
Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth? by Dr Russell L Blaylock, as published in "Surgical Neurology International"

Reproduced by Permission from the Author
Surg Neurol Int. 2022; 13: 316.
Published online 2022 Jul 22. doi: 10.25259/SNI_578_2022
PMCID: PMC9345089
PMID: 35928323


e ongoing “pandemic” involving the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has several characteristics that make it unique in the history of pandemics. is entails not only the draconian measures that some countries and individual states within the United States and initiated and made policy, most of which are without precedent or scientific support, but also the completely unscientific way the infection has been handled. For the 1st time in medical history, major experts in virology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, and vaccinology have not only been ignored, but are also demonized, marginalized and in some instances, become the victim of legal measures that can only be characterized as totalitarian. Discussions involving various scientific opinions have been eliminated, top scientists have been frightened into silence by threats to their careers, physicians have lost their licenses, and the concept of early treatment has been virtually eliminated. Hundreds of thousands of people have died needlessly as a result of, in my opinion and the opinion of others, poorly designed treatment protocols, mostly stemming from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which have been rigidly enforced among all hospitals. e economic, psychological, and institutional damage caused by these unscientific policies is virtually unmeasurable. Whole generations of young people will suffer irreparable damage, both physical and psychological, possibly forever. e truth must be told.

Keywords: China virus, Covid-19, Pandemic, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2


*Corresponding author:

Russell L. Blaylock, eoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States.



Received : Accepted : Published :


04 October 2021 27 October 2021 08 December 2021



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is pandemic, and the draconian response to it, never seem to go away, perhaps by design. However, because so much is at stake, people need to hear all the critical available data.

I have never seen such an enormous effort by government, medical bureaucracies, media, private institutions, and even medical institutions to prevent dissenting views from being openly discussed — even the opinions of highly qualified scientists in every field of medicine from epidemiology, infectious disease, virology, pathology, and protective equipment engineering. is includes removal of dissenting physician’s licenses, loss of hospital privileges and retraction of peer-reviewed, published articles from the medical literature.[34,36] Science, as any true scientist should know, can only advance by an open discussion of all points of view — especially dissenting viewpoints. Science advances by challenging hypotheses and prevailing theories. Institutionalized views stifle scientific advancement and will, especially in clinical medicine, ultimately harm people. ese rigid viewpoints become ideological in that any dissent from the particulars of the orthodoxy constitutes a cause for a vicious attack and shunning.[17]

At the core of all medical practice is the concept of informed consent. No prescription, procedure, surgery, or vaccine is to be given or performed without advising the patient, as

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is is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. ©2021 Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Surgical Neurology International

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regards the possible risks and benefits. According to the principle of informed consent, a patient - or in this case, the public at large — must be informed of the indications for the treatment, the efficacy of the treatment, possible available alternatives to the proposed treatment, and most importantly, all the potential side effects and complications, whether acute or long term. is is especially so for new and relatively untested procedures. For example, it has been estimated that for a new type of vaccine or especially genetic treatment, a minimum of 10 years of testing are required.


e most common cause for medical malpractice lawsuits is a doctor or institution not providing informed consent before initiating treatment. Not only are we now being denied informed consent, but also a war has been launched by powerful people and institutions, even governments, to prevent vital information from being disseminated.[29]

Unfortunately, the major institutions are purposefully hiding essential data and altering the data available within official circles to convince the public that there is only one solution to this so-called pandemic: Vaccination with virtually untested biological agents.

e blackout of essential information has become so intense that highly respected virologists, infectious disease specialists, and even the person who developed the technology of messenger RNA (mRNA) “vaccines,” have been banned from social media, the news media, and other sources of contact with the public at large.

e effort by vaccine promoters has become so intense that reputations are being ruined, careers destroyed, and even death threats received - as happened to the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield.

No dissenting voice is allowed, no matter how well-qualified, and supported by hard scientific data. One thing that keeps the pubic in the dark is that most people have virtually no understanding of the complex subjects of immunology, virology, epidemiology, or infectious disease pathology. To people untrained in these areas, it all seems quite simple: ere’s a disease outbreak, you make a vaccine against the disease, people become immune, and all is well.

Unfortunately, because of the incredible complexity of the immune system, it does not always work like that. In fact, we are now learning that vaccines, under certain conditions, can make things much worse for the vaccinated.[65,91,94] However, these COVID shots are not actually vaccines — they are genetic biological agents that to this day remain

largely untested. (ey were tested for only 2 months before given Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] approval for public use.) at means if you take them, you become the guinea pig.

Some will respond that Pfizer did test its vaccine before being released. According to their information, over 11,000 people were given the vaccine and carefully followed. Afterward they announced the vaccine as 95% effective and quite safe. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) interviewed several women who participated in the so-called pre-release study.[76] ey each in turn had similar stories — Pfizer would not return most of their calls when they experienced serious side effects. ey also stated that they signed an agreement that stated should they experience complications Pfizer would assume all cost of their medical care. Several of the ladies stated that Pfizer did not pay a cent of their medical expenses, which ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Despite the recommendation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that these companies should test the vaccine for at least 2 years, this suggestion was ignored by Pfizer and Moderna.


As noted, these new products are not in the strict sense traditional “vaccines,” which use either a part of a whole virus or bacteria combined with very powerful immune stimulant compounds called immune adjuvants.

e mRNA vaccines, first developed in the 1980s by Dr. Robert Malone, utilizes a complex technique that employs an artificially constructed mRNA molecule. e idea is that the RNA produces the desired antigen. In this case, it produces the spike protein of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus that causes COVID-19 infection. Ironically, that is the very part of the virus that causes damage in people, in particular acting as a neurotoxic molecule.[39] However, injecting mRNA by itself won’t work because the body contains an enzyme that would quickly destroy it.

To prevent this, Dr. Malone created a nanolipid carrier that is basically like a nanosized sac that contains the mRNA (resembles an artificial exosome).[50] is special carrier sac is incredibly small — about the size of the virus.[63]

We’ve been told that the carrier sac (the nanolipid carrier) is destroyed within a few days, thus preventing the body from continuously producing the deadly spike protein. Keep in mind, the principal way the virus itself causes damage is through its spike protein — the same one being reproduced in large amounts all over a person’s body by the mRNA in the vaccine. However, the truth is that the makers of these biological agents added polyethylene glycol to protect the

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nanolipid carrier so it would last much longer in the body — thus allowing the mRNA to produce far more spike protein for a much longer period. In fact, we don’t know how long the nanolipid/mRNA package lasts. e generated spike proteins may last months, years, or even a lifetime.

To summarize: e “vaccines” consist of artificially synthesized mRNA encapsulated within a protective sac (nanolipid carrier). e mRNA within the sac produces and releases an increasing amount of the destructive spike protein into your body — anywhere the nanolipid carrier is deposited. is is the critical part of the story. We were told that this sac of mRNA remains at the injection site in the person’s arm, continuously producing the spike protein. eoretically, your body then can make antibodies against the spike protein, supposedly protecting you from COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Malone and others discovered that Pfizer had secretly conducted a biodistribution study, to see where the nanolipid carrier went after being injected into the limb of the recipient of the vaccine. A Freedom of Information lawsuit was used to obtain a copy of this study performed secretly by Pfizer. e results were quite revealing and very frightening.

ey discovered that rather than remaining at the site of the injection (usually the arm-deltoid region), these mRNA- containing nanolipid carriers rapidly entered the bloodstream and were distributed all over the body, including the brain.[49]

e highest concentration of the injected nanolipid carriers was found in the ovaries of women.[75] e second highest concentration was within the bone marrow. High concentrations were also seen in the liver, lymph nodes, and spleen. In fact, the studies that demonstrated the nanolipid carriers were distributed among a number of tissues and organs, including:

• Lungs
• Heart
• Blood vessel lining • Muscles
• Spinal cord
• Brain
• Kidneys.


is distribution could explain some of the devastating complications being reported involving several organ systems in people who have received the COVID vaccines. For example, infiltration of the heart explains the rising number of cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) being reported. More than 2,700 cases of vaccine- induced heart inflammation (myocarditis and pericarditis) have occurred among all age groups.[68] Among ages 12–

17 years, there have been 520 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis. ese young people face progressive heart failure, arrhythmias, and other cardiac problems later in their lives. During this same period, there were 16,310 deaths reported, an increase of 373 over the previous week. ese numbers are far higher than are seen with the viral infection itself or associated with other vaccines.

Because the spike protein-producing nanolipid carriers are lodged within organs and tissues, the immune system is unable to respond efficiently to prevent damage and may be responsible for much of the damage as a bystander injury effect. For the vaccines using two injections, the priming effect of the first dose would almost assure a magnification of the damage, possibly by immunoexcitotoxicity.[15,16]

With some of these nanolipid carriers now lodged within the cells, any attempt by the immune system to neutralize them will cause considerable damage not only to those cells, but to a wide zone of cells around them. is is referred to as “bystander damage.”

Essentially, once people are vaccinated, they will have the spike protein being produced everywhere in their bodies. Moreover again, recent studies confirm that it is the spike protein that causes COVID damage. at is, it’s toxic.

Of course, we now know that very few people actually die from infection by the virus itself; they die from a dramatic immune system overreaction — the so-called cytokine storm, which can occur in any organ or tissue. e CDC recently admitted that only 10,500 people in the United States were actually killed by the virus itself. Most have died from complications of their chronic medical condition or in relationship to obesity.

In fact, studies have shown that even when the number of viruses in the body is high, most people infected with COVID either have few symptoms or have a moderate reaction — similar to other viral infections. Within eight to 11 days, they get better.

By this time, most, if not all the viruses, are no longer viable.[40,86,98] However, the dead viruses remain within the tissues, mainly in the lungs, where they stimulate the immune system to overreact — a mechanism, as stated, we refer to as a cytokine storm. Dead viruses can stimulate the immune system just as well as live viruses.

Studies of patients at this cytokine storm stage have shown that their breath contains no live viruses. us, wearing a mask is useless, and it impairs the patient’s ability to get sufficient oxygen. Ironically, putting these patients on a ventilator (respirator) dramatically increases the death rate. It’s thought that by using positive pressure to force the lung to work, the ventilator further damages the already severely damaged lungs.

e greatest success in saving such patients occurs when strong anti-inflammatory medications — such as high-dose

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corticosteroids, intravenous vitamin C, and Ivermectin are used.[45] In fact, in 27 studies conducted all over the world, Ivermectin drastically cut the death rate from COVID-19, even in the most severe and advanced cases.[4]


e difference between getting infected with the virus and exposure to the vaccine is that in the former case only people with age-related frailty, several chronic illnesses, immune deficiencies, and people with other immune-suppressing disorders are at any substantial risk from COVID-19. at is no more than 5% of the population.

Severe disease or death in a healthy person below age 40 is extremely rare, occurring <0.01% of the time. But unlike natural infection, the vaccine — while still dangerous to those who are immune-suppressed — also does serious damage to young people, even if they’re healthy. e majority of deaths associated with the vaccines are among the aged population, with the average age being 73.1 years.

As noted, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in cases of myocarditis in the vaccinated young, along with other serious injuries and deaths. is is happening because the nanolipid carrier of the mRNA travels directly to the heart, triggering intense inflammation in their heart muscle.[59] As also noted, this process could result in the production of the spike proteins for months, years, or even for a lifetime. e nanolipid carrier has been shown to enter the brain, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and kidneys. Another reaction to these vaccines is what’s called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), a common reaction observed with other types of vaccines.[46,92] With ADE, exposure to the wild-type virus in the vaccinated person can trigger a much more pathological damaging effect than in the unvaccinated person.

Because the COVID vaccines trigger a dramatic increase in antibody production, ADE becomes much more likely. Not only does this result in an increase in severity of symptoms if a vaccinated person is exposed to the natural virus in the future, but the virus also reproduces faster and becomes more pathogenic, meaning the severity of a vaccinated person’s illness is worse.

e H1N1 flu vaccine increased the risk of death for those who were vaccinated when they were exposed to the flu virus.[6] We see the same phenomenon with these COVID “vaccines,” and many other types of vaccines. It may be that some of the hospitalizations and deaths now being seen are not due to a so-called “Delta variant,” but rather are caused by the vaccines themselves.[55,89,90]


e majority of the testing for COVID infection has been performed using what is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in which a person’s nose or sometimes throat is swabbed for evidence of viral genetic material. e inventor of this test stated that no clinical infection can be diagnosed using the PCR test alone. Yet the CDC used this test to imply that tens of millions of Americans were infected with COVID-19.

We have now learned that the test does not identify the whole virus, just a segment. In addition, many other viruses, bacteria, and even some things that are not microorganisms at all can yield a positive test. For instance, the president of Tanzania secretly had a sheep, a goat, and a pawpaw (a type of fruit) tested using PCR by his health department.[60] e goat and the pawpaw both tested positive.

Recently, the CDC announced that the PCR test would no longer be used because they discovered that it cross-reacts with the influenza virus, meaning virtually all influenza infections in the last flu season could have been diagnosed as COVID-19. is explains why there were only a few hundred flu cases reported in the entire U.S. this past season — a number unprecedented in modern times. (e CDC claims that each year there are about 30,000 deaths from the flu and over 300,000 hospital admissions).

Cycles of the PCR test are run to amplify its sensitivity, and it is known that doing more than 30 cycles increases the likelihood of the test being falsely positive. Yet the CDC recommended that all labs perform 40 or more cycles, which would have meant that around 97% of positive tests were, in fact, negative. at is, the person tested most likely did not have a COVID infection.

Combined with the lack of specificity of the PCR test, fear mongering by the media and the CDC greatly exaggerated the impact of the first wave of the COVID outbreak. e same is almost certainly true with the new Delta variant. Virologists emphasize that the more people who are vaccinated, the more variants will appear.[20] However, while the variants are more contagious, they are less harmful. is is the nature of virus mutations.


In fact, based on the observation that the vaccinated have very high titers of virus in their nasopharynx, according to mRNA technology developer Dr. Robert Malone, it is the vaccinated who are more likely spreading the new variant, as they remain asymptomatic longer than an unvaccinated person.[47] Viral titers (concentrations) were found to be

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very high in the noses of vaccinated as well as infected unvaccinated people. If the “vaccine” worked, they should have found none or extremely small amounts of the virus.

e average age of death from COVID-19 is around 75 years (95% occurred over age 65 years). Moreover, the highest death rate among vaccinated people is in the same age group — the very ones the vaccines are supposed to protect.

e most egregious form of this fear mongering is to imply that the Delta variant infections are all in the unvaccinated. is is not true. A study in Scotland, for example, found that 87% of Delta variant cases occurred in the fully vaccinated.[27] Similar findings were reported in the United Kingdom and Israel. Moreover, a recent report released by the CDC found that 74% of the cases in a Cape Cod, Massachusetts cluster were among vaccinated individuals.[54] Most of these people were reported to have the Delta variant.


e vaccines for COVID-19 stand to make more money for their developers than any other vaccines at any time in history. ose same companies also wield enormous financial power and influence in the media, medical journals, medical societies (such as the American Medical Association), hospitals, research institutions, and government bureaucracies (such as the National Institutes of Health [NIH]). Moreover, of course, they donate vast sums to elected officials.

We are witnessing an unprecedented attack on free speech directed at anyone who challenges pro-vaccine propaganda, including virologists, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, and pulmonologists. Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-chief science officer for Pfizer; a whistleblower from Moderna; Dr. Robert Malone, the developer of the mRNA vaccine technique; and other highly qualified scientists have been banned from social media and the mainstream news outlets for speaking out. Why? Because they might convince people that these vaccines are dangerous, and that they should be halted immediately.

ere is growing evidence that government agencies are hiding the true number seriously injured and killed by these vaccines. A lawsuit has been filed in Alabama federal court by attorney omas Renz based on sworn testimony of a government whistleblower. is person testified under oath that, according to actual government records from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 45,000 people have died after getting the vaccine.[5]

is refers to data from just one government system reporting to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). e real number of dead could be much higher.

Recall that at the height of the “pandemic,” about 50% of all deaths occurred in nursing homes and that government

officials in several states had deliberately placed infected patients in these high- risk facilities.

Where are the highest rates of vaccine-related deaths now occurring? Nursing homes and among the elderly — the very ones we are supposed to be protecting. In some places, nursing home death rates secondary to the vaccines (most of which occur within 2 days of being vaccinated) equal or exceed the rate of deaths caused by the virus itself. Some nursing homes have reported vaccine-related death rates of 30% or higher. e vaccines were meant to protect the most vulnerable, but now those individuals are the ones dying and being injured by the vaccine itself.


As bad as all this is, what’s worse in the alignment of forces being used to prevent safe methods from being used to stop this virus. When it was revealed that early use of hydroxychloroquine could significantly reduce the severity of the disease and prevent the need for a ventilator, reports immediately surfaced from government agencies declaring that the drug was of no use, was dangerous, and should not be used. is occurred despite reports of hydroxychloroquine’s benefits from doctors actually treating patients. In some states, prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine were banned. We see the same thing with Ivermectin, another highly effective and safe medication.[45]

Every time a treatment was discovered that improved COVID patients’ outcomes or prevented transmission of the virus, forces stepped in to prevent the treatment from being used.

A growing number of natural treatments that could

have prevented the spread of this virus, including most

of the serious infections, have been blocked by these

controllers. Incredibly, a law was passed that prevented

clinical physicians from even suggesting such treatments.

Curcumin, baicalin, apigenin, luteolin, EGCG, myo-

inositol, ashwagandha, magnesium, docosahexaenoic acid/

eicosapentaenoic acid, high dose IV vitamin C, Vitamin

D3, melatonin, astragalus, beta-glucan, mushroom extracts,

and ashwagandha all enhance a person’s immunity, thus preventing infection.[2,8,12,13,28,35,37,42,48,51,52,61,67,69,70,73,80,84,87,88,96,97]

As I have written, curcumin has been shown to dramatically reduce damage to the lungs caused by cytokine storms in experimental animals of a sepsis model. Nano- curcumin, being far better absorbed, should be even more effective.

Numerous studies have shown that the primary immune weapon against all viruses is the cytotoxic T cells. Astragalus significantly enhances the body’s production of these immune cells.[24,31]

I recently published an article on how immunoexcitotoxicity plays a major role in cytokine storm reactions.[14] Basically,

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the inflammatory cytokines activate NMDA glutamate receptors within the lung epithelial and endothelial cells as well as immune cells, leading to severe destruction of lung tissue and gross leakage of serum into the alveoli. In the article, I noted that the typical American diet contains very high levels of glutamate and other excitotoxic additives.[14] In addition, the tube feeding solutions used in hospitals contain high levels of glutamate. is fact is completely ignored by physicians treating COVID patients.

Dr. Pierre Kory, a founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), made a number of discoveries that dramatically improved the survival of patients with serious COVID-19 cases. Unlike many of the vaccine-only proponents, Dr. Kory has spent his professional life treating some of the sickest in intensive care unit (ICU) settings, including hundreds of COVID patients. But each discovery he made was intensely resisted and rejected by the medical elite and bureaucracies, at least until the proof became so overwhelming that they could no longer deny it. In the interim, thousands died as a result of the elite controller’s intransigence. ere is evidence that early treatment, before deterioration occurs, can reduce hospitalization by 85 percent.[53]


Dr. Kory also discovered that Ivermectin, a medicine used to treat parasitic infections, was perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we possess in the battle against COVID-19, reducing the death rate of even very sick patients to such a degree that it has been called a medical miracle.[9,21,41,44]

Dr. Kory and his colleagues — all highly respected and frequently quoted pulmonary and infectious disease experts — put together a protocol using this safe, inexpensive medicine and other compounds. (FLCCC Alliance. www. flccc.net.) eir protocol has now been used around the world but not in the United States. Deaths and cases requiring hospitalization in countries that have used Ivermectin — including Mexico, India, Brazil, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Zimbabwe, and major cities in other countries — have been dramatically and rapidly reduced. In addition, recovery times have been shortened, patient deterioration has been prevented when the drug was used early, and mortality has been reduced among severely ill ICU patients.

In fact, when taken once a week, Ivermectin has been shown to dramatically prevent COVID infection, even in hospital workers who are around many sick patients.[12,14] Ivermectin has been studied and shown to be highly effective in 27 carefully controlled trials that included 6,612 patients; 16 trials were randomized, prospective, controlled trials of the highest quality. Yet, the medical establishment — the

vaccine-only promoters — has rejected even considering this safe, inexpensive medication for treatment or prevention of COVID.

Worse, doctors, as well as the general public, are warned by medical associations, the FDA and the CDC not to use Ivermectin.[93] In some states, doctors can lose their license should they write a prescription for this lifesaving medication, one that has been used safely for the past 40 years all over the world as a treatment for parasitic infections.[33,58] Besides being a powerful anti- inflammatory and suppressing viral replication Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit a major form of excitotoxicity seen in the face of chronic inflammation and microglial activation.[3]


It seems to me, and others, that the pharmaceutical companies making these vaccines don’t want a rival treatment that would cut into their profits. In my opinion, these experimental vaccines are being distributed to the public under a false pretense. According to the EUA act, an experimental treatment cannot be used except in a proven national emergency (pandemic), and only if there are no other available treatments for the condition. Keep in mind that the FDA did not approve the drug presently being used by Pfizer — it is still under EUA regulations as an experimental “vaccine.”

COVID-19 never satisfied the criteria for a pandemic, which requires that the infection must affect a large number of people around the world and have a high mortality rate. is pandemic definition has been used for decades — until this outbreak. e World Health Organization changed the criteria for this “pandemic,” dropping the need for a high death rate.

For the majority of people, the death rate from COVID-19 is lower than that of a mild to moderate flu season. For those under age 40, the death rate is 0.01%; 99.99% of those infected will fully recover. For all ages, the death rate is 0.26%; 99.74% will recover. ose numbers do not justify mandatory vaccination.

On the other hand, eight clinical trials have shown a significant reduction in transmission of COVID-19, even among healthcare workers, with the use of Ivermectin. (FLCCC data).[32] ree of those studies were randomized clinical trials — research of the highest order. Based on these studies, the emergency authorization should be revoked, and vaccination should be stopped before more people are hurt.

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ere are a number of other natural treatments and preventatives that could be used by anyone wanting to protect themselves from COVID. e basis for all of these treatments is reducing inflammation, and several natural compounds also restore immune balance. Others are beneficial because they reduce immunoexcitotoxicity, a possible mechanism for cytokine storms.

ese compounds include: • Nano-curcumin
• Nano-quercetin
• N-acetyl-L-cysteine

• Intravenous Vitamin C (high dose) • Melatonin
• B-complex vitamins
• Hesperidin

• Pterostilbene • Apigenin
• Magnesium • Taurine

• Baicalin.

Immune stimulants should only be used during the first 8 days of a COVID infection to prevent aggravating hyperimmune symptoms. is 8-day period is the period when the virus is reproducing very rapidly in the lungs. After 8–11 days, all the viruses are dead, and then the danger is from a hyperimmune reaction to those dead viruses. At this stage the idea is to target inflammation and excitotoxicity, as live viruses are no longer the chief danger in most cases.

Recent studies have shown that a significant number of fully vaccinated people are contracting (supposedly) COVID-19 infections as in Israel, where virtually everyone has been vaccinated. In a carefully conducted study in Vietnam hospitals, it was shown that the vaccinated medical care workers were spreading high levels of viruses to fellow workers, patients, and visitors.[23] A majority of medical centers and hospitals in the United States have mandated vaccines for all employees, even those not in contact with patients. ese studies suggest that the medical staff is now a major source of Covid-19 tran


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