Part 3
There are 5 Harmonic Universes as sets of 3 Dimensions, also referred to as Densities, not to be confused with Dimensions. [Harmonic Universe 1 (HU-1 ) is Density-1, HU-2 is Density-2 etc ] as depicted in the diagram.
Each dimension has an angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS) of the particles that compose it that is different from the next and this is what creates the magnetic repulsion zones that keep dimensions and the harmonic universes separate, they coexist in the same space but are transparent to each other, in essence they are in different space/time/frequency coordinates. All around us are the invisible worlds of progressively higher frequencies, and sometimes we ‘see’ or become aware of this when events, experiences and such, boost our frequencies temporarily.
There are light/scalar technologies that when used consistently, result in gradual and sustained increase in our frequencies, (frequency accretion). We draw in these frequencies from the Unified Field. These are the processes through which we regain our original blueprint, which calls for 12 simultaneous channels of awareness and information flow. As incarnates on earth, our awareness is limited to 3 channels in general, the other channels currently blocked but can be reopened (reactivated).
Knowledge and use of this info, by applying these technologies in our daily lives, results in more rapid expansion of awareness of our higher connections. These technologies include the use of LTR Grids, (Linguistic Template Reprogramming Power Grids; meditation/journeys which include visualization, breath, code induction via visual input, sound, movement and more, all help in more rapid reactivation of our dormant centers)
Stations of Identity, also known as Hova bodies.
The Signets and Shields are essentially the projection templates from which the Hova Bodies manifest.
Our current station of identity is:
The Nada Hova Body, Density-1 (HU-1), Dimensions 1-2-3, Physical Level, Carbon based biology, Physical Matter-1 (Gross Matter).
Stations of our Higher Identities are:
Alphi Hova Body, Density-2 (HU-2), Dimensions 4-5-6, Soul level, Carbon-Silica based biology, Physical Matter-2 (Semi Etheric).
Betcha Hova Body, Density-3 (HU-3), Dimensions 7-8-9, Oversoul Level, Silica based biology, Etheric Matter.
Mahara Hova Body, Density-4 (HU-4), Dimensions 10-11-12, Avatar Level, Crytalline liquid-light based biology, Pre-Matter.
Raja Hova Body, Density-5 (HU-5), Dimensions 13-14-15, Rishi Level, Standing Wave Pattern Flame or Fire Body (Thermoplasmic Radiation Entities, “Suns Of God”), Ante-Matter.
Hopefully, these series of articles will serve in bringing into awareness the Magnificence and Power available to Us and inherent in our Blueprint…and when these states are actualized, then we know what Love is and we see Love in everything…