Inspired Landscaping: How Your Archetypes Influence Design

Jenny Pippin - Pippin Home Designs avatar   
Jenny Pippin - Pippin Home Designs
What does your archetype have to do with landscaping? EVERYTHING! Your landscaping should be an expression of your soul...and your soul is expressed through archetypes.

Inspired Landscaping: How Your Archetypes Influence Design


What’s your elemental archetype? And how does the calling of your heart and soul dictate how you should landscape your property?


Elemental archetypes are models of personalities that play a role in influencing human behavior and decisions based on the elements of earth, water, fire, and air.  The Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, believed that we have many archetypes within us however, most people are dominated by one specific archetype.


In this 13th post of the Happy by Design series, I help you discover which elemental archetype you may be, and I explain the best landscaping approaches for each archetype.


It All Begins with Intention


As with everything important in your life, your landscaping begins with getting clear on your intentions. Knowing yourself and how you intend to interact with each area of your property is the foundation needed to begin planning for inspired landscaping.


First, we recommend taking some time to look within.  Before rushing off to design the landscaping perceived as beautiful to others, take a moment to listen to your heart and soul and ask yourself these essential questions:


  • What kind of person are you?

  • What are you passionate about?

  • How do you want to live your life?

  • How do you want to interact with the environment around your home?


Your landscaping is so much more than just pretty plants and something others may be impressed by.  Gaining clarity on what inspires YOU first will help you design your home, your yard, and your life.


Discover what your elemental archetype is to gain more clarity on how to design landscaping specific to YOU.  Keep in mind, you may identify with more than one archetype, so allow yourself to consider the landscaping tips for all that feel representative of you.


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