Comfortably Numb

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Diane Divone
A song by Pink Floyd Can you relate?

Picture: This beautiful butterfly gifted me with a soft touch on my hand as I stopped to look at my phone while walking. It brought me back to presence and allowed me to see the changes in my own attitude in that moment.


“I have become comfortably numb

Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more ah!
But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on, it's time to go”

Then I added words from another song by the Rolling Stones ~ Mother’s Little Helper and I think the combined lyrics pretty much encapsulates the last 3 1/2 years ~~ “Tranquilize Your Mind to become comfortably numb.” ~~

FEAR wants a solution because of the discomfort of the present moment.

OK~ so now that I have your attention how are we going to decide to move forward after all the chaos that we have collectively lived through? Where are the sweet spots in life? Do they still exist? I know for me they do but in very different ways.

Life is about change and change can be difficult at times. I know that is true for me. Sometimes I go kicking and screaming and not wanting anything to change. It appears that I am comfortable in the "what is being presently lived” so why would I want something different. This might even happen when I know things would be better, easier, more abundant if I allow for the natural evolution that will inevitably happen anyway. So why make it harder by not giving myself up to what is present rather than resisting what the trajectory of the experience could organically bring me? Then there are other times when I am a bit more amenable to the idea of change and still may have an aversion to it but will consciously ease myself into the new place.

No matter what the change may be I know it is all a part of life.

So why have these past few years of change and disruption seem incredibly hard? I see as I just wrote that I said to myself as I smiled at the internal question “let’s have a reality check here.” These changes are monumental in the scheme of things and were pretty radical in the way our lives were disrupted. Don’t you think?

Everything has come at us fast and furious and when I think I can catch my breath something else gets flung our way.

The biggest change MUST be in the way we are perceiving things. How can we meet what is happening with more of an awareness to “how we are meeting ourselves and each other in this time of altering realities?” This is happening and there is nothing we can do about a lot of it but meet it! And for me meeting it means that I MUST and will continue staying present within myself in all ways.

I will continue emphasizing that this work of staying present and grounded to meet change is an inside job! That’s it! Staying healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is how we survive and thrive. It is not about outside power, it is about the power within yourself to know that you are able to adjust, transition, transform and transmute what is being revealed within and without. We may not be able to do much about the powers that be, other than make better choices in elections and even there I am not convinced that would make a difference, but it is imperative to make better choices within ourselves. Now that change is worth fighting for! Don’t you think?

More of the Lyrics from Comfortably Numb~

“The child is grown

The dream is gone

I have become comfortably numb”

OH— and we cannot forget the always relevant lyrics of David Bowie

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