The KATHARA (KA – Light, THA – Sound, RA – One) Bio-Spiritual Teachings by Ashayana Deane (Published as Anna Hayes in the book series, “Voyagers”) is based on KEYLONTIC SCIENCE – The Science of Morphogenetic (Form Holding) Fields.
INTRODUCTION: The information available on this topic is vast, but only the very basics will be presented in this and future articles to lay the foundation that will allow each individual to come to a better understanding of who and what we are by connecting with this information/energy, of which we are part but have forgotten. As such, we do not need to go to “outside sources” for validation of this information, for we have it within us, we are this energy and information. Our journey is one of remembrance of who we are in order to find our way back ‘home’, our spiritual blueprint.
These series of articles will be presented in short sections for now until I find a way to upload more than one image/diagram at a time. The diagrams by themselves are codes that impart a lot of information/energy through direct interaction with our template. Those who resonate with this info and would like to dive in deeper are encouraged to do so by going to the source using the information provided above. Some of the words, terminology and concepts found in this material may be somewhat challenging and hard to grasp if one does not approach it with an open mind, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
Everything is Energy, Frequency, Information. Creation is organized into frequency bands which form dimensions. These frequency bands arise from the variation in the flash-on, flash off sequences (trillionth/nanosecond) of minute electrotonal (light and sound) units of consciousness, creating 15 dimensional levels, the higher dimensions having correspondingly higher flash sequences. Dimensions 1 – 12 are within creation, and dimensions 13 – 15 are outside creation.
(See the diagram below, a picture is worth a thousand words because diagrams, pictures and everything that we can perceive with our senses in our daily existence are essentially coded information that interact with us at many levels. There other senses, levels of awareness, abilities associated with our higher stations of identity which will be included briefly in articles to follow…)