
How to Get Hard Things Done with Less Struggle

We all have to face circumstances we really don’t like. That is when we have to take action – even when all we really want to do is curl up in a small ball until the hard part is over with.

Let’s face it: life is hard sometimes, and you will have to do hard things at some point.

We all have to face circumstances we really don’t like.

That is when we have to take action – even when all we really want to do is curl up in a small ball until the hard part is over with.

What can make getting through these rough periods even more difficult is when we struggle even more than we really have to.

Of course, when we’re going through a tough time, we’re usually feeling:

  • overwhelmed
  • scared
  • angry

Managing your emotions is essential if you are going to do something challenging

If we let these emotions get the best of us, we can create an even greater struggle for ourselves.

Even when life isn’t that challenging, getting to do hard things is usually a difficult task.

The easy stuff is so… well, easy and usually a lot more fun.

So we get that done first and then procrastinate with the harder stuff as long as we can.

But what if we didn’t have to ignore the hard stuff until we couldn’t any longer?

What if we had some tools in our bag to help us do hard things?

And maybe do it by getting out of our own way while creating less of a struggle?

Maybe we could even learn a thing or two to help us navigate our way out once and for all.

So, here are my favorite ways to get hard things done with less struggle.

Do It Now!

Yes, I know, doing the hardest thing first is usually the LAST thing any of us want to do.

However, it’s a bit like taking off a bandage.

We all know that if you try to pull off a bandage slowly, the pain seems worse and lasts longer.

So most of us would rather just yank it off and be done with it.

The same is true for hard tasks.

Rather than waiting until the last minute, with the pressure mounting on you all day, just do it!




2 years ago
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