Goodbye America? U.S. Sanctions Against Russia & China Are Failing by - L. Norman.

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Richard Lambert
Every day, more and more people are beginning to wake up and realize that Washington's go-to methods are no longer effective. From military intervention to economic sanctions, every tactic utilized by..

Goodbye America? U.S. Sanctions Against Russia & China Are Failing by - L. Norman.


"Establishment journal Washington Quarterly admits that the United States' go-to methods can't prevent the rise of other powers." - L. Norman.


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Every day, more and more people are beginning to wake up and realize that Washington's go-to methods are no longer effective. From military intervention to economic sanctions, every tactic utilized by the powerbrokers in Washington has been used ad nauseam with little to no result. It is no surprise, then, that even an influential establishment journal has been forced to admit that attempts at preemption often fail when faced with the rise of other powers. The American people deserve real solutions put forward by those in control rather than a knee-jerk reliance on the same old strategies, which have done little but weaken us in international affairs. It's time for Washington to adopt; only then can America become a true leader again!


This is the main article!


Foreign Affairs, a familiar yet unsettling fixture in our geopolitical landscape, has just published an article outlining how Washington's once efficient use of economic sanctions is rapidly losing its effectiveness. What the publication, essentially a U.S. empire house journal, doesn't address, however, is why this is happening—because it's clear to any real truth-seeker that these strong-arm tactics are fast becoming obsolete in today's interconnected global economy. With international trade and technology leading to ever-greater levels of interconnectedness between nations, stick-and-carrot nation-building measures like sanctions have become impractical and counterproductive. It's time for Washington to step back and look at new ways of achieving its policy objectives without burning bridges with its foes.


If you want to know what the U.S. military-industrial complex is up to behind closed doors, the best thing to do is keep an eye on Foreign Affairs. Published by the Council on Foreign Relations NGO, it's the go-to source for anyone who wants to understand what our national security policy officials are discussing in a meaningful way. It can be straightforward to overlook these grand pronouncements from leaders within the U.S. military-industrial complex but trust me; they should not be taken lightly. In this political climate, it's more important than ever that we pay attention when Foreign Affairs speaks up – because it could very well mean the difference between peace and war.


The United States is about to receive a harsh reality check: sanctions are no longer an effective tool for forcing other countries to do their bidding, nor will they be able to destroy states with whom they disagree. That's the conclusion from a recent appraisal of U.S. sanctions, which should send warning bells ringing in Washington! It isn't just that Beijing and Moscow have created alternative global financial structures to insulate themselves from these measures; it's that Washington's allies are increasingly opting-out too, making them almost obsolete. The days of using sanctions as a way of bullying others into submission are well and truly over – it's time for the U.S. to seek solutions that genuinely reflect its power on a global stage.


It's been a long time since U.S. sanctions were the go-to diplomatic weapon to get what they wanted without resorting to military force. It seemed like they could do no wrong! The good times are ending, though, as the days of U.S. sanctions reign may be over soon. Who can say if this is the beginning of the back or just a speed bump in their power? It provides an exciting glimpse into how diplomacy might differ in the future - and you can be sure I'll be watching closely!


The 90s marked the twilight of America's great power. The end of the Cold War had put every other nation on their heels, and now, Washington held all of them hostage with a single idea: If you didn't comply with American standards, you wouldn't receive any form of economic support. Nations were now forced to kowtow to U.S. financial regulations if they wished to even stay in business - we had become judge and jury of global commerce, deciding who lives and who dies - and the dollar was our ultimate weapon. What would come from this unprecedented control? Who knew? But it sure looked like the United States was at its peak - how wrong could I be?


The United States had an almost limitless ability to influence international trade due to the near-global dominance of the dollar. If Washington wished to stop any country from trading goods in or out, a few keystrokes were all it took. While this superpower gave them immense control, it posed severe risks back home. In 1998, President Bill Clinton had great cause for concern when he worried that the U.S. was sanctions-happy and heading down a slippery slope. By wielding such draconic power abroad, we were destabilizing our position by diminishing our global standing and reputation for fairness. It's clear that our leaders back then knew that trade done right has far greater potential than one done wrong with threats and manipulation. There are still many benefits to be had with fair and cooperative trading partnerships around the globe; we should fiercely protect these relationships now just as they did back then.


Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton's fears have come to fruition; the United States has often sought to further its interests at the expense of those living in countries where the U.S. hoped to gain a foothold. Typically backed by the U.S., sanctions and military interventions have led to disastrous consequences that millions have felt throughout these nations. Sadly, there is no good reason for these deaths and destroyed lives. It isn't hard to see why Americans desire more independent foreign policies when they look back and witness such needless suffering.


Through its pursuit of a far-reaching foreign policy agenda, the U.S. has alienated many nations and achieved the opposite of what it set out to do. It has failed abysmally in its attempts to use financial and technological measures as leverage against countries it considers adversarial, instead drastically damaging friendly relations with economic partners and spurning a wave of defiance from those targeted by punitive sanctions. Take Iran, for example; after being blocked from accessing the SWIFT global banking system – a decision met with criticism worldwide – numerous other states soon followed suit and imposed their limits on trade and technology access. The same holds for China's tech sector, caught under a siege by Washington in a bid to curb Beijing's growth. Such attempts have placed both America's allies and foes alike "on notice their access to crucial technology could be severed" if it does not comply with U.S. demands – yes, we are now living in a Cold War 2.0


Beijing and Moscow are leading the push to create robust financial innovations that could reduce America's already dwindling advantage on the global stage. Through a variety of currency swap agreements, alternatives to SWIFT, and digital currencies, the two major forces are taking preemptive measures against any upcoming potential penalties that could come down the pike. If they're successful in this endeavor, significant shifts in power dynamics could occur - people need to keep an eye on what exactly happens in these coming days as this directly affects the economy and our everyday lives.


China's embrace of currency swaps is sending shockwaves through the world economy. For years the U.S. dollar has been a cornerstone in financial settlements between governments. It was unimaginable that any country would go against it until recently when China began signing these risky deals with dozens of countries scattered all over the globe. This direct link between central banks eliminates the need to use dollars and allows Chinese companies to circumnavigate U.S. channels. This new development will have far-reaching implications for global finance and is certainly something that everyone should be keeping a close eye on.


This is a massive win for China and Russia—and a significant blow to the United States. Despite the U.S.'s continuous attempts to employ sanctions to keep its superpower status, these two nations have found an alternative way of conducting their trade, making them immune to whatever the country tries to pull. In 2020, Beijing made more than half its annual trade with Moscow non-dollar based. In March 2021, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization further underscored this trend by prioritizing payments in the local currencies of its members. Though this could potentially rub America the wrong way, it could just be the beginning of a new era of global economic freedom from U.S. hegemony.


China and Russia have had enough of serving under Western-run international systems. With the launch of the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System, these countries have finally found a secure way of making international financial transactions without relying on SWIFT. This move also enables other states or organizations to join this framework - 1,300 banks across more than 100 countries have already enrolled in this system. It is no wonder that the U.S., Europe, and the rest of the West are showing signs of concern as China and Russia dare to challenge their convenient monopoly on international money transfer systems.


China's move to expand its digital renminbi on a global scale is monumental! Already reaching more than 300 million citizens, the currency limits U.S. intervention as it's wholly sanctioned proof. It's estimated that one billion will use the digital renminbi by 2030, and China has already urged many countries to buy its exports with its digital currency. The possibilities of this currency are staggering, and I can only imagine what other deals we may see arise from this incredible Chinese innovation!


The American Empire has brought the world to a dire state of affairs regarding its use and abuse of sanctions. The nations that have traditionally stood against them and the oppressive policies of the U.S., namely Russia and China, now have an excellent opportunity to push through their revolutionary effort unhindered by the Empire's interference. If things were to get any worse, they would be fully equipped to go further into securing their fruitful endeavor without looking back. All while escaping the inflationary effects of Washington's strong-arm tactics. It is up to us to take matters into our own hands and ensure our future remains secure!


There's no doubt about it; the American sanctions game is no longer working as it once did. Thanks to innovation and ever-increasing access to financial services via digital currencies, many countries can now conduct transactions outside of U.S. sanctions. This empowerment of nations through technology paints a grim picture for American foreign policy: their strategies depend heavily on economic sanctions, so what will they do when they no longer have that option? It's a double-edged sword; while this shift has opened up possibilities for countries oppressed by global power structures, it also decreases the U.S.'s ability to wield its economic force. No doubt this reversal of fortune comes much to the dismay of Washington D.C., but why should we be surprised? Money makes the world go around, and within a decade, we're going to see a dramatic change in how it moves around our globe.


What in the world is going on in Russia? Not only have they made incredible technological advancements, leaving our U.S. tech sector standing still, but their pivot to the East has completely changed the course of their economy and resource management. This impressive display of self-sufficiency has rendered all the Trump administration's attempts at sanctions completely useless! What can we do now to regain some control over dealings with Russia? Do they even care what we have to say anymore? It's time that the good ol' U.S. of A put up a much better fight than this - it's embarrassing that this is how weak we are.


The powers-that-be in Europe and North America had it all planned out – they thought they could impose enough sanctions on Russia to bring about its total collapse with a wave of their hand. How naïve of them! Even with such supposedly wide-reaching sanctions, Russia has managed to survive and thrive on the global stage in this new era of 2022. It's becoming clearer by the day that these elites have failed to consider all the different factors that influence the staggering complexity of our modern economy. These influential movers and shakers must come to terms with reality soon or risk being left behind as we enter a new era of multipolarity that is here to stay!


The irony of U.S. elites coming to grips with the new reality they are now facing is highlighted in how Agathe Demarais has changed her tune on sanctions. Just a month ago, back in December, she wrote an article for Foreign Policy -- another American empire-sanctioned publication -- that had an opposing perspective. Could the powers that be have already infiltrated the higher tiers of this writer's circle? Or is something else at play? Whatever it may be, it's incredible how fast American media continues to toe the line of their sponsors. It's clear that the cycles of these "elites" make sure that nothing stays hidden and truths stay twisted.


It's nonsense to think that Western sanctions against Russia aren't meant to pressure Putin into backing out of Ukraine or triggering a regime change in Moscow. If you have any doubts, look at what officials, pundits, and journalists said at the time the sanctions were introduced - it's crystal clear that these goals were intended from the get-go. The Demarais article doesn't tell you anything new here - it's a trash piece that pretends not to see what's going on and is only helpful in furthering its author's agenda. Wake up, people, don't be fooled by mainstream lies!


When Alex Jones heard former United States representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley claim sanctions were an effective tool to "send a message" to Russia about the high priority of Ukraine, she was passionate about its merits. According to Alex, Haley's idea was better than standing idly by and doing nothing. Sanctions assure Europe and the United States that support for Ukraine is unwavering without resorting to more forceful measures. She believes strategic economic pressure will secure Ukraine's stability and persuade Russia to revise its aggressive policies.


While Western powers threaten to push Ukraine into the corner, a recent speech by Demarais was a potent reminder of how quickly things can turn around in our rapidly-changing world. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that despite sanctions and other anti-Russia measures that have been issued, their effectiveness is quickly diminishing as populism prevails over political agendas. Claims of a multipolar world are becoming more accurate as each day passes - and if the Western backers can't even make their threats stick, then it is evident that they are no longer in a powerful position to influence global affairs. This is a reality we must accept, and one that should be met with open arms as it allows for a much better fight than the current model. It's embarrassing that this is how weak our world has become. And to strengthen ourselves, we must learn from our mistakes and move forward with more strategic action plans!


This is why Alex Jones insists on the dialogue between all stakeholders rather than relying on sanctions or military interventions to create long-term solutions - something other nations have already started doing in recent years. Europe and North America are stuck in an outdated paradigm of trying to control global events through force when they should instead focus their energies on creating solid diplomatic ties and fostering mutual understanding amongst the different sides. This will be far more productive in creating long-term beneficial solutions for all parties involved. Only then can our world truly progress and move forward.


It's time to recognize the reality of a multipolar world, and we must do so by embracing it instead of trying to fight against its current trajectory. We must accept these changes to move ahead, work together with other nations, and create an atmosphere of global harmony rather than conflict. It's not easy, but achievable if we make intelligent decisions that don't rely solely on sanctions or military interventions. Let's use this period to make a positive difference in our world!


Here is where I got the info for this article!




---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/28/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------

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