
Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem provides new ways to distribute economic value to all of us

CrowdPoint's version of a blockchainecosystem is a new era in finance. It provides new ways to distribute economic value to everyone, not just a few. Its Blockchain Ecosystem is designed from the grou..

CrowdPoint's version of a blockchainecosystem is a new era in finance. It provides new ways to distribute economic value to everyone, not just a few. Its Blockchain Ecosystem is designed from the ground up to energize and unlock the shared ownership and is the key to creating a less expensive digital platform that enables all its participants to extract more value from the platform. The Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem is unique in how it empowers participants to share data and reimburse its owner. New digital asset classes on CrwdWorld promote incentivizing behaviors that benefit all members. 

According to CEO Sean Brehm, the Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem ownership and data sharing strategy creates a long-term economic alignment. As the collective ownership of value grows, its members and other stakeholders will benefit from the shared financial upside. 

On CrwdWorld, it offers a significant reduction in risk: as users gain a greater financial stake in the success of the collective, they are less likely to engage in risky behavior that will result in loss. CrwdWorld uses CrwdUnits that are asset-backed, regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission, is asset and commodity-focused, and whose Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem solves the data-sharing problem.  


While traditional digital business ecosystems like Amazon and Google extract the most value and keep it. Our Blockchain ecosystem shares it. It's a simple circular process, just like a natural ecosystem sustains life we sustain and build wealth. CrwdWorld offers a Crwd ID where you can 1) Claim your identity, 2) Identify your likes and interests, 3) Get paid back for everything you buy in tokens that gain value while you are sleeping, and 4) Use the profits to buy more products and services you like at a discount.  

Think of it as a massive wholesale retailer that is selling discounted goods through membership warehouses. They do it through distributed online marketplaces connected via a Blockchain.  If you want to invest in the future, you can opt-in and allocate your savings and invest in a company to make more money; it provide more value to the consumer when they purchase on the Vogon Blockchain because CrwdWorld gives back through rebates generated through a massively distributed advertising model. These rebates are recycled to help the consumer become a better investor. CrwdWorld provides capital to companies that are CrwdID members.  

All these transactions run on the Vogon Blockchain that collects fees for every transaction on Vogon Blockchain. Because this involves trillions of transactions, Vogon Blockchain charges a small fee and is uniquely positioned to add value to the billions of data points on opted-in members. 

The value CrwdWorld offers on the Vogon Blockchain, is that they're able to transform data into information and distribute it on their blockchain, thus creating actionable intelligence. This approach allows for every participant to win.




2 years ago
Thank you Sylvia for an excellent summary of the exciting power and potential of the Vogon Blockchain Ecosystem
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