
2023 Government Predictions - What To Expect From Politics And The Economy. by - L. Norman.

Far too often, we forget that the Government, although it is made up of civil servants and our elected officials, can be a potent threat to our freedoms. Year after year, the same promises are made: p..

2023 Government Predictions - What To Expect From Politics And The Economy. by - L. Norman.


"The government continues to be the biggest threat to our freedoms." by - L. Norman.


Summarize this article!


Far too often, we forget that the Government, although it is made up of civil servants and our elected officials, can be a potent threat to our freedoms. Year after year, the same promises are made: promises of new policies that will shackle us even more while giving us the illusion of being "free." Instead of using our collective voices to resist this cycle of political deception, many citizens accept it as the status quo. We have been conditioned by politicians and their lies for so long that anything resembling resistance has become almost obsolete in today's world. It's time that "we the people" stop believing these falsehoods and take charge of our freedom, beginning with taking back control from the all-powerful Government.


This is the main article!


  • "There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice."—Montesquieu, Enlightenment philosopher. (1)


The Government's erratic behavior, bribery, abuse of power, and suppression of civil rights will likely still be prevalent in 2023. We'll still have leaders who prioritize their financial gain above the health and well-being of the population. The job market will no doubt remain stagnant as most people are unable or unwilling to find meaningful employment. This lack of social support from the Government could lead to increased poverty, homelessness, crime, and inequality. Furthermore, political corruption will probably have become entrenched even further into the system by this time, with leaders benefiting from election fraud and nepotism. All signs point to a continuation of the Government's misplaced priorities come 2023, leaving citizens to suffer whatever consequences arise.


People's access to many aspects of life – employment, health care, banking, and travel – could be governed by a single digital I.D. The growing implementation of facial recognition tools and databases in local police forces is only the first step towards this alarming reality. Many fear that what will come next are even more invasive biometric data tools: retinal scans, face prints, voice analysis, and DNA tracking. While these measures might seem sensible on the surface – streamlining bureaucracy or keeping us safe from bad actors – they also risk creating a digital prison to trap citizens within a surveillance state. Too often, we forget how quickly convenience can devolve into tyranny.


Precrime has moved from science fiction to reality in a shockingly short time. A.I. predictive and surveillance technologies are used by overwhelmed government agencies to classify, segregate and flag citizens based on data analysis that ignores privacy rights and due process. These algorithms are so practical that you can't take a single step without someone monitoring your movements. From medical screening and identifying suspected criminals to fraud detection, A.I. predictive tools are being deployed in practically every area of life; these tools make decisions about your rights, opportunities, access to services, and more with little oversight or accountability. For better or worse, the age of precrime has arrived - we must be vigilant about ensuring civil liberties remain intact.


The potential for government agents to mandate quarantines and detain individuals due to suspicions of medical risk is a slippery slope that could violate civil liberties. Such detainments replace fundamental tenets of due process with fear and encourage citizens to develop partisan biases against those with different lifestyles or health conditions. Should not make such decisions without consent from an individual, and any quarantine should be fair, humane, and protective of civil rights. With recourse in the face of these new powers bestowed upon government agents, people could avoid having their autonomy stripped away without any recourse.


The increasing efforts to train so-called gatekeepers in mental health have the potential to lead to unprecedented levels of access to mental health services and reduce stigma. Still, these endeavors also open up the unparalleled risk for individuals, especially those with chronic or severe mental illness. By giving non-medical personnel the authority to assess a person's mental health condition, there is an elevated chance that individuals will be reported for having mental health needs and potentially be placed in involuntary detention settings. This puts an enormous degree of responsibility onto those receiving the training, requiring them not only to recognize signs of mental distress but also to know whether or not immediate referral or intervention is needed. It is a difficult task to task such people. It raises important questions about how they can adequately assess something as complex and intangible as someone's mental state without undermining their civil liberties.


It is becoming increasingly clear that the landscape of civil liberties is shifting in a direction many fear a reduction. Beyond public surveillance, businesses and governments seek ways to identify citizens more accurately than ever. This has given rise to tracking chips for citizens, allowing organizations to track us more closely and recognize us by using RFID chips embedded in our national I.D. cards, microscopic chips implanted under our skin, or even tags attached to items we purchase from retail establishments. While proponents may argue that these measures will result in a more secure environment for all involved, it serves as a grim reminder that privacy could become an archaic notion as the historical trend continues towards less individual autonomy.


Given recent events, it's no surprise that the Government is taking steps to prepare for any potential military involvement domestically. According to a Pentagon training video, this could lead us down a dystopian path far from friendly to our freedoms. Through enhanced coordination between police and the military, the Government plans to maintain order if civil unrest arises. This renewed effort raises questions of whether this is an effective way to create stability in times of distress or an unnecessary infringement on American rights. Whatever your view, it's clear that future domestic military involvement needs careful consideration for how it could impact all those involved.


In a time when we have more access to information than ever, governments worldwide use censorship to control which ideas and messages their people can hear. The argument of protecting their citizens from dangerous disinformation campaigns is a guise for the Government to ensure that the masses remain unable to challenge those in power. Instead, pre-emptive censorship is used to suppress thoughts that could lead to unrest and upheaval of the existing social order. This not only stunts intellectual discourse on sensitive topics, but it also sets us further down a path toward an authoritarian future.


The current government threat assessment system is a cause for alarm among the populace. With intelligence coming from fusion centers and trusted agencies, it is no wonder that more and more events are becoming flagged as potential enemies of the state. We now face a future where every American household will be assigned a risk score determined by nothing more than an algorithm run by A.I. It has become easier than ever to be falsely accused, investigated, and threatened based solely on data-gathering practices such as these. To protect our rights and freedoms, we must question these risk assessments before they become commonplace.


The Government's war on cash is becoming more and more evident as the years go on, with corporate partners joining in. They aim to push consumers towards digital commerce, where their activity can be monitored, tracked, and mined for data. This not only gives them easy access to the public's actions but also can open up individuals to potentially have their funds confiscated whenever it is convenient. This issue will only grow in importance as cashless systems become more commonplace and present an altered version of privacy with prolonged implications.


From facial recognition technology to law enforcement databases, A.I. surveillance has become pervasive in its reach and capabilities. Systematic management through A.I. techniques can serve highly manageable control over public safety; however, it can also be a tool for Orwellian mass querying and government control. Such concerns make the conversation around expansive surveillance difficult. Decisions on how much power and access corporations or even governmental organizations should have to private information must be made more explicit. Comprehensive management allows institutions to glean into private communications and target vulnerable populations while violating the rights of the citizens. There needs to be legislation that addresses such issues to ensure that human dignity is not compromised and surveillance technology companies respect people's autonomy.


With technological advances, local law enforcement around the country has quickly become militarized with gadgets such as iris scanners and body scanners. The advancements have extended to cell phone extraction software and facial recognition programs, which allow police to extract data from smartphones without the owners' knowledge. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's recent adoption of Stingray technology is even more concerning, which grants authorities access to citizens' cellphone communications and movement. While proponents may argue that militarizing police officers enhance public safety, opponents contend that technological developments focus primarily on surveillance rather than building trust between communities and their officers. An equal focus must be placed on preserving civil liberties while allowing law enforcement agencies to embrace these new technologies.


Police shootings of unarmed citizens are yet another example of law enforcement's unjustified use of excessive force. Owing in large part to the militarization of local police forces, tragic cases of violence against members of the community continue to dominate headlines around the world. Innocent and unarmed individuals are paying with their lives for a system that seeks out total control with an 'us vs. them' mentality. We must demand better from our law enforcement officials, as every life is invaluable and valuable, no matter race or ethnicity. People should be able to enjoy safety and security when engaging with police, not fear for their lives. We must stand together against any form of violence and work toward holding authorities accountable when they overstep their bounds. (2)


False flags and terrorist attacks executed by the U.S. government have historically been a way for the ruling party to create an atmosphere of fear to take away citizens' rights and freedoms. Security threats purportedly orchestrated to protect the people are often secretly masterminded by our government officials, turning the promise of safety into a ploy to increase governmental control over our lives. This is an age-old tactic: deliberately provoke a response or danger, then blame it on someone else while demanding greater power to protect "we the people" – even though it was your plan, to begin with! This manipulation of public perception is designed not to protect us but rather to serve the interests of those in charge.


Despite global outcry and demands for peace, the American military continues to wage war in far-reaching corners of the world. The truth is that this never-ending cycle of violence is ultimately designed to maintain a global empire and keep those who have invested in military and security technologies flourishing. These same interests have promoted extended warfare as they continue to collect billions off U.S. military contracts - no matter its cost in terms of human life or global stability. To put it plainly, these power brokers have somehow managed to convince citizens that America needs an ever-expanding war effort for their investments to remain profitable and secure economic power.


The erosion of private property rights is a worrying sign of the times. In this era, personalized freedom is being stripped away due to harsh measures taken by government agencies, such as SWAT teams breaking into people's homes and creating chaos. Not only can these raids leave deep emotional scars on those affected, but citizens can also find themselves arrested and fined for everyday activities such as praying together or simply growing vegetables in their yards. The definition of owning one's property is becoming lost in our modern society; with law enforcement increasing its control and abuse of power, it is turning people's sense of security into fear. The question remains: are we exchanging private property rights for a police state?


Overcriminalization is when governments attempt to control the lives of their citizens with unnecessary rules and regulations. It represents a shift from a free, automated society to one overly restrictive and tightly supervised by those in power. Unfortunately, overcriminalization has become so extreme that individuals are now forced to get permission for activities such as outdoor dinner parties, Bible study groups, giving out free coffee, and even braiding hair! In many ways, this overzealous regulation of people's everyday life resembles an authoritarian approach that implies that the Government knows best and must be obeyed unquestioningly. We must fight against overcriminalization to regain our right to exist without interference in the home or workplace.


Strip searches undermine an individual's right to bodily autonomy and dignity. Yet, our Fourth Amendment protections have been consistently diminished by court decisions that allow strip searches to be performed with little legal justification, leaving individuals at the mercy of police forces who may use invasive tactics in the name of law enforcement. Shockingly, people across the country are subjected to government-sanctioned rape as part of so-called "routine" traffic stops. This alarming trend demonstrates an apparent disregard for the physical and mental well-being of those caught up in it. It highlights the urgent need for better safeguards against this violation of our most fundamental rights.


Censorship is a burning issue where basic First Amendment activities are under attack from all angles. Free speech zones, bubble zones, and trespass zones have been implemented to impede the expression of certain opinions and views in public. Policies like anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance regulations, and hate crime laws further restrict what can be discussed in the open as law enforcement strives for an 'ideal' society. While these measures may have noble intentions, such as protecting national security or stopping bullying in its tracks, we cannot deny that such censorship does nothing but weaken core rights guaranteed by governments. As such, efforts must be made to preserve Benjamin Franklin's "principal pillar of a free government" – freedom of speech.


It has become easier than ever for special interest groups to access the federal Government and influence the legislative process. These groups lobby for laws that work in their favor, using their wealth, power, and connections to get what they want from government officials who are more interested in doing business with them rather than representing the average citizen. The result is a need for more accurate representation from our representatives. With this shifting political climate, it can feel like taxation without any accurate representation; in other words, taxes cunning out of our hard-earned wages with little return aside from a bulky tax cut offer here or there given only to those first in line. It leaves many Americans asking if accurate representation is still alive within our Government or if it has been replaced by corruption and politics as usual.


With rising political tensions on both sides, it is no wonder why the Government remains the most significant threat to our freedoms. Government policies and laws are designed to manage and shape society, but they can also stifle free speech or target specific demographics with unjust policies. Despite this, many still buy into the promise that elections can make a difference in our pursuit of freedom. However, facts show that electoral victories often result in little-to-no change for millions of citizens living daily without civil liberties. Government involvement should be reserved and used as only a last resort when we feel our rights are being infringed upon, not as a tool for us to limit the liberty of others further.


The alarming reality of our current state of affairs is made painfully clear when books like Battlefield America: The War on the American People and its fictional companion, The Erik Blair Diaries, are considered. Indeed, these books have an especially poignant reminder that what we believe to be sanity - justice, fairness, freedom - has been almost absent from American culture of late. As each page turns and more knowledge is gained with each sentence read, we become ever more aware of how far gone the concept of 'sanity' truly is. The lack of knowledge and awareness, or worse, the willful disregard for our rights and liberties, is the foundation of our current culture. (2)


We can no longer afford to ignore this dangerous shift in how we treat one another. We must safeguard civil liberties at all costs; without them, our way of life will crumble as we become increasingly aware of how fragile our society has become. It is now more critical than ever that citizens come together to fight for their fundamental freedoms. Now is the time to stand against injustice and censorship and speak out on behalf of those who have had their rights stripped away in silence. The future depends on it. (3) (4)


We must fight for our civil liberties today and every day. We must be vigilant and use our voices to protect the freedoms granted to us by law. Only through a united front can we ensure that future generations can enjoy the same rights and privileges as those before them. Let us never forget the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom and justice in the past; they are counting on us now more than ever. Together, we will preserve Benjamin Franklin's "principal pillar of a free government" – freedom of speech – no matter what comes our way.

Only by standing together can we ensure that factual civil liberties are remembered in the ever-changing political climate. The future of our society depends on it. Let us champion those who have been silenced and fight for our most basic freedoms without fail. We must never forget where true freedom lies – within ourselves and in the collective spirit of a unified people seeking justice for all. Together, we will make sure that civil liberties remain alive and well. ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​​​


Let us remember the words of Thomas Jefferson: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that their Creator endows them with certain unalienable Rights." These words were echoed during our nation's founding and will continue to be a beacon of hope for generations to come. We must never forget what it means to live in a free society and fight for our right to do so daily. Only then can we ensure that accurate representation remains alive within our Government, far from the reaches of corruption and politics as usual. Let us stand together and fight for our civil liberties. (5)​ ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​​​


With this determination and courage, we will succeed in preserving the promise of freedom for all citizens. Our responsibility is to protect and defend the civil liberties essential to a free society. We must carry the legacy of justice, liberty, and equality for generations. Let us stand together as one people, unified by our rights and freedoms, to ensure that no person will be denied their fundamental human rights. Together we can ensure civil liberties remain alive and well for years to come. The future depends on it. ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​


Until that day, let us never forget the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Let us unite and create a strong foundation for civil liberties by joining our voices to support justice and equality. Only then can we ensure our freedoms remain alive and well in these uncertain times. The future depends on it. Together, we will make sure civil liberties reign supreme. (6)


A reference list


  1. The Rutherford Institute:: What to Expect from the Government in 2023 .... https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/what_to_expect_from_the_government_in_2023_more_of_the_same
  2. What to Expect From the Government in 2023? More of the Same. https://strategic-culture.org/news/2023/01/10/what-to-expect-from-the-government-in-2023-more-of-the-same/
  3. "United States: Governor Baker, Secretary Sudders Testify in Support of Administrations Comprehensive Health Care Legislation." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Jan. 2020.
  4. Vanmac takes a Progressive approach to grass-cutting at BTME. https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/exhibitions-and-conferences/vanmac-takes-progressive-approach-to-grass-cutting-at-btme/
  5. The Declaration of Independence | National Archives. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration
  6. Boney, Jeffrey. "Black Love and Unity: The New Normal." Jackson Advocate, vol. 78, no. 17, Jackson Advocate, 28 Jan. 2016, p. 8A.


Here is where I got the info for this article!


  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/what-to-expect-from-the-government-in-2023-more-of-the-same/
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/what_to_expect_from_the_government_in_2023_more_of_the_same
  • https://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-America-War-American-People/dp/1590795229/
  • https://www.amazon.com/Erik-Blair-Diaries-Battlefield-Dead/dp/1954968027/


---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/15/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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