Will Coufreur
Will Coufreur

Will Coufreur



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Will Coufreur
8 Tampilan · 7 bulan yang lalu

8 Reasons for Vogon AI Part 1 YouTube.mp4
⁣Introduction by Sean Michael Brehm,chairman and CEO of CrowdPoint Technologies.
At CrowdPoint. Our team keenly understood the difference between data, information, artificial intelligence, and the infrastructure required to run all of them. Because of this deep knowledge, we quietly set out to champion the Human Identity in the face of the upcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. We knew that any AI would have to consume vast amounts of data to build language models that would help it “mimic” humans. In its simplest form, we understood that AI is hardware and software technology working together to mimic human behaviour. We knew the raw material to power this effort would be your data and that you would not be compensated. We had to solve the eight problems Artificial Intelligence is plagued with today by making it Authentic and ensuring that the data owners would be paid for use.

Will Coufreur
4 Tampilan · 8 bulan yang lalu

Part 3 (of 3, not 4) of The CrowdPoint Journey.mp4
⁣CrowdPoint Technologies is not just another tech company; it's the foundation of the next-generation internet—Web3.

The Company is revolutionizing the way people interact with the digital world by creating a secure, reliable, and user-friendly ecosystem.
Whether you're a 16-year-old or an industry veteran, CrowdPoint is making the internet accessible and safe for you, breaking down barriers of age and technical skill level.
The Company's vision is to empower individuals as the true owners and beneficiaries of their data.
To realize this, CrowdPoint initially experimented with leveraging individual laptops as mini-servers to protect and potentially monetize user data. While innovative, this approach had scalability limitations due to the diversity in devices and operating systems.

That's when the Company pivoted to develop the Vogon Decentralized Cloud—a globally distributed, specialized node server system designed for high performance and impenetrable security.
This isn't just any cloud; it's a decentralized cloud technology underpinned by a decentralized ledger database. All data is encrypted and stored in an embedded document store that is both secure and organized, ensuring only authorized access.
The Vogon infrastructure also incorporates cutting-edge technologies like deterministic concurrency and BLS 12-381 algorithms for unparalleled data security and integrity.
This tech stack enables the Company to offer what it calls Authentic Intelligence, an ethical and transparent form of AI that evolves into Collective Intelligence as more users engage with the Vogon platform.

Think of it as a data lake that is not just secure and ethical, but also potentially profitable for the user—all adhering to the ethical principles, including Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics.
To complement its robust and decentralized cloud infrastructure, they have developed a powerful Virtual Machine, purpose-built for Web3.
This ensures lightning-fast processing of information without compromising on security.
In a nutshell, CrowdPoint Technologies is the backbone of Web3. They are redefining data management and monetization, providing a compelling investment opportunity in the new digital frontier.

Its scalable, secure, and ethical platform sets us apart, offering everyone access to the latest technology while keeping data secure and controlled by the user.
Invest in CrowdPoint Technologies, and you're investing in the future of the internet.

Will Coufreur
10 Tampilan · 8 bulan yang lalu

Part 2 CrowdPoint Journey ATD.mp4
By Sean Brehm
⁣What is the Vogon Technology in the simplest way possible.

A lot of people think that blockchain and a database are the same thing, but they're not.

So, what's a blockchain? Think of it like a digital ledger, right?

It's a list of transactions that everyone can see and agree on. But here's the thing, it only has the hash—a sort of digital fingerprint—that represents the transaction. It doesn't store all the details of what went down in the transaction. It isn't a custodial holding technology storing the data like a database does.

Now, when it comes to databases, that's where the juicy details are kept. Your name, the amount, time, all that stuff. And that's usually a Web 1.0, old-school relational database.

People get confused because they think, "Oh, blockchain is transparent and immutable, so the data must be too!."

But nah, that's not how it works.
The hash on the blockchain is immutable, sure, but the actual data behind it, the stuff in the database, can be changed nor is it fully transparent.

So, in simple terms, the blockchain is like the cover of a book, and it gives you a general idea of what the story is.

But the actual details of the story, the stuff that can be edited or is hidden—that's all in the database.
Vogon has combined both of those and built a decentrlaized cloud where the format of how the data is stored to create a data lake of your data.
That personal data lake is the nueral node of your Authentic Intelligence - your authentic human experience - and when you share it with others - it becomes Collective Intelligence.

Will Coufreur
3 Tampilan · 8 bulan yang lalu

Part 1 CrowdPoint Journey.mp4

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