
Merck HPV Lawsuit After Death of 2 Young Girls.

Mothers of 2 young girls killed by HPV vaccine file lawsuit against Merck, 10-year-old died just a few months after first Gardasil injection

03/04/2024 - Cassie B. 
Source Article - Mothers of 2 young girls killed by HPV vaccine file lawsuit against Merck – NaturalNews.com

The devastated mothers of two young girls who died after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine are suing the company behind the shots, Merck, for wrongful death after they failed to warn the public about the risks.

The two new wrongful death suits were filed last week and are just the latest in a long line of lawsuits related to the risky jabs. In both cases, the vaccine caused the girls to develop serious neurological and autoimmune dysfunction that led to their deaths.

One of the girls was Sydney Figueroa, who received two shots at ages 11 and 12. Prior to getting Gardasil, she was known for excelling in sports in school, where she took part in soccer and track and field in addition to playing in the school band.

However, after getting the shot, she started to experience a rapid heart rate, brain fog and excruciating nerve pain, among other symptoms. She ended up needing a feeding tube because she was unable to swallow, and she was eventually confined to a wheelchair and required full-time care. Sydney was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder, Tourette’s syndrome and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and passed away from a pulmonary embolism that can be directly attributed to the diseases triggered by the vaccine at age 14.

The suit filed on her behalf alleges that the CDC ignored warnings that the vaccine was potentially unsafe. Her mother said that if she had known about these risks, she would have never let her get the shots.

10-year-old died just a few months after first Gardasil injection

The other suit was filed on behalf of Isabella Zuggi, who received just one injection of Gardasil when she was only 10 years old. At that time, she was a healthy girl who did not have any major health issues and enjoyed reading books. Just two weeks after getting jabbed, she started to experience lethargy, body aches, fevers, stomach pains and headaches and was diagnosed with a myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disorder affecting the central nervous system. Studies have shown that Gardasil is one of the most commonly reported vaccines that has been linked to this particular condition.

She died just a few months later of acute encephalitis associated with the MOG condition. According to Children's Health Defense, research has linked acute disseminated encephalomyelitis to Gardasil on numerous occasions.

Like Sydney’s mother, Isabella’s mother said that she would have never allowed her daughter to get the vaccine if she knew that this could happen.

She said: “No one told me that the pain and suffering Izzy endured before she died was possible. But I am here to tell you that it is possible, and it’s shameful that a mother who lost her daughter has to warn people about the dangers of this vaccine, while the company that makes it is trying to keep those dangers a secret.”

Monique Alarcon, an attorney representing the mothers, said: “The senseless deaths of these two beautiful young girls bring home the seriousness of the allegations against Merck in these cases — that the company has exaggerated the benefits of Gardasil as cancer preventative and ignored the risks, including death — all for the sake of the company’s bottom line.”

Trials of Gardasil masked side effects

Young girls are routinely given HPV vaccines these days – and their mothers are routinely harassed and belittled if they refuse – in many parts of the world. They claim that giving the girls these jabs before they become sexually active can protect them against nine of the 200-plus strands of HPV that exist and may be sexually transmitted.

Although most HPV infections will resolve on their own, it can lead to the development of cervical cancer, although it’s worth noting that Merck’s clinical trials for the Gardasil vaccine did not test whether it could protect against cancer. Critics maintain it was fast-tracked through the FDA approval process and trials were conducted in a way that masked side effects and exaggerated its efficacy.

There are so many cases pending against Merck regarding their risky Gardasil vaccine that a judicial panel ordered more than 31 of them to be consolidated into multidistrict litigation in a single court for efficiency.

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7 months ago
For decades, Moms of Autistic Children have been screaming their tonsils out concerning the vaccine damage that resulted in their perfect baby's brain injury referred to as Autism.

Even thought they were battered by just about everyone including, family, friends, and medical people, they still never gave up trying to warn people of vax damage.

Some conspiracy theorists may conject that how these mothers were so badly treated or mostly ignored when trying to sound the alarm about vax injury and Autism, that it may have been believed the same attitude would continue when people complained about Covid Vax Injury.

What "they" didn't count on decades ago was instead of relying on MSM spewing scripted garbage, social media became the public's main informational source by providing information from real people and from every part of the world.
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