
Dr. Eben Alexander, a former Professor of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School, Comes Out of Coma.

Dr Alexander, comes out of a coma with extraordinary news. A professor of Harvard Medical School for 15 years, with 150 individual and collaborative published articles on Neurosurgery, has a message...

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is a quote from the bible that both my Mother and Grandmother taught me many years ago. Over the years these precious sayings and life lessons can get lost in the shuffle of our busy day to day existence in a fast paced world. Every now and then we get a reminder of how important those sayings and lessons were and still are today. Recently, with the chaos in the world many have relied on these sage words of wisdom to get us through what the governments, 'Covid', WHO, CDC and WEF have unleashed upon us. In this article Dr Eben Alexander shares his near death experience and why he has changed his belief system which had become more 'science based' as an expert in his field of neurology. His experience is like many others' who have had a near death experience or have experienced our Creator first hand.  Many have had similar recollections, vivid images, and a profound message. This in an amazing glimpse of our Creator shared with us. Dr Alexander's experience has a couple of messages, one being what many doctors have been examining regarding the potential of human consciousness and  healing illnesses. It is a miracle, yes, and are we humans capable of performing these miracles with focused meditation and intent, as God does? Please Enjoy this article, shared by Dr Eben Alexander in "Epoch Health": https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/doctor-on-verge-of-death-fell-in-coma-saw-heaven-and-recovered-in-2-months_4575607.html   *(Thumbnail pic taken by Claudio Bottoni/Shutterstock)




Sharon Leonard

1 year ago
Another Doctor's NDE...Dr Mary Neal shares her story here:https://clikview.com/v/u3UJRi?....ref=1762673293644737
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