
Beware DNC, NIH, & CDC, she is a ‘Warrior Mom’

Autism "Warrior Mom", Nicole Shanahan - Independant Vice Presidential Candidate had to face this crisis when her daughter was given an autism diagnosis a few years ago.

04/02/2024 by Louis Conte, Headlines Editor - The Kennedy Beacon, April 1, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. described his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, as a “warrior mom,” a term that has been used to describe mothers of children with autism for two decades.


The rest of America might not know the expression or understand it, but for those of us who have had to raise and care for children affected by autism, “Warrior mom” is a powerful badge of honor, reserved for those who have been given one of the most difficult jobs in the world. 


The moment I heard Kennedy say it, I paused.


I listened.


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), autism is increasing. You can spend hours looking over the data in these two reports, here and here – or you can just take my word for it that autism is a national crisis.


It is a crisis that Nicole Shanahan had to face when her daughter was given an autism diagnosis a few years ago.


Hearing a clinician say, “Your child has autism,” is devastating. It is a gut punch.


I know because one cold, cloudy March day, twenty years ago, I heard that about two of my triplet sons. Your life is forever changed because your child’s life is forever changed. The child you love is suddenly trapped in a disorder that has dragged them down a long, dark hallway, far away from you.


The war to bring them back to you becomes everything. You forfeit your life.

What is unleashed on a family with children on the autism spectrum is rarely presented to the public. The children need special education, speech therapy, behavioral therapy, and require special medical care. Parents are suddenly presented with huge medical and treatment bills, many of which will not be covered by health insurance.


When RFK Jr. talks about the devastating impact of chronic disease on the middle class, he is spot on. He is talking about my family and families like mine.


If you have observed your children regress into autism after vaccines and talk about it publicly, you are suddenly the target of derision, a threat to public health, “anti-vaccine” and a conspiracy theorist.


If you write about it, you are censored.


One would think that this kind of treatment would drive a parent into the shadows, away from public view. That is exactly what the public health establishment and their aligned media want.


But warrior moms, women like my wife and so many other women – and men - I have met over the past twenty years do not back down. They work tirelessly to improve the health of their children. They push doctors and school districts, and countless other people in the medical establishment to help their children. They may get knocked down, but they get right back up and get to work for their kids. And they will spend hours helping other families who have children with autism.


Shanahan, who may well be the next Vice President of the United States, talked about her daughter’s autism diagnosis and explained, in a clear logical manner, what she believes caused it. Shanahan intends to direct computer science – what is commonly referred to as ‘artificial intelligence’ – toward finding patterns in the data that will reveal what is causing the increase in autism.


To those who think that she has joined the Kennedy campaign just because she has financial resources, I caution you to think again.


The panicked DNC hit team, assembled to attack Kennedy and now Shanahan, has no idea what they are up against. 


Like all the other warrior moms, Shanahan has fought battles that establishment elites cannot begin to understand. That she may well be the person who directs technology toward finding the real cause of autism and other chronic health problems has the dithering dweebs at the NIH and the CDC, and their Big Pharma sponsors, trembling in fear.


They should be afraid.


Bobby Kennedy has selected a warrior mom to help him, and us, end the plague of chronic disease in America.




11 months ago
If Bobby Kennedy wins the election or not, it would be very wise for the next President to put him in charge of the NIH (National Institutes of Health), CDC (Centers for Disease Control) anyway.
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