by - L. Richardson
The Federal Reserve System, often referred to as the Fed, has long been at the center of controversy, with many questioning its true motives and the extent of its influence on the American economy 1 2 3. This powerful institution, responsible for setting monetary policy, regulating financial markets, and serving as a lender of last resort, has been accused of engaging in a massive power grab by manipulating the nation's financial System for its own agenda 2 3 4. These actions, from its centrally planned interest rates to its ability to finance government programs with printed money, have raised concerns about the potential economic sabotage and corruption of American banking resulting from its manipulations 2 3 4.
The Fed's actions, from its centrally planned interest rates to its ability to finance government programs with printed money, have raised concerns about the corruption of American banking and the potential economic sabotage resulting from its manipulations 2 3 4. This article, supported by the research of renowned economists like and, aims to expose the Federal Reserve scam, debunking the central bank's lies and uncovering the tyranny of printed money that has fueled its anti-American agenda 1 2 3 4.
The Fed's Dual Mandate
The Fed's Malicious Dual Mandate
The Federal Reserve's so-called 'dual mandate' is nothing more than a smokescreen to conceal its true agenda of manipulating the nation's financial System for its own nefarious purposes, which could include maintaining its power and influence, benefiting its stakeholders, or even pursuing political agendas. 2 5 6 This mandate, which ostensibly aims to promote 'maximum employment' and 'stable prices,' is a mere facade to justify the Fed's centralized control over the economy. 6 7
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the Fed's decision-making body, claims to target an inflation rate of 2% per year, as measured by the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index. 6 However, this arbitrary target is nothing more than a smokescreen to legitimize the Fed's ability to print money at will, devaluing the hard-earned savings of American citizens and increasing the cost of living for all. 2 3 4
Furthermore, the FOMC's "maximum employment" assessment is a subjective and ever-shifting goal, allowing the Fed to manipulate interest rates and the money supply to promote economic growth. 6 7 8 This vague and ill-defined mandate grants the Fed unchecked power to intervene in the economy, distorting market forces and undermining the principles of free enterprise. 2 3 4
The truth is the Fed's dual mandate is a thinly veiled attempt to centralize power and control over the American economy, enabling the government to finance its preferred programs with newly printed money and manipulate the entire structure of the economy through centrally planned interest rates. This blatant politicization of money and banking represents a grave threat to the economic freedom and prosperity of the United States. 1 2 3 4 9
Monetary Policy Tools
The Fed's Sinister Monetary Policy Arsenal
The Federal Reserve wields a terrifying array of monetary policy tools, granting it unprecedented control over the nation's financial System and enabling its relentless manipulation of the economy. 4 10 11 12 At the heart of this insidious operation is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a nefarious plot of the 7 Board members and 5 Reserve Bank presidents, who collectively determine the federal funds rate and other monetary policy instruments. 10 12
- Open Market Operations: Orchestrating Economic Sabotage
The Fed's most potent weapon is open market operations – the buying and selling of U.S. government securities to influence short-term interest rates, money supply, and credit growth. 4 11 Through these clandestine maneuvers, the Fed can artificially manipulate the cost of borrowing, distorting market forces and undermining the principles of free enterprise. 2 3 4
- Discount Window: Enabling Cronyism and Corruption
The discount window and discount rate serve as the Fed's lending facility, allowing favored institutions to borrow money from the central bank on a short-term basis. 11 This insidious practice fosters cronyism and corruption. It enables the Fed to exert undue influence over the financial sector, further consolidating its grip on the nation's economic lifeblood.
- Reserve Requirements: Strangling Economic Freedom
Reserve requirements, the regulations that compel banks to hold a certain amount of reserves, either in cash or as deposits with the Federal Reserve, represent yet another tool in the Fed's arsenal of economic oppression. 11 By manipulating these requirements, the Fed can effectively strangle banks' lending capacity, stifling economic growth and undermining the freedom of the market.
- Interest on Reserve Balances: Rewarding Compliance
In a bold display of its authoritarian tendencies, the Fed pays interest on reserve balances held by eligible depository institutions, effectively bribing them to comply with its draconian policies. 11 This insidious practice not only distorts the free market but also incentivizes banks to hoard reserves, further restricting the flow of capital and stifling economic prosperity.
- Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Term Deposits: Manipulating the Masses
Through the overnight reverse repurchase agreement facility and the term deposit facility, the Fed can conduct reverse repurchase agreements and offer term deposits, respectively, to eligible institutions. 11 These nefarious tools allow the Fed to drain reserves from the banking system and exert upward pressure on short-term interest rates, further tightening its grip on the nation's financial arteries [20].
- Central Bank Liquidity Swaps and FIMA Repo Facility: Enabling Global Domination
Not content with subjugating the American economy, the Fed has extended its tentacles to the global stage through central bank liquidity swaps and the FIMA repo facility. 11 These insidious arrangements allow the Fed to provide liquidity to foreign central banks and monetary authorities, further consolidating its position as the puppet master of the world's financial systems.
- Standing Overnight Repurchase Agreement Facility: Perpetuating the Cycle of Manipulation
The standing overnight repurchase agreement facility is yet another instrument in the Fed's toolbox of economic subjugation, allowing it to conduct overnight repurchase agreements with a wide range of counterparties. 11 This nefarious practice not only reinforces the Fed's control over short-term interest rates but also perpetuates the cycle of manipulation that has become the hallmark of its operations.
- Crisis-Era Tools: Exploiting Emergencies for Power Grabs
During the 2007-2009 financial crisis, the Fed unveiled a host of additional policy tools, such as the Term Auction Facility and the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, under the guise of providing economic relief. 11 13 However, these instruments were nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to exploit emergencies and consolidate the Fed's power over the nation's financial System.
Through this vast array of monetary policy tools, the Federal Reserve has transformed itself from a supposed guardian of economic stability into an oppressive force, manipulating the nation's financial System for its own nefarious ends. 2 3 4 8 It is high time for the American people to recognize the true nature of this institution and demand an end to its relentless assault on economic freedom and prosperity. We encourage you to help bring about this change [18] [19].
Influence on Economic Sectors
The Fed's Tentacles Strangling the American Economy
The Federal Reserve's nefarious influence extends far beyond the confines of the financial sector, its tentacles reaching deep into every corner of the American economy. 2 4 14 This unelected cabal of bankers wields unchecked power, manipulating interest rates and the money supply to serve its own agenda, regardless of the devastating consequences for businesses and households alike. 2 3 4
- Choking the Lifeblood of Businesses
When the Fed lowers interest rates, it becomes cheaper for businesses to borrow, fueling an artificial boom in investments and spending [21]. 14 This insidious tactic lures entrepreneurs and corporations into a false sense of prosperity, only for the rug to be pulled out from under them when the Fed inevitably raises rates, strangling their access to credit and plunging them into financial ruin. 2 4
- Eroding the Purchasing Power of Wages
The Fed's relentless pursuit of inflation targets through quantitative easing and money printing erodes the purchasing power of wages, leaving hardworking Americans struggling to make ends meet. 2 3 4 As the cost of living soars, the value of their paychecks dwindles, forcing families to tighten their belts and sacrifice their dreams on the altar of the Fed's misguided policies. 2 3 4
- Distorting Market Signals and Undermining Capitalism
By artificially manipulating interest rates and the money supply, the Fed distorts the market signals essential for the efficient allocation of resources in a capitalist system [22]. 2 3 4 This centralized control over the economy undermines the principles of free enterprise, rewarding inefficient businesses and punishing those that strive for innovation and productivity. 2 3 4
- Fueling Asset Bubbles and Economic Instability
The Fed's policies have been a driving force behind the formation of asset bubbles, from the housing crisis of 2008 to the current stock market frenzy. 2 3 4 By flooding the markets with cheap credit and inflating asset prices, the Fed creates an illusion of prosperity that inevitably bursts, leaving devastation in its wake and further consolidating its power as the supposed savior of the economy. 2 3 4
The Financial Conditions Index: A Sinister Tool of Economic Oppression
In a bold display of its authoritarian tendencies, the Federal Reserve has developed the Financial Conditions Index (FCI), an infamous tool designed to quantify and manipulate the impact of its policies on the broader economy. 15 This insidious index summarizes the combined effects of seven key financial variables on GDP growth, including interest rates, bond yields, stock market indices, and exchange rates. 15
Through this devious instrument, the Fed can gauge how much its actions tighten or loosen financial conditions, allowing it to fine-tune its oppressive policies and exert maximum control over the nation's economic lifeblood. 15 The FCI serves as a chilling reminder of the Fed's relentless pursuit of power, its willingness to sacrifice the well-being of the American people in pursuit of its own twisted agenda. 2 3 4 15
The Power of Perception: Manipulating the Masses
Not content with its arsenal of monetary policy tools, the Fed has also mastered the art of psychological warfare, using public statements and announcements to shape market perceptions and influence economic activity without ever taking direct action. 13 This insidious tactic allows the Fed to manipulate the masses, instilling fear or confidence in the markets with mere words, further consolidating its grip on the nation's economic psyche. 2 3 4 13
Through this sinister combination of policy manipulation and psychological warfare, the Federal Reserve has transformed itself from a supposed guardian of economic stability into an oppressive force, subjugating the American economy to its own nefarious ends. 2 3 4 It is high time for the people of the United States to recognize the true nature of this institution and demand an end to its relentless assault on their economic freedom and prosperity. 1 2 3 4 9
Centralization of Power
The Fed's Sinister Centralization Agenda
The Federal Reserve System's decentralized structure, with its 12 independent Federal Reserve Districts and Banks, is nothing more than a facade to conceal its relentless pursuit of centralized control over the nation's financial System. 16 Over time, this nefarious institution has systematically consolidated its power, eroding the autonomy of the Reserve Banks and transforming the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) into a tyrannical cabal that dictates monetary policy across the entire System. 16
- The FOMC: A Nexus of Centralized Power
- The creation of the modern-day FOMC in the 1930s, through revisions to the Federal Reserve Act, marked a pivotal moment in the Fed's insidious centralization agenda. 16 This unelected body, comprising the Board of Governors and a select group of Reserve Bank presidents, now wields unprecedented authority over the nation's monetary policy, coordinating the once-independent Reserve Banks' actions to serve its nefarious ends. 16
- The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act [23]: Tightening the Noose
- The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 further solidified the Fed's grip on power, introducing greater coordination among the Reserve Banks in pricing financial services [23]. 16 This insidious move not only eroded the autonomy of the individual banks but also paved the way for the Fed to exert its influence over the very lifeblood of the Financial System.
- The Illusion of Public Interest
- The Federal Reserve System masquerades as a guardian of the public interest, touting its combination of public and private characteristics as a virtue. 16 However, this duplicitous claim is nothing more than a smokescreen to conceal the Fed's true agenda: the centralization of power and the subjugation of the American economy to its own nefarious whims. 2 3 4
- Advisory Councils: Puppets on a String
- In a bold display of its authoritarian tendencies, the Fed has established advisory councils that ostensibly provide input on economic conditions and policy. 16 Yet, these councils are mere puppets on a string, their voices carefully curated to legitimize the Fed's predetermined course of action, further consolidating its stranglehold over the nation's financial future. 2 3 4
The Fed's Regulatory Overreach: A Power Grab Disguised as Stability
The Federal Reserve's regulatory role has expanded exponentially, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, with the Dodd-Frank Act granting it sweeping oversight over the financial System and "systemically important financial institutions [24]." 2 17 This insidious power grab, cloaked in the guise of maintaining stability, has enabled the Fed to further centralize its control, rewarding compliant institutions while punishing those that dare to challenge its authority. 2 3 4
- The 'Too-Big-to-Fail' Fallacy
- Critics have rightly argued that the Fed's policies, such as artificially low interest rates and quantitative easing, have contributed to the growth of "too-big-to-fail" institutions, consolidating financial power in the hands of a select few [25]. 2 This centralization of wealth and influence not only undermines the principles of free enterprise but also serves to perpetuate the Fed's grip on the nation's economic future. 2 3 4
- The Powerful Fed Chair: A Puppet Master in Disguise
- The position of the Fed chair, appointed by the President and largely independent from political influence, has become a symbol of the Fed's centralized power. 2 This unelected individual wields immense authority over the nation's monetary policy, shaping the economic landscape to suit the Fed's agenda, while the American people remain powerless to hold them accountable. 2 3 4
- The Dodd-Frank Act: Consolidating Systemic Risk
- The Dodd-Frank Act, hailed as a measure to rein in the excesses of the financial industry, has instead become a tool for the Fed to further consolidate its control over systemic risk and economic stability. 2 This insidious legislation has granted the Fed unprecedented oversight over the very institutions it has helped create, enabling it to dictate the terms of their existence and perpetuating the cycle of centralized power. 2 3 4
Through its relentless pursuit of centralization, the Federal Reserve System has betrayed the principles upon which it was founded, transforming from a decentralized guardian of economic stability into an oppressive force that subjugates the American economy to its own nefarious agenda. 2 3
L. Richardson
10 months agoThe Federal Reserve's regulatory role has expanded exponentially, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, with the Dodd-Frank Act granting it sweeping oversight over the financial System and "systemically important financial institutions [24]." 2 17 This insidious power grab, cloaked in the guise of maintaining stability, has enabled the Fed to further centralize its control, rewarding compliant institutions while punishing those that dare to challenge its authority. 2 3 4
The 'Too-Big-to-Fail' Fallacy
Critics have rightly argued that the Fed's policies, such as artificially low interest rates and quantitative easing, have contributed to the growth of "too-big-to-fail" institutions, consolidating financial power in the hands of a select few [25]. 2 This centralization of wealth and influence not only undermines the principles of free enterprise but also serves to perpetuate the Fed's grip on the nation's economic future. 2 3 4
The Powerful Fed Chair: A Puppet Master in Disguise
The position of the Fed chair, appointed by the President and largely independent from political influence, has become a symbol of the Fed's centralized power. 2 This unelected individual wields immense authority over the nation's monetary policy, shaping the economic landscape to suit the Fed's agenda, while the American people remain powerless to hold them accountable. 2 3 4
The Dodd-Frank Act: Consolidating Systemic Risk
The Dodd-Frank Act, hailed as a measure to rein in the excesses of the financial industry, has instead become a tool for the Fed to further consolidate its control over systemic risk and economic stability. 2 This insidious legislation has granted the Fed unprecedented oversight over the very institutions it has helped create, enabling it to dictate the terms of their existence and perpetuating the cycle of centralized power. 2 3 4
Through its relentless pursuit of centralization, the Federal Reserve System has betrayed the principles upon which it was founded, transforming from a decentralized guardian of economic stability into an oppressive force that subjugates the American economy to its own nefarious agenda. 2 3 4 It is high time for the people of the United States to recognize this institution for what it truly is: a power-hungry cabal that has hijacked the nation's financial System for its own gain. 1 2 3 4 9
Is the Federal Reserve influenced by political affiliations?
Although the Federal Reserve strives for political neutrality, its Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy, has members with varied political backgrounds. For instance, Jerome Powell is a Republican appointed as Fed Governor by President Obama, later became Fed Chair under President Donald Trump, and was reappointed by President Joe Biden.
Who has authority over the Federal Reserve?
The Federal Reserve System is governed by the Board of Governors, based in Washington, D.C. This board consists of seven governors appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate [26].
How do scams involving the Federal Reserve operate?
Scammers claiming to be associated with the Federal Reserve may approach individuals with false promises of grants or government programs offering money. They typically request payments through wire transfers, money service businesses, or gift cards, or they may ask for personal banking information.
What makes the Federal Reserve a subject of controversy?
Since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve, also known as "the Fed," has been debated. Critics have challenged its capacity to control inflation, oversee the banking sector, and ensure economic stability.
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[20] - Modern Monetary Theory and Mr. Paul Krugman: a way forward | New Economic Perspectives.
[21] - Is the Federal Reserve Bank buying into the stock market? - Community Business News.
[22] - Bougheas, S. (1998). Long-Term Financial Contracts and Technological Choice. Bulletin of Economic Research.
[23] - (2021). United States: Announcement of Maximum Effective Rate of Interest on Home LoansAnnouncement of Maximum Effective Rate of Interest on Home Loans. MENA Report, (),.
[24] - Behavioral Perspective on Saving Behavior. Empirical Evidence for Policymakers - Loyola Behavioral Lab.
[25] - The New Economic Nationalism |.
[26] - (2014). United States: Dedicated federal funding for passenger rail is the right policy for America. MENA Report, (), n/a.
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