
Decoding the Risks: Seizures and Death from Deadly Covid Vaccine-Induced Headaches

he government and Big Pharma have been pushing the COVID injections as safe and effective. Still, shocking new studies expose a sinister agenda and cover-up of the nefarious effects of these brain-damaging shots. Deadly COVID-19 vaccine-induced headaches may just be the first sign that these injections are causing dangerous neurological reactions, leading to life-threatening seizures and even fatalities - a hidden danger the powers that be are desperate to conceal from the public.

by - L. Richardson

The government and Big Pharma have been pushing the COVID injections as safe and effective. Still, shocking new studies expose a sinister agenda and cover-up of the nefarious effects of these brain-damaging shots. Deadly COVID-19 vaccine-induced headaches may just be the first sign that these injections are causing dangerous neurological reactions, leading to life-threatening seizures and even fatalities - a hidden danger the powers that be are desperate to conceal from the public.

Disturbing research indicates the COVID-19 vaccines can trigger inflammation in the heart and brain, with myocarditis and febrile seizures emerging as red flags of these lethal side effects. Government-funded reports linking the shots to these conditions have downplayed the extent of the risks, while data on adolescents reveals a safety signal nobody wants you to know about. This explosive exposé will decode the sinister truth about the COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy and the devastating impacts of repeated injections.

Case Presentation

The Deadly Toll of the Covid Injection

The case in question exposes the sinister truth about the nefarious effects of the COVID-19 shots. A 73-year-old man with no prior neurological disorders was hospitalized for respiratory issues. Shockingly, just one day after receiving his third Covid injection, he experienced a severe headache followed by a seizure, leading to his untimely demise.

The autopsy findings were chilling:

  1. Multiple brain ischemia (lack of blood flow) without vascular lesions.
  2. No apparent cause other than the Covid injection itself.

The researchers deduced that the injection had triggered a condition called Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS), causing acute ischemic brain injury - rapidly-induced brain damage that manifested as a headache, the first sensation of the brain being attacked [1].

Observation / Implication

Headache after vaccination / A potential sign of brain damage

Seizure after headache / Neurological effects escalating

Death after seizure / Lethal consequences of the injection

Despite being hospitalized for heart issues, the patient's cause of death was neurological, not cardiological. This case study serves as a stark warning that the COVID-19 injections could trigger life-threatening neurological reactions, with headaches potentially being the first alarming sign of impending brain damage.

Studies like these indicate that the Covid shot is indeed a 'lethal injection,' with the government and Big Pharma engaged in a sinister cover-up of its devastating impacts. The truth about the 'vaccine-induced fatalities' must be exposed before more lives are lost to this nefarious agenda.

Autopsy Findings

The Sinister Truth Revealed

The autopsy findings in this case are a chilling revelation of the nefarious effects of the COVID-19 injections. Brace yourselves, for the truth is more sinister than you could have imagined:

  1. Multiple Brain Ischemia without Vascular Lesions: The autopsy uncovered a horrifying sight - various areas of the brain were starved of blood flow, a condition known as ischemia. Shockingly, there were no vascular lesions or blockages to explain this ischemia, suggesting a more insidious cause.
  2. Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS): The researchers deduced that the COVID-19 injection had triggered RCVS, a condition in which the brain's blood vessels constrict, leading to reduced blood flow and ischemia. This rapidly induced brain damage manifested as a deadly headache—a sinister sensation of the brain being attacked.
  3. Vaccine as the Sole Culprit: Despite being hospitalized for heart issues, the 73-year-old man had no history of neurological illness. The autopsy confirmed that the cause of death was neurological, not cardiological, leaving the Covid injection as the sole suspect in this nefarious crime against his brain.

Observation / Implication

Multiple brain ischemia / Widespread brain damage

No vascular lesions / Ruling out typical causes

RCVS diagnosed / Covid injection triggered constriction of brain vessels

The researchers' chilling conclusion? The COVID injection did indeed cause "rapidly-induced brain damage," referred to as "acute ischemic brain injury," ultimately leading to the patient's untimely demise. The headache was merely the first sinister sign of the brain being under attack by these brain-damaging COVID-19 injections.

Prevalence of Vaccine-Induced Headaches

The Sinister Epidemic of Covid Shot Headaches

Brace yourselves, for the prevalence of vaccine-induced headaches is more widespread than the government and Big Pharma would have you believe. These nefarious entities are engaged in a sinister cover-up, downplaying the extent of this insidious side effect.

  1. The Shocking Statistics: According to the paper's own admission, 50 to 70 percent of individuals receiving the Covid injection will experience a vaccine-induced headache. This statistic alone should raise alarm bells, but the powers are desperate to keep you in the dark.
  2. The Sinister Recommendation: Despite acknowledging the high prevalence of these headaches, the paper shockingly recommends that patients who experience them should undergo MRI and MRA scans. This is a blatant attempt to conceal the true extent of the problem, as subjecting such many individuals to these costly and potentially harmful scans would be impractical and unethical.
  3. The Nefarious Agenda: The recommendation for MRI and MRA scans is a smokescreen designed to divert attention from the real issue – the COVID injections themselves are causing these headaches, which may be the first sinister sign of brain damage. The government and Big Pharma are well aware of this. Still, their nefarious agenda is to keep the public in the dark, sacrificing countless lives for their own gain.

Prevalence / Implication

50-70% experience headaches / Widespread side effects

MRI/MRA scans recommended / Attempt to conceal the truth

Vaccine as the root cause / Brain-damaging effects of the injections

The truth is clear – the COVID injections are causing a sinister epidemic of headaches, which may be the first symptom of the brain being attacked by these lethal shots. The government and Big Pharma are engaged in a nefarious cover-up, downplaying the extent of this issue and attempting to divert attention from the real culprit – the Covid injections themselves.

The Lethal Escalation: From Headaches to Seizures and Death

But the sinister truth doesn't end there. These vaccine-induced headaches are just the beginning of a lethal escalation, a precursor of the devastating neurological effects to come.

  1. The Sinister Progression: As the case study presented earlier illustrates, these headaches can rapidly progress to life-threatening seizures and, ultimately, death. The government and Big Pharma are well aware of this sinister progression. Still, they continue to push these brain-damaging injections, putting countless lives at risk.
  2. The Nefarious Consequences: In addition to the lethal headaches and seizures, the Covid shots are also known to cause a host of other nefarious consequences, including miscarriages and deadly heart inflammation. The powers that be are desperate to conceal these devastating side effects, but the truth will not remain hidden forever.
  3. The Sinister Cover-Up: The government-funded reports that downplay the risks of these injections are nothing more than a smokescreen designed to lull the public into a false sense of security. The truth is that these Covid shots are causing widespread neurological damage, and the headaches are just the first sinister sign of the brain being attacked.

The prevalence of vaccine-induced headaches is not just a statistic – it's a sinister warning of the devastating neurological effects to come. The government and Big Pharma are engaged in a nefarious cover-up, downplaying the extent of this issue and concealing the truth about the lethal consequences of these brain-damaging injections. It's time to expose their sinister agenda and protect ourselves from these deadly COVID-19 shots before it's too late.

Recommendations for Post-Vaccination Monitoring

The Sinister Truth the Government Wants to Hide

The government and Big Pharma are engaged in a nefarious cover-up, concealing the devastating truth about the lethal effects of the COVID-19 injections. Despite overwhelming evidence of the shots causing life-threatening neurological reactions, they continue to push these brain-damaging injections on the public, including vulnerable children.

  1. The Sinister Findings: A study published in the prestigious JAMA journal has revealed a sinister truth that the powers-that-be are desperate to conceal. The research detected statistical signals linking the mRNA Covid injections to a host of severe ailments in children, including:
    • Myocarditis and Pericarditis: These life-threatening heart inflammations were found to be associated with the BNT162b2 (Pfizer) vaccine in children aged 12 to 17 years [2].
    • Seizures: Shockingly, the study identified a statistical signal for seizures following both the BNT162b2 (Pfizer) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccines in children aged 2 to 4 or 5 years.
  2. The Nefarious Downplay: In a blatant attempt to downplay the severity of these findings, the study cautioned that the seizure signal "should be interpreted with caution and further investigated in a more robust epidemiologic study." This is a classic tactic employed by the government and Big Pharma to sow doubt and deflect attention from the sinister truth.
  3. The Lethal Recommendation: Despite the glaring evidence of the COVID injections causing life-threatening side effects in children, the CDC continues to nefariously recommend that everyone, including vulnerable children, receive these brain-damaging shots. This is a blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of our children, sacrificed at the altar of the government's sinister agenda [3].

Observation / Implication

Myocarditis and pericarditis signals / Heart inflammation in children

Seizure signals / Neurological damage in children

CDC recommendation / Pushing lethal injections on children

The truth is clear – the Covid injections are causing devastating neurological reactions and life-threatening side effects in children. The government and Big Pharma are engaged in a sinister cover-up, downplaying the risks and pushing these lethal shots on our most vulnerable. It's time to expose their nefarious agenda and protect our children from these brain-damaging injections before it's too late.

The Sinister Recommendation: Subjecting Children to Harmful Scans

In a shocking display of disregard for the well-being of our children, the study's authors have made a sinister recommendation that exposes the government's nefarious agenda. Despite acknowledging the high prevalence of vaccine-induced headaches, which may be the first ominous sign of brain damage, they shockingly suggest subjecting children to costly and potentially harmful MRI and MRA scans.

  1. The Sinister Smokescreen: This recommendation is nothing more than a smokescreen designed to divert attention from the real issue – the Covid injections themselves are causing these headaches and potentially life-threatening neurological reactions.
  2. The Nefarious Agenda: Subjecting a vast number of children to these scans would be impractical and unethical, exposing them to unnecessary radiation and potential harm. This recommendation is a blatant attempt by the government and Big Pharma to conceal the truth about the lethal effects of the COVID-19 injections.
  3. The Sinister Cover-Up: The powers-that-be know these headaches may be the first sinister sign of the brain being attacked by the Covid injections. By recommending costly and harmful scans, they are attempting to cover up the true extent of the problem and deflect attention from the real culprit – the brain-damaging COVID shots.

The truth is clear – the government and Big Pharma are engaged in a sinister cover-up, downplaying the risks and pushing these lethal injections on our children. Their recommendation to subject children to harmful scans is a nefarious attempt to conceal the truth about the devastating neurological effects of the COVID-19 shots. It's time to expose their sinister agenda and protect our children from these brain-damaging injections before it's too late.


The sinister truth is undeniable – the COVID-19 injections are nothing more than lethal brain-damaging concoctions designed to inflict widespread neurological devastation upon the unsuspecting masses. These nefarious shots are the embodiment of a sinister agenda orchestrated by the government and Big Pharma to control and deceive the public. Wake up, sheeple! The headaches you experience after these injections are the first sinister signs of your brain being attacked, a harbinger of the seizures and untimely death that awaits those who succumb to this nefarious plot.

Studies like these expose the truth that the COVID shot is indeed a 'lethal injection,' a weapon in the arsenal of the globalist elites hell-bent on culling the population. Heed the warning signs and resisted the propaganda being pushed by the mainstream media and their Big Pharma overlords. The anti-COVID injection, anti-headache, anti-seizure, and anti-death movement must rise up and protect humanity from this sinister plot before it's too late. Join the resistance, and together, we will expose the nefarious agenda and reclaim our freedom from these brain-damaging injections!


What is the rare syndrome associated with the COVID-19 vaccine?

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) [4]. This rare but serious autoimmune disorder can cause sudden paralysis by affecting multiple nerve roots.

Can you explain Long Vax syndrome?

Long Vax syndrome refers to a range of persistent and sometimes debilitating symptoms that some individuals experience after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations, indicating potential long-term effects.

Are there any neurological conditions linked to the COVID-19 vaccine?

Several neurological disorders have been reported following COVID-19 vaccination, including cranial venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), ischemic stroke (IS), hemorrhagic stroke (HS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), acute transverse myelitis (ATM), multiple sclerosis (MS), Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS), and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD).

What is vaccine damage support?

Vaccine damage support provides a one-time, tax-free payment of £120,000 to individuals who are severely disabled as a result of certain vaccinations [5]. This Vaccine Damage Payment can also be claimed on behalf of someone who has passed away after becoming severely disabled due to vaccination.


  1. World's Hottest Pepper Sends Man to the ER With Thunderclap Headaches. https://gizmodo.com/worlds-hottest-pepper-sends-man-to-the-er-with-thunderc-1825110311
  2. Moderna will postpone the application for approval of Covid vaccine in children - Review Guruu. https://reviewguruu.com/2021/10/31/moderna-will-postpone-the-application-for-approval-of-covid-vaccine-in-children/
  3. Elite Schools Dodge Stance on Anti-Semitic Calls for Genocide - Conservative Advocacy News. https://conservativeadvocacy.com/elite-schools-dodge-stance-on-anti-semitic-calls-for-genocide/
  4. COVID-19: ACIP Endorses mRNA Vaccines Over J&J Shot - Physician's Weekly. https://www.physiciansweekly.com/covid-19-acip-endorses-mrna-vaccines-over-jj-shot/
  5. The swine flu vaccine was rushed into use in the UK in 2009/10 after minimal clinical trials and given to children and adults |. https://tapnewswire.com/2020/12/the-swine-flu-vaccine-was-rushed-into-use-in-the-uk-in-2009-10-after-minimal-clinical-trials-and-given-to-children-and-adults/
  6. https://www.infowars.com/posts/covid-injection-could-cause-a-headache-that-turns-to-seizures-that-turns-to-death-study/
  7. https://www.cureus.com/articles/233306-an-autopsy-case-of-reversible-cerebral-vasoconstriction-syndrome-after-a-severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2-vaccination?score_article=true#!/
  8. https://www.infowars.com/posts/higher-mortality-seen-in-highly-covid-vaccinated-young-people-report/
  9. https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-scientific-journal-confirms-80-of-pregnant-women-had-miscarriages-after-covid-lethal-injection/
  10. https://www.infowars.com/posts/childhood-seizures-myocarditis-pericarditis-increase-post-covid-injection-fda-study/


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1 tháng trước kia
Fantastic articles L. Keep up the good work! Xileen
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