December 19, 2023 - Andreas Oehler -
Continued from Part One - Darwinian System with Covidian Jab? Part 1 | ClikView - Real Content For You
We clearly see all most of the technologies and intellectual property to produce Covid mRNA “vaccines” has been concentrated, as if by design, in NIAID and Moderna’s hands in 2019.
The rest is history. The governments all around the world coalesced around their medical boards and concluded that there are no Covid treatments available, hence the Covid S spike vaccines is the only way out of the deadly pandemic, the atrocious hospital treatment protocols added the befitting background to the “urgent” situation, and soon it was announced to the masses that “no one will be safe until everyone is jabbed”. Then the “vaccines” failed spectacularly in preventing the virus spread and mutations, and the mRNA boosters became the only way to continue, to feed more spread and mutations, as Geert Vanden Bossche describes so articulately in this recent interview:

And then is where is dawned on me. What if the Darwinian Chemical Systems have been meant not so much for the accelerated Darwinian evolution of the humans but of the virus? According to GVB, this is exactly what’s happening. And while the human reproductive turnaround is 20-30 years, the virus replicates in mere minutes?
As it turns out, the original Darwinian systems branch of knowledge has been concerned with exactly that aspect of evolution:
“Darwin's greatest discovery: Design without designer” (PNAS, 2007.05.15)
Darwin's greatest contribution to science is that he completed the Copernican Revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of nature as a system of matter in motion governed by natural laws. With Darwin's discovery of natural selection, the origin and adaptations of organisms were brought into the realm of science. The adaptive features of organisms could now be explained, like the phenomena of the inanimate world, as the result of natural processes, without recourse to an Intelligent Designer.
The theory of evolution conveys chance and necessity jointly enmeshed in the stuff of life; randomness and determinism interlocked in a natural process that has spurted the most complex, diverse, and beautiful entities that we know of in the universe…
“Darwinian evolution in a translation-coupled RNA replication system within a cell-like compartment” (Nature, 2013.10.03)
The ability to evolve is a key characteristic that distinguishes living things from non-living chemical compounds. The construction of an evolvable cell-like system entirely from non-living molecules has been a major challenge. Here we construct an evolvable artificial cell model from an assembly of biochemical molecules. The artificial cell model contains artificial genomic RNA that replicates through the translation of its encoded RNA replicase. We perform a long-term (600-generation) replication experiment using this system, in which mutations are spontaneously introduced into the RNA by replication error, and highly replicable mutants dominate the population according to Darwinian principles. During evolution, the genomic RNA gradually reinforces its interaction with the translated replicase, thereby acquiring competitiveness against selfish (parasitic) RNAs. This study provides the first experimental evidence that replicating systems can be developed through Darwinian evolution in a cell-like compartment, even in the presence of parasitic replicators.
“Usefulness of a Darwinian System in a Biotechnological Application: Evolution of Optical Window Fluorescent Protein Variants under Selective Pressure” (PLOS, 2014.09.05)
With rare exceptions, natural evolution is an extremely slow process. One particularly striking exception in the case of protein evolution is in the natural production of antibodies. Developing B cells activate and diversify their immunoglobulin (Ig) genes by recombination, gene conversion (GC) and somatic hypermutation (SHM). Iterative cycles of hypermutation and selection continue until antibodies of high antigen binding specificity emerge (affinity maturation). The avian B cell line DT40, a cell line which is highly amenable to genetic manipulation and exhibits a high rate of targeted integration, utilizes both GC and SHM. Targeting the DT40's diversification machinery onto transgenes of interest inserted into the Ig loci and coupling selective pressure based on the desired outcome mimics evolution. Here we further demonstrate the usefulness of this platform technology by selectively pressuring a large shift in the spectral properties of the fluorescent protein eqFP615 into the highly stable and advanced optical imaging expediting fluorescent protein Amrose. The method is advantageous as it is time and cost effective and no prior knowledge of the outcome protein's structure is necessary. Amrose was evolved to have high excitation at 633 nm and excitation/emission into the far-red, which is optimal for whole-body and deep tissue imaging as we demonstrate in the zebrafish and mouse model.
Development of the Amrose variants
Our strategy was to create a self-directed system which is able to deliver novel mutations without prior knowledge of where these mutations need to occur. Darwinian systems unite these advantages, as they keep a steady, ongoing evolution and “survival” is based on the selection of mutations benefiting, including not harming, the desired trait. DT40 has with 1.3×10−5 mutations/bp/generation [14] a high and stable mutation rate at the immunoglobulin light chain locus, guaranteeing constant diversification of any gene cloned into this region.
Therefore, it has been experimentally proven that it is possible to achieve desired results quite fast, genetic mutations wise, in the biological environments subjected to sufficient Darwinian system pressures.
So, here steps in our Covid-vaccinated global population counting roughly 6 billon, breeding endlessly Covid virus variants, evolutionary-pressured by the the repeated non-neutralizing mRNA vaccinations grounding and limiting the human immune system response.
As it has turned out, the mRNA jabs design the milieu, not the product, of this grand experiment. The product will design itself, as it has been doing busily for 3 years now, in the form of a virus variant that will wipe out the milieu participants, if we are to believe GVB. Was it the actual purpose of the original “Darwinian Chemical Systems” grant? I’d love to see the final report, hopefully it’s not classified?
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We clearly see all most of the technologies and intellectual property to produce Covid mRNA “vaccines” has been concentrated, as if by design, in NIAID and Moderna’s hands in 2019.
The rest is history. The governments all around the world coalesced around their medical boards and concluded that there are no Covid treatments available, hence the Covid S spike vaccines is the only way out of the deadly pandemic, the atrocious hospital treatment protocols added the befitting background to the “urgent” situation, and soon it was announced to the masses that “no one will be safe until everyone is jabbed”. Then the “vaccines” failed spectacularly in preventing the virus spread and mutations, and the mRNA boosters became the only way to continue, to feed more spread and mutations, as Geert Vanden Bossche describes so articulately in this recent interview:
And then is where is dawned on me. What if the Darwinian Chemical Systems have been meant not so much for the accelerated Darwinian evolution of the humans but of the virus? According to GVB, this is exactly what’s happening. And while the human reproductive turnaround is 20-30 years, the virus replicates in mere minutes?
As it turns out, the original Darwinian systems branch of knowledge has been concerned with exactly that aspect of evolution:
“Darwin's greatest discovery: Design without designer” (PNAS, 2007.05.15)
Darwin's greatest contribution to science is that he completed the Copernican Revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of nature as a system of matter in motion governed by natural laws. With Darwin's discovery of natural selection, the origin and adaptations of organisms were brought into the realm of science. The adaptive features of organisms could now be explained, like the phenomena of the inanimate world, as the result of natural processes, without recourse to an Intelligent Designer.
The theory of evolution conveys chance and necessity jointly enmeshed in the stuff of life; randomness and determinism interlocked in a natural process that has spurted the most complex, diverse, and beautiful entities that we know of in the universe…
“Darwinian evolution in a translation-coupled RNA replication system within a cell-like compartment” (Nature, 2013.10.03)
The ability to evolve is a key characteristic that distinguishes living things from non-living chemical compounds. The construction of an evolvable cell-like system entirely from non-living molecules has been a major challenge. Here we construct an evolvable artificial cell model from an assembly of biochemical molecules. The artificial cell model contains artificial genomic RNA that replicates through the translation of its encoded RNA replicase. We perform a long-term (600-generation) replication experiment using this system, in which mutations are spontaneously introduced into the RNA by replication error, and highly replicable mutants dominate the population according to Darwinian principles. During evolution, the genomic RNA gradually reinforces its interaction with the translated replicase, thereby acquiring competitiveness against selfish (parasitic) RNAs. This study provides the first experimental evidence that replicating systems can be developed through Darwinian evolution in a cell-like compartment, even in the presence of parasitic replicators.
“Usefulness of a Darwinian System in a Biotechnological Application: Evolution of Optical Window Fluorescent Protein Variants under Selective Pressure” (PLOS, 2014.09.05)
With rare exceptions, natural evolution is an extremely slow process. One particularly striking exception in the case of protein evolution is in the natural production of antibodies. Developing B cells activate and diversify their immunoglobulin (Ig) genes by recombination, gene conversion (GC) and somatic hypermutation (SHM). Iterative cycles of hypermutation and selection continue until antibodies of high antigen binding specificity emerge (affinity maturation). The avian B cell line DT40, a cell line which is highly amenable to genetic manipulation and exhibits a high rate of targeted integration, utilizes both GC and SHM. Targeting the DT40's diversification machinery onto transgenes of interest inserted into the Ig loci and coupling selective pressure based on the desired outcome mimics evolution. Here we further demonstrate the usefulness of this platform technology by selectively pressuring a large shift in the spectral properties of the fluorescent protein eqFP615 into the highly stable and advanced optical imaging expediting fluorescent protein Amrose. The method is advantageous as it is time and cost effective and no prior knowledge of the outcome protein's structure is necessary. Amrose was evolved to have high excitation at 633 nm and excitation/emission into the far-red, which is optimal for whole-body and deep tissue imaging as we demonstrate in the zebrafish and mouse model.
Development of the Amrose variants
Our strategy was to create a self-directed system which is able to deliver novel mutations without prior knowledge of where these mutations need to occur. Darwinian systems unite these advantages, as they keep a steady, ongoing evolution and “survival” is based on the selection of mutations benefiting, including not harming, the desired trait. DT40 has with 1.3×10−5 mutations/bp/generation [14] a high and stable mutation rate at the immunoglobulin light chain locus, guaranteeing constant diversification of any gene cloned into this region.
Therefore, it has been experimentally proven that it is possible to achieve desired results quite fast, genetic mutations wise, in the biological environments subjected to sufficient Darwinian system pressures.
So, here steps in our Covid-vaccinated global population counting roughly 6 billon, breeding endlessly Covid virus variants, evolutionary-pressured by the the repeated non-neutralizing mRNA vaccinations grounding and limiting the human immune system response.
As it has turned out, the mRNA jabs design the milieu, not the product, of this grand experiment. The product will design itself, as it has been doing busily for 3 years now, in the form of a virus variant that will wipe out the milieu participants, if we are to believe GVB. Was it the actual purpose of the original “Darwinian Chemical Systems” grant? I’d love to see the final report, hopefully it’s not classified?
Live to Fight Another Day is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell Live to Fight Another Day that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments.