
Shoulders of Giants: dtwalsh response to Dr. Buttar

The "Shoulders of Giants" ClikView channel was discussed by Dr. Buttar in his recent TAP ClikView Webinar of 10/28/2022. As an original TAP member and creator of this channel, I respectfully seek to ..

Of Dr. Buttar--

By way of introduction my name is David Walsh (dtwalsh) and I am blessed to have been led into Dr. Buttar's TAP into Reality program as an original member.  The quality of the TAP membership is peerless, and the achievement of Dr. Buttar in creating such an assemblage borders on the miraculous.  I will be forever grateful for the opportunity he offered me.

Since then, I have pretty much gone "all in" as a TAP member joining the IADFW, becoming an original investor in the Cannabis/Bison and MANGO projects, as well as embracing CrowdPoint and Twism.  Beyond the many gifts we have received, such as the livestreams, subliminal affirmation recordings, and the TAP Scrolls, I feel the most deeply meaningful bonus has been the Tuesday evening meditations, of which I have been a regular participant since joining TAP.  Not only is this meditation offered freely to everyone regardless of member status or even awareness of Dr. Buttar, its potential has evolved to the point where near incredulous healing applications are presently being explored!

Several months ago I fell victim to the massive censorship campaign waged against Dr. Buttar and stopped receiving regular TAP email communications.  I began to realize something was amiss when my offerings to participate in the TAP Buddy and video-editing programs went unacknowledged.  I took a lesson from Dr. Buttar in becoming proactive and tripling-down in my efforts to scour all possible sources daily to seek out news of what was happening in TAP.  (Thank God for Dr. Buttar's administrative team, particulary in my personal experience to Holly and Wendy, for their dedication, creativity, and perseverance in keeping us as organized as humanly possible.  The Discord Connect Club is a godsend and I highly recommend it to all TAP and IADFW members.)

I forged through my bouts of disappointment over the communications issue (which now has been completely resolved by the Connect Club) and when CrwdView was introduced, exciting as it seemed, I was at a loss for an idea as to how I might meaningfully participate, having virtually no experience with YouTube, social media, or video recording techniques, other than merely watching videos online.  Dr. Buttar to the rescue, as he addressed this issue in the very next webinar.  He suggested we make lists of both what we enjoyed doing and what we are good at doing, with the goal of finding a connection between the two.  Still nothing presented itself to me.  Then the proverbial lightning bolt struck!  Silly as it sounds, I enjoy watching videos and I am good at watching videos.

Since its inception, I have used the internet to uncover information: valuable information, life-saving information, expert information, profound information, REAL information.  Indeed this was how I originally discovered Dr. Buttar many years before, in my attempts to offer effective alternatives to cancer patients.  All this astounding knowledge was out there, gems hiding in plain sight available to those willing to sift through the rubbish, or unearth a suppressed truth.  A significant portion of my living had been made by having key information, but what of the ethics of recirculating the knowledge of others?  The answer came.  I would stand on the prodigious shoulders of these magnificent Giants and attempt to spread their enlightened wisdom even further than they could do alone because I had access to a powerful tool soon to dominate the universe of online information: CrwdView.

At first I sought out truth tellers and actual disinformation busters who have offered a public invitation to spread their messages far and wide.  For others I have offered samples of their expertise and encouraged viewers to its source (see the disclaimer I place in the description of EVERY video I post).  I might then offer to share more of their content exclusively on ClikView, or possibly bring them into ClikView as the valued influencers many of them are.  I have even contacted and explained my mission to some of these Giants and obtained written permission to experiment with their material on ClikView, agreeing to report back to them about the results, and possibly bring them into ClikView in the future.  Besides this, the vast majority of the world's knowledge is already in the public domain.

Another ever-threatening matter to consider is the truly escalating pandemic of censorship, cancellation, and de-platforming.  The videos and articles we place on ClikView are preserving, protecting, and perpetuating this wisdom for the ages.  From the burning of the library of Alexandria, to the incineration of the written word in Nazi Germany to the current wilfill destruction of intelligence in our digital world, ClikView is a sanctuary of consciousness.  A time may come when ClikView is one of the few remaining stores of information available to the world.  The value of the service we are providing by reaching beyond the creativity and interests of TAP and its associates could one day become immeasurable.

A considerable amount of effort has been expended in the research, selection, and placement of the material I have posted on ClikView, although the formula is straightforward.  I search for truth and publish the best of my findings.  Having already experienced the overload of ClikView's server capacity on many occasions, from having videos dropped, stalled, or unable to be loaded to having other features of the platform temporarily suspended, such as the ability to view and respond to notifications (which has created a huge backlog for me as I acknowledge every comment).   I do try to conserve server capacity.  With very rare and important exceptions I do not post long videos.  The vast majority of them are fewer than fifteen minutes in length, many between one and two minutes in duration.  These capacity problems, along with other occasional platform inconsistencies and glitches are merely ClikView growing pains, and should be expected and endured with patience.

To Dr. Buttar--

Perhaps by way of consolation, a ClikView colleague has called my attention to a ClikView ranking system called "Popular Channels".  It appears that my efforts have enabled my dtwalsh Shoulders of Giants channel to attain the rank of fifth from the top with more than 4,800 views. The only channels which are surpassing me are those of "celebrity" contributors such as yourself, Dr. Buttar, Dr. David Martin, Clay Clark, and of course #1, "TheBigResetMovie", which surprisingly doesn't have too many more subscribers than I do.  It looks as though I may be surpassing Clay Clark in the next few days.  I am both gratified and encouraged by this achievement, but not as strongly as when you, Dr. Buttar commented very favorably on some of my earlier videos near the beginning of then CrwdView, including your statement that one of my minute long selections was "one of my favorites".  Thank you, Dr. Buttar.  It meant a great deal to me then, at the beginning and still unsure of myself.  It still does today.

As a ClikView founding member, as well as of similar status in all TAP opportunities which have been offered to me, I am not concerned about immediate return on my investments.  In fact, I often retreat from the whole "millionaire mindset" aspect of TAP.  We are so much more than that!  Our community, our like-mindedness, our resolve to make a positive difference in our world, as personified through your leadership, Dr. Buttar, is the far greater treasure!  I have counseled less patient TAP members that financial rewards will come in time, but that the true richness of TAP lies within and across our membership.  Our potential has no limits.

I am beginning to experience an as yet unrealized example of that potential through my association with some other ClikView contributors, as we have begun to discuss concepts for additional applications of original content, and to work on them both individually and as a team.  The creativity is brewing, Dr. Buttar, even among some of us humble video pirates!

God bless you and your work, Dr. Buttar, and know that I remain a faithful, passionate, and grateful TAP soldier.





2 years ago
David, you have a wonderful way with words and even better, they are all true. I feel very honored to be a TAP member and the best part is getting to share this fabulous life experience with other members of TAP because they are also some of the greatest people in the world.
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Dr Rashid A Buttar

2 years ago
David, your article was powerful and humbling at the same time for me personally. Words could not justify what I experienced as I read them. What I've set my intention towards and hope that I am fulfilling daily, to make our Creator smile, was seemingly being relayed back from the Universe, through you, back to me to let me know I am on course.
I thank you for your incredibly generous and heartfelt words. Your passion and commitment to TAP are reflective and a credit to yourself and the TAP Community. May each of us in TAP continue to strive to be more than the best we can be and make the rest of TAP proud.
You my friend, have certainly made me proud. And I look forward to the incredible ways that you and the other active members of TAP will continue to TAP others, impacting their lives and making the CHANGE the WORLD is waiting for. I appreciate you David!
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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

2 years ago
Very well said. Thank you for your many hours sifting through videos to find the messages which most clearly state what we need to hear. Your grace and dedication are inspiring.
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2 years ago
Thank you David for your introduction to your personal path with TAP. Vey well written and appreciated!
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Carol Fox

2 years ago
What a wonderfully written article and eords that resonates well with me. I appreciate and value the content you are providing. Thank you. 🙏🏻
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Susanne Gebhardt

2 years ago
Very well said !
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Robert D. Gubisch

2 years ago
Well said. I appreciate anyone who can type so many words! I am similar to you in that I try to share all that the 'great ones' have laid before us, and Dr. Buttar is one of the great ones. In my 74th year I am not so savvy with the internet world, TAP, etc., but I am blessed to be living with a woman who is more aware of these things than I. We have so much to be thankful for, to be hopeful for, and this internet world we shall use to our advantage. Thank you Mr. Walsh for your contributions towards the betterment of humanity!
1 0 Reply

Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
Great story and article David! Thank you for posting and it's really exciting to be here with ClikView, I agree that it may end up being the only uncensored platform where people can truly speak freely. It is already making a difference in the world and people are tuning in finding the truth , one 'clik 'at a time! Thank you😊🌎
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Maria's News

2 years ago
I love your story. You are a great writer too! Thank you
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