
Grandma's 'Two Cents'.

This blog is named for my Irish Grandmother, Mary Ellen Lee-Hughes, who taught me to use logic and common sense when navigating through life situations.

(First published: 11-22-22) When I was a very young girl, my Grandmother, or "Gram" as we called her, always had a smile on her face and twinkle in her eyes. Being 100%  Irish, she had plenty of Irish sayings that would inevitably have an impact on anyone within earshot. Gram had raised six children on her own, widowed at the young age of 34 years old. She was a "straight shooter" and taught us much about life. Gram had 22 grandchildren and all of us were privy to her many sayings, or one-liners.

I being naive, would repeat her sayings in school, having no idea what I had just said but never the less getting my point across. This unfortunately would land me up at the teacher's desk, which was never a good thing...I digress. In any event, my Grandmother was spot on with many of her sayings. She always taught me to use logic and common sense, along with God's input, to navigate through life. So I am going to share my thoughts every now and then in this blog and I've decided to call it "Grandma's Two Cents."  You may agree or disagree with my summations but please know that I respect your right to your opinion and I respect my own as well. My hopes are to shed a little light now and then and to share another perspective on various topics.

God Bless, and may the Luck O' the Irish be yours.

Sharon Leonard



Paula Kavanagh

2 years ago
Can’t wait to read more. You actually have given my an idea. My husbands grandfather had great stories that he would share. We would sit with him for hours and listen. One day I asked him if he would mind if I video taped him. He was up in age and I knew one day when he was gone it would be nice to sit and listen to him tell his stories. I think I will put a channel together in honor of gramps. Thanks for sharing:)
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Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
That will be a nice tribute to your Grandfather 😊
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