Both of my children have been fully vaccinated but will hopefully never ever take another vaccine and will learn something from my mistake, in blindly trusting their doctor. After all, he's the expert right? Well with me being a good Mom and not wanting to make any mistakes with the care of my children, I ended up making big ones every time they took a vaccine. I've always had a strong intuition and couldn't figure out why it screamed STOP whenever it was time for their well-check vaccine. I dismissed it as something I was wrong about and didn't know the 'science'. Having had both children react after vaccines and still thinking it was just a coincidence because "why would a doctor ever give a child something that could truly hurt if not kill them?" After the last HPV vaccine came out I said to the doctor, "But I thought we were done with this, I never had any vacs at this age." The doctor assured me it will prevent cancer. Well after several seizures where my daughter could have died because of these so called helpful vaccines I finally started to realize why my son had suffered many years (he is now thankfully by the grace of God healthy), and now my daughter was reacting. It was the 'well-check' visits and vaccines that were ruining their lives with the possibility of death. My research began. It was worse than I thought. No matter how you choose to look at it vaccines are purely no good and not pure at all. They are a money making industry that funds med schools and doctor's salaries and unbeknownst to good doctors; vaccine 'benefits' do not outweigh their risks. To the contrary, they add unnecessary and horrible risks to children. Mother Nature knows best, not poison in a shot.
Covid19 and the vaccine has been a horrible experience, with Big Pharma making billions while millions died. The only silver lining: Truths are coming to light. Think about this: If the CDC is willing to add a new 'scientific' category to their list of diseases and call it SADS- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, instead of calling out their money making 'clot shot'. What about SIDS...if a corporation is willing to kill adults so easily to save themselves and billions by selling vaccines, are they also willing to kill babies and children? This next article will shed some light on what has been happening in the medical industry due to some (not all) doctors who are literally too busy to dive into the truth and realize Big Pharma's control over them...Big Pharma is definitely calling the shots. Recently, more doctors have started looking into this, and to their surprise, they are not liking what they're discovering. Dr Joseph Mercola shares his findings and also peer-reviewed research. Research that the CDC finds 'undesirable data', and wishes to suppress. The same way they wanted to suppress the Covid19 vaccine information and wait 75 years from now to release the data, rather than be honest and transparent today. How many would be dead by then and how many billions would Big Pharma, FDA and the CDC continue to take in? While the people pay not only with their tax dollars but with their lives. Please research and also see Dr Mercola's interview here, brace yourself:
**Robert F Kennedy Jr who founded "Children's Health Defense" will give you some real answers to questions about childhood vaccines and studies here:
and here: -- You may also want to read his books on the subject. "The Real Anthony Fauci" and "Vax-UnVax, Let the Science Speak" It is imperative for us to become informed, for the future of our children.
For more information visit: here you will learn from expert doctors, notably Dr Rashid Buttar, who has extensive knowledge in the subject. He has testified before congress, and has seen tens of thousands of autistic patients who were vaccine injured; now greatly improved, often cured, after seeing Dr Buttar and going through treatments to help rid their bodies of toxic properties from vaccines.