
CrwdUnits on Vogon Blockchain securitized by silver

A crwdunit is a Utility Token which can be used to reimburse consumers for the use of their data, instead of big tech monetizing on the individual's data. The consumer can then use their tokens for p..

Today it is said we live in the Information Age. The Information Age has been defined as a period in human history characterized by the shift from industrial production to one based on information and computerization. 

The problem is that there is not enough information and too much data.

Even though the Information Age was supposed to connect us more than ever, it hasn't. Instead, we are overwhelmed with too much data. More people today are lonely and starved of genuine positive human attention than they were before the Information Age.

We don't know what we don't know, we don't know what questions to ask, and we cannot bin and sort data in a way that informs us more efficiently. We try to compete for attention "in a globalized market provided by social media.

Many people are losing the competition, becoming lonely and depressed. At the same time, even those who are winning, receiving a larger share of positive attention than others, can often be anxious and insecure about maintaining their position in the status hierarchy.

They, too, often lack a close-knit social group in which people genuinely care about them. 

What is Data? How does it play a role in the Information Age? 

Data is the new Oil.

Data is defined as facts or figures that are stored in or used by a computer. An example of data in an oversimplified example is an airline ticket.

That ticket has a lot of data that is organized. In the past, data was stored in paper format in the form of organized structures within ledgers or scientific manuscripts. 

The raw material for Information is Data. In the modern world, there has been an attempt to organize that Data in a database that's role is to assemble a collection of structured data and store it electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). These systems are challenged because they are centralized and can be manipulated by their administrators, making them not immutable or transparent. A database's key role is to harness the most potent fuel ever created by humanity: Information.

If Data is the new Oil in the Information Age, Information is rocket fuel. 

Data + Value = Information.

 The world's new currency that fuels the global economy is information. The constantly evolving data sources and the increasing amounts of generated data create severe problems for companies to achieve high-quality information analysis to develop collective intelligence. Those challenges can also be called the 5 V's of big data (velocity, volume, value, variety, and veracity). Knowing the 5 V's allows data scientists to derive more value from their data while also allowing the scientists' organization to become more customer-centric. When data scientists let the data find the data and the relevance of the information is transferred to the right person at the right time, it is intelligence. The sum of this data transfer within an ecosystem is called collective intelligence.

Information X Transfer = Intelligence

Collective intelligence is what every member of the digital economy needs. It lets us know what we don't know and helps us ask better questions. It gives us a competitive edge when aligned with how we define things. It can deliver cost savings, better decision-making, increased efficiencies, profit, and more tranquility and less angst. 

Unfortunately, the creation of semantically aligned information has been hindered by traditional databases; a blockchain changes all that. Our Vogon Blockchain changes all that. 

A Blockchain is decentralized, enabling a more sharing economy; while some data is on a public portion of the Blockchain, other parts are held on a private blockchain. We can each own our data on a blockchain, decide when to share it, and collectively receive discounts through group purchasing power or actual rebates through decentralized advertising.

The question is how to create a semantically aligned economy using the information to generate collective intelligence so that everyone is equally able to profit from it.

How are our private portfolios of information become monetized? How can collective intelligence help vendors leverage the transfer of our information in a way that doesn't diminish our return on our information portfolio? Is the key to devising a method for tokenizing Data with Value?

At CrowdPoint, the key was to fuse the mechanics of a cloud compute stack and underlying asset value foundation for creating a better economy.

A cloud compute stack can be viewed as a layered process over what a computer and data system can provide. This stack moves up from "bare metal," referring to the essential hardware components of the computer, all the way to virtual machines, containers of code, data storage, and apps that perform functions. These functions represent the smallest unit of computation.

Our Vogon Blockchain is a decentralized cloud where each block is like a miniature compute stack. Each transaction on our Blockchain requires a payment unit or a utility that performs several functions.

Our crwdunit is the measurement of the computing power to create collective intelligence garnered from the enriched data from the crowd and mined for value to become information.

Units are standards for the measurement of physical quantities. Traditionally a unit is defined as something with a specified function, especially one forming part of a complex mechanism. A unit can also be used to describe measurement and provides for the magnitude of a quantity. A unit is sometimes used as a standard for measuring the same quantity. 

A crwdunit performs several functions; it is a multi-vector and multi-dimensional digital representation that embodies all aspects of the definition of a unit. It measures the compute stack while measuring the amount of silver to securitize the transaction with real asset value to support the value of the information generated through the block or "mini-compute stack."

Its function is to provide the utility of worth. In economic theory, utility and value determine the prices of goods and services. 

Worth means that something (assets or income) is equal in value to something else. 

A crwdunit is the foundational and forming part of a complex blockchain ecosystem. It is the standard of measurement of the physical qualities of silver. It supports the magnitude of quantity required to run trillions of transactions while providing a benchmark for measuring the number of transactions on our Vogon Blockchain.

A crwdunit is a necessary instrument between parties operating on the Blockchain. It derives value from an underlying asset of collective intelligence generated on our decentralized cloud. The physical qualities of silver also securitize it.

Our crwdunit is our Utility Token. A crwdunit has infinite uses. It reimburses consumers for using their data, paying commissions, rebates, interactive gaming, and thousands of other benefits. A crwdunit behaves like a derivative and establishes a floor for all other Coins, Coupons, and Tokens on our Vogon Blockchain.

As a physical asset, it has intrinsic worth, unlike the dollar or other currencies. Silver holds its value long-term and fares well when interest rates are low — and fixed-income investments aren't earning much. In these ways, silver functions like gold as an investment, serving as a similar "safe haven." 

The Utility token is a representation of 0.999 certified amounts of silver. It can be expressed as fractionalized grams. Built on the Vogon Blockchain network, the concept behind the token allows investors to buy a derivative future of computing space in the ecosystem securitized by digital silver.

Our crwdunit is a multi-vector, multi-dimensional, and intelligent digital representation of something. And that something is a unit of computational power, datastore, and microservices all bundled into a block and securitized by silver. It's real! It has real utility because it runs applications and creates data. It has actual worth because it is securitized by silver. In other words, it has Utility of Worth. 

That is what the definition of a unit is. It would help if you understood that it embodies all aspects of what you didn't read above. And that is a good thing.

What is a crwdunit's specific function, and why should you own one?

Because it will work for you while you are sleeping every time a transaction happens. Unlike all the other stuff, it will provide the utility of worth.

That is important because, In economic theory, utility and value are the determinants of the prices of goods and services. 

Worth means that something is equal in value to something. Worth means having assets or income equal to something else.

These concepts are the foundation of solid economic principles. 

A crwdunit is the foundational and forming part of a complex blockchain ecosystem. It is the standard of measurement of the physical qualities of silver. A crwdunit is a necessary instrument between parties operating on our Vogon Blockchain. It derives its value from an underlying asset of information being transacted and securitized by silver. Our crwdunit is our Utility Token which can be used for product rebates, paying commissions, interactive gaming, and thousands of other uses. Because it acts like a derivative, it establishes a floor for all other Coins, Coupons, and Tokens on our Vogon Blockchain.

A crwdunit supports the magnitude of quantity required to run trillions of transactions while providing a standard for measuring the number of transactions on our Vogon Blockchain.

Our crwdunit uses first-rate cryptographic security measures and documented chain of custody to make it a compelling option for many investors. Those who invest in this unit of measured silver can redeem it for silver bullion. Cryptocurrencies backed by silver have gained attention because, at minimum, the coin will be equal to the metal's spot price. If the coin proves popular, the cryptocurrency's price could rise above the spot. This factor plays more for currencies backed by silver than those supported by gold.

CrowdPoint has chosen its utility token as a cryptographic representation of a compute stack securitized by a silver asset. It is designed to underpin the crwdworld blockchain ecosystem, and applications, in which token holders can exchange the token for products, services, or other utility benefits.

CrowdPoint's use of tokenized utilities backed by silver and AI to create a systems approach will generate collective intelligence. 

Together, this approach will deliver an unbiased estimate of the log ratio of the value of our Ecosystem trading instruments (merchant coins, security tokens, coupons, etc.) beyond the initial Bullion price of the silver-backed tokens that will support it. 

This approach will correctly make predictions for any term horizon, on our Blockchain the gain value is based on a new Alpha, an actual utility of worth, that supports speculation through the efficient use of scarcity

In closing, what is a crwdunit?

A crwdunit is the foundational and forming part of our blockchain ecosystem. It is the standard of measurement for conducting transactions on our Vogon Blockchain. A crwdunit is a necessary instrument between parties operating on the Blockchain which derives its value from an underlying asset of collective intelligence being being generated on our decentralized cloud and securitized by the physical qualities of silver. Our crwdunit is our Utility Token. A crwdunit has infinite uses. 

A crwdunit is used to reimburse consumers for the use of ther data, paying commissions, rebates, interactive gaming, and it has thousands of other uses. A crwdunit behaves like a derivative and therfore establishes a floor for all other coins, coupons, points, and tokens on our Vogon Blockchain. 

For more information, visit https://crwdunit.com/?afmc=eMtt_UJEG9ucartLmy0kb



John Hryn

2 years ago
Beautifully compiled and presented Sylvia.👏
1 0 Reply

Charlotte Bice

2 years ago
Love this - explains it to a T. :)
1 0 Reply
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