Have you ever compared yourself to Peter?

Daniel Marsolek avatar   
Daniel Marsolek
This article is something I wrote today because the Lord was speaking to me. He wanted me to see how much that He loves and cares for you and me. I hope this blesses you.

The Lord is speaking to me this morning about, How much I am like Peter. I have often thought about how much I am like Peter. I have struggled with anger and have had outbursts at others, but I believe down deep in my heart that I truly love Jesus. I believe Peter did also. In John 21:15 Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him?  Peter responds and says, Yes Lord, You know that I love You. Jesus sees his heart and knows that he does love Him and that Peter is telling Him the truth.  However, Peter does deny Jesus and Jesus knew that this was going to happen. Just like Peter, we fail also. But Jesus sees our heart.  He has forgiven us just like He forgave Peter for denying Him. Jesus restored Peter because Jesus seen how it crushed him.  Peter repented to God and when Jesus came back He forgave him. This is a picture of how Jesus has forgiven us for denying him, because our flesh is weak. 

So then there are two questions we need to answer.  Do you want to get well? I think that I can speak for most of us. Yes we do want to be well or healed or renewed. So then the next question is… Do you believe that you can be healed?  That is the question that stops us.  Some of us believe that we may never be healed from the struggles or addictions in our lives. It crushes us just like it crushed Peter when he denied Jesus. Think about it… Peter seen Jesus face to face. He denied Him and Peter wept uncontrollably. Jesus forgave him. Jesus loves him. Jesus loves you and me.  I will leave you with this question, when are we going to believe what Jesus has done for us and believe that we are healed?

Today I will praise God for loving us unconditionally and for Jesus forgiving us.  Because I believe that I am healed! 

Have a Wonderful and Blessed day! 

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