Critical Message
Beyond Life and Death
Dec 28th, 2022 08:00 PM
Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Webinar ID 883 4886 6554
Some of you know what happened to Dr. Buttar since September. But, what most don't know, is what happened beginning on Dec 11, 2022. Everything intensified, and a Journey began on that day. On Dec 12, 2022, the impossible (in Dr. Buttar's own words) happened.
On Dec 28, 2022, you will hear the most profound and important words ever to come out of Dr. Rashid A Buttar's mouth. This will be a webinar that will explain some of the most critical information you need to know about vaccines, the fraud committed against mankind, and the implications not to the temporary body, but the eternal soul that are at the hidden agenda.
This will not be like any webinar you've heard. It will not be like any other webinar that will be held in the future. Some will be shocked and heed the message. Others won't believe it. And yet others will think Dr. Buttar has lost his mind.
But he does NOT have a choice. It will only be up for 24 hours. Watch it, or don't. The choice is yours.
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Edwin Trillanes
2 flere år siden