
Think Again About Vaccines: The Greater Good Is Now Streaming at Brighteon University

Arguments heat up and personal freedoms get attacked when it comes to vaccines, health care, and the role of tech and government in vaccine programs.

The Greater Good Film - WATCH FOR FREE: Now Streaming from September 16  to September 26.
Brought to you by Brighteon University - Leslie Manookian and Kendall Nelson   

Arguments heat up and personal freedoms get attacked when it comes to vaccines, health care, and the role of tech and government in vaccine programs.

THE GREATER GOOD is a reasoned and careful inquiry into the subject of vaccines that provides a space for people on all sides to think again about the information presented and the first-hand accounts of impacted families.

Brighteon University is fortunate to have THE GREATER GOOD from Leslie Manookian and Kendall Nelson and is pleased to provide you the full documentary on livestream, with free sign-up and viewing from Sept 16–26.

Leslie Manookian and Kendall Nelson brought together a collection of immense knowledge that can give you the power to act for your health freedom and stimulate learning in others you talk to.

You can also purchase THE GREATER GOOD documentary in either digital or DVD format, see it immediately with full control of the pace, and support the filmmakers and Brighteon University.

For a limited time, you will also receive these bonuses with the docuseries purchase:

These products will be free if you decide to purchase THE GREATER GOOD:

  • 2-Hr Presentation, "What We Face -- The Plan to Destroy Our Health Freedom and Install a Fascist Bio-security State"
  • PDF of the Presentation of "What We Face -- The Installation of a Fascist Bio-Security State" (32 pp.)
  • 1-Hr Presentation, "The Installation of the Digital Control Grid"
  • PDF of the Presentation of "The Installation of the Digital Control Grid" (33 pp.)
  • Health Freedom Defense Fund "Covid Employment Discrimination Overview" PDF (47 pp.)
  • Health Freedom Defense Fund "Religious Conscientious Belief Sample Language" (1 p.)
  • Health Freedom Defense Fund "Religious Conscientious Belief Exemption Letter" (4 pp)
  • PDF "Vaccine FAQs" (5 pp.)
  • PDF "Supporting Scientific Research and Fact Check on Vaccines" (4 pp.)
  • PDF "Vaccine Fast Facts" Postcard (2 pp.)

Mike Adams interviewed Leslie and Kendall this week about their work. Get the full video interview here.

THE GREATER GOOD can be watched LIVE at Brighteon University for free starting Saturday, Sept 16, at 12:00 Noon EDT at www.BrightU.com.

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