of women and possibly men too, feel unattractive, incomplete and mostly not enough.

Most of us have been taught to be disembodied. Think about that sentence and allow yourself to feel into what it truly “FEELS” like to be embodied. On a daily basis do you actually feel your hands or feet? Are you consciously in contact with them at least once a day or do you take your extremities for granted? Stop reading right now and honor your eyes for the gift that they are giving you by reading these words. Or revel in your ability to hear these words spoken to you. Then be in gratitude for your ability to comprehend the sentences. Now love your whole self for all the parts of you that are presently engaged in this process. Can you enjoy your ability to think about all the things that go into this very moment. All these acts are ageless! There are many daily activities done from the place of programing and unconscious behaviors. This post is an invitation for you to become more aware and present to the unconscious things you do all day long.

This is how we become more present within ourselves and become more conscious of what we are doing, how we are doing things and possibly why we are doing things. We spend much of our time existing without connection to most things we are actually doing. And again this is not age specific. It’s called unconscious or programmed behaviors and is done by people of all ages. Well it’s time to stop being disconnected and start reprogramming yourself to be fully alive and in your body!

I encourage you to slow down and look more closely at yourself. Or are you trying to avoid that for fear of the aging process? You know that’s inevitable, right? You might as well take a deep breath and LOOK AT YOURSELF and begin the process of self examination, nurturing and self love. This is not just about the aesthetics. I am speaking about a deeper looking within. This will require you to look into your soul and truly meet yourself with the truth of your own beautiful existence. This process will help you to cultivate a place within yourself as you begin to bring more awareness to the unconscious movements, words and actions that your might be doing to avoid yourself.

I am asking you to bring yourself present enough to declare:

You are here!

You are vibrant!

You are alive and reading this and it’s time for you to decide to actively participate in your life, your health and your ability to age with love, connection, dedication to your life experiences? This is the time for you to accept yourself unconditionally! This is not about anti-aging or aging with grace. This is about a commitment to LIVE your life without the stigma associated with age also known as ageism. We are NOT fighting against anything! We are claiming our place in a world of illusions and hype. Why not choose to live by moving into each day with wisdom and a certainty that comes with the knowing that you are in charge of your every breath! No matter what age you are!

A friend wrote this in one of her newsletters: “As for ageing. The energy of true wisdom is calm, solid, soft and slow. Your wrinkles a reflection of your initiations so far this lifetime - that's all. Wear them proudly.”~ Melanie Midegs



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