
Is this United States of America Blood Supply Contaminated? - Critical Thinking News. @CriticalThinkingNews

Regardless of reports, these COVID-19 vaccines cause blood deformities; the American Red Cross and the United States of America Food and Drug Department continue to ignore concerns that this large add..

Is this United States of America Blood Supply Contaminated? - Critical Thinking News. @CriticalThinkingNews


Regardless of reports, these COVID-19 vaccines cause blood deformities; the American Red Cross and the United States of America Food and Drug Department continue to ignore concerns that this large additional dose of vaccine campaign might have tarnished this country’s blood supply.


I will break this. Is this United States of America Blood Supply Contaminated? Here are the five parts-


  1. Opening
  2. No 'safety risks?'
  3. Out, cursed clot
  4. Significant risks from nanoparticles?
  5. Many undetermined questions


Now that the five parts are named, let's get into part 1!


1 . Opening


Subsequently, the United States of America Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines, Blood clots were a few of the first detrimental effects commemorated. In addition, irregular clotting resumes forthcoming one of the most frequent and complex issues recorded.


If you want to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines, you can read them on this website.




If you need to know more about Blood clots, where a few of the first detrimental effects are commemorated, you can read them on this website.




As of mid-September, this Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — infamous for grabbing only some insignificant adverse effects — had collected announcements of more than 43,000 blood-thickening disorders containing severe-attack issues in young kids.


If you want to learn more about infamous for grabbing only some insignificant adverse effects, you can read them on this pdf.




If you want to learn more about collected announcements of more than 43,000 blood-thickening disorders containing severe-attack issues in young kids, you can read them on this website.




Thickening disorders create this mass of thickened blood "too easily," producing clots that can move through the bloodstream and make them more at risk of heart attacks/problems and strokes, with additional potential issues.


You can read them on this website if you want to learn more about it too quickly.




Cremation leaders, as well as embalmers in the United States of America as well as the U.K., have gone public, accompanying outrageous reports of extremely abnormal blood clots in up to 85% of these parties coming under their care. Some "massive increase" is distinguished to pre-COVID-19 cure periods, though we might find common-anticipating chunks in 5% to 10% of these deaths.


If you want to learn more about the accompanying outrageous reports of extremely abnormal blood clots in up to 85% of these parties coming under their care, you can read them on this website.




"In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time," pronounced Richard Hirschman, a knowledgeable mortician in Alabama, "but since May last year [2021], something about the blood has changed. It's not normal. It's drastic." (Embalmer Sounds Alarmed: Massive Increase in Strange Blood Clots and .... https://rairfoundation.com/embalmer-sounds-alarm-massive-increase-in-strange-blood-clots-and-cancer-its-not-normal-its-drastic-exclusive-interview/)


You can read them on this website if you need to learn more about how blood has changed.




This uncontrolled thickening, as well as this clots' alarming literary fantasy about future image — "long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery." Hirschman's likens to calamari, elastic bands, noodles, worms, or barnacles — are just a few of these concerns drawing questions about blood supply security. (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


If you want to learn more about just a few of these concerns drawing questions about blood supply security, you can read them on this website.




We are done with part one, and now we are going into part 2.


2 . No 'safety risks?'


About 55% of blood is plasma — with additional functions, provisions proteins "for blood clotting and immunity" — accompanying this leftover 45% comprising red blood units, cells that eat bacteria and fungi; platelets postponed in this plasma.


You can read on this website if you need to learn more About 55% of blood is plasma.




You can read on this website if you need to learn more About platelets postponed in this plasma.




Contingent upon their class of human blood, human beings, the ones supplying blood, can pick to give away whole blood, plasma, or platelets, or people can create some "Power Red" handout (a "concentrated dose" of red blood cells).


You can read on this website if you need to learn more About picking to give away whole blood.




The American Red Cross voices that it will reject blood from a character whose blood "does not clot normally," however, — the following management from this unchanging department of the FDA supervises vaccines. Welcomes prompt gifts from anybody who accepted one of this mRNA or different COVID-19 vaccines feasible in the United States of America; on account of this individual voice, the individual is "symptom-free and feeling well."


You can read this website if you need to learn more About not clotting normally.




You can read this website if you need to learn more About the following management.




You can read this website if you need to learn more About this unchanging department of the FDA that supervises vaccines.




You can read this website if you need to learn more About who accepted one of these mRNAs or different COVID-19 vaccines.




This Red Cross claims to be autonomous; however, it fully rejoices in its "special relationship" accompanying this governmental administration — some friendship involving orderly allocations and contracts.


You can read this website if you need to learn more About a special relationship.




In some recent tweet conducted in the direction of potential blood transference beneficiaries, this Red Cross simplified:


You can read this tweet if you need to learn more About recent tweets conducted in the direction of potential blood transference beneficiaries.





This tweet produces many reactions, blaming the Red Cross for distributing "misinformation" and addressing this arrangement's awareness of peer-inspected broadcasts denying its lifeless belief.


Wrote one of the most excellent frightening studies in August in this Worldwide Annals of Cure Hypothesis, Practice, and Research Italian surgeons specified strange clumping of red blood cells as well as this occupancy of "extraordinarily anomalous structures and substances" of "various shapes and sizes of unclear origin" in over 94% of emblematic, COVID-19-immunized persons whose blood people checked.


You can read this PHP if you need to learn more About Wrote, one of August's most excellent frightening studies in this Worldwide Annals of Cure Hypothesis.




These 1,006 study members, varying in age from 15 to 85, took some first (14%), second (45%), or third (41%) dosage of some Pfizer or Moderna mRNA cure about some month before this investigation of their blood.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about Pfizer dosage.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about Moderna dosage.




Different studies found external matters in the blood of COVID-19 cure receivers and COVID-19 cure bottles. This Matters "that the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all." This Italian author decided these cure-caused blood alterations were "likely … to be involved in producing the coagulation disorders commonly reported after anti-COVID injections." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this PHP if you need to learn more About Different studies that found external matters in the blood of COVID-19 cure receivers.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about Different studies that found external matters in COVID-19 cure bottles.



Dawdling this matter even more clearly, people declared:



Another study by Romanian investigators was sent to the Red Cross, individually tweeting to the public. Not only stated this, but Pfizer's "vaccine-associated synthetic mRNA also persists in systemic circulation for at least two weeks" and eminent, "extended plasma clearance times compared to estimates presented by mRNA vaccine manufacturers."


You can read this website if you need to learn more about vaccine-associated synthetic mRNA that persists in systemic circulation for at least two weeks.




In the meantime, some case reports from Germany introduced post-mortem results for fathers who passed the following position or took three "gene-based" COVID-19 cure doses. (one AstraZeneca, two Pfizer) over seven months, this demeanor of COVID-19 cure pierced protein in the brain and heart, specifically in small blood vessel cells.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about some case reports from Germany.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about AstraZeneca.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about this demeanor of COVID-19 cure pierced protein in the brain and heart.




In addition, different studies can be the reason representatives from people like "Mary" incredulously tweeted back to the Red Cross, "Are you kidding? There is proof it enters other body cells like the heart, causing myocarditis; how do you think it gets to the heart from the injection site???"


You can read this tweet if you need to learn more about this tweet.




This FDA keeps declining to release post-mortem results in appeal ownership for folk the one dwindled following COVID-19 immunization.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about This FDA keeps declining to release post-mortem results.




We are done with part 2 and are now going into part 3.


2 . Out, cursed clot


As early as May 2021, cure scientists revealed this "unexpected" entrance inside the bloodstream of this vaccine's artificial pierce protein, while different medicine manufacturing advisors confessed, "Some of the vaccine doses are going to make it into the bloodstream, of course." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this website if you need to learn more about the cure scientists have revealed.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about some vaccine doses that will make it into the bloodstream.




About this concurring, figures like Canadian surgeon Dr. Charles Hoffe admonished about electronics like Computerized axial tomography and MRIs. Those who recognize large blood clots would not find these "microscopic" clots stirring many of these COVID-19-immunized, which might "have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots."


You can read this website if you need to learn more about microscopics.




Hoffe could ascertain the widespread presence of micro-blood clots in his mRNA-vaccinated patient population using D-dimer tests that look for protein fragments associated with clots.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about utilizing D-dimer tests that investigate protein fragments that accompany clots.




This Canadian doctor further warned that when blood clots damage the head, spinal fiber, heart, or alveoli, "those tissues … are permanently damaged."


Some years following in position or time the admissions, in May 2022, this FDA decisively recognized this risk of "potentially life-threatening blood clots" in receivers of this Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 cure.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about potentially life-threatening blood clots.




This European Medicines Agency (EMA) circulated a related announcement about AstraZeneca's COVID-19 cure.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about AstraZeneca's COVID-19 cure.




Other nations, to a degree India and Denmark, confessed to the mass of thickened blood risks while demanding accountability on "faulty injection technique."


You can read this website if you need to learn more about faulty injection techniques.




Neither this FDA nor this EMA pronounced some statement about the thickening risks of these more used Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 shots. Despite almost 7 in 10 (69%) of thickening disorders stated to VAERS as of intervening-September assigned to Pfizer's trial, another 22% connected to Moderna's and only 9% to this J&J poke.


Even though no VAERS reports up until now blame blood clots in contact with this new or repeated approved Novavax cure, this far-from-historic nanoparticle mixture not only transfers premade pierce proteins. "consistently shown to create clotting issues." However, likewise enduring insects as well as vital proteins moreover RNA contaminators.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about the approved Novavax cure.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about RNA contaminators.




We are done with part 3 and are now going into part 4.


4 . Significant risks from nanoparticles?


Nanoparticle electronics are some distinguishing features of two together mRNA injections and this Novavax cure; this biodistribution of these inserted nanoparticles has been an increasing cause for concern.


You can read this website if you need to learn more about Nanoparticle electronics.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about the Novavax cure.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about biodistribution.




Before COVID-19, prevailing announcement outlets warned the world of nanoparticles' leaning to "get into the bloodstream and accumulate elsewhere in the body" following spoken swallow. Accompanying "unintended effects on cells and organs" is characterized by what method inhaled nanoparticles "work their way through the lungs and into the bloodstream where they can raise the risk of heart attack and stroke." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this website if you need to learn more about the following spoken swallow.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about what is characterized by what method inhaled nanoparticles.




In contact with some sites for the lay community, this European Commission discloses the nanoparticles "will move with the circulation into all the organs and tissues of the body," further noticing animal model evidence displays "that tiny nanoparticles can transfer from a pregnant rat to the fetus." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this website if you need to learn more about what will move with the circulation into all the organs and tissues of the body.




In their study of immunized persons' blood, these Italian authors cited previously acclaimed their doubt that a few of these external matters they discovered are "graphene-family particles," issues that "have been intensively studied by researchers for decades and increasingly so since COVID-19." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this PHP if you need to learn more about studying immunized persons' blood.




Some all-inclusive and scarcely consoling 2016 Molecule and Fabric Toxicology studies. Illustrated graphene-classification nanomaterials' "toxic side effects" in many biological inquiries Coverage that they "can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier, etc." (Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/)


You can read this website if you need to learn more about 2016 Molecule and Fabric Toxicology studies.




This study further noted this deep-rooted toxicity evidence is deficient.


We are done with part 4 and are now going into part 5.


5 . Many undetermined questions


Some Washington State couple Cornelia Hertzler and Ron Bly volunteered to express this catastrophic news of their incapacitated baby offspring's end of life by mass of thickened blood last February.


This end-of-life happens two weeks following in position or time this clinic administered some unwarranted blood transference to this baby, regardless of claims that "Patients are free to refuse transfusions for any reason."


You can read this website if you need to learn more about the clinic that administered some unwarranted blood transference to this baby.




You can read this website if you need to learn more about Patients who are free to refuse transfusions for any reason.




This person, who had undoubtedly expressed their wish to use blood from conducted blood donors, this clinic emphatic exclamation-pooped their concerns and used "random blood" alternatively.


This newborn's ultimately deadly mass of thickened blood grew unmistakable the next day, accompanying this lump, by his parent's report, grasping "worse and worse and slowly … inching closer to his heart."


Even though it is impossible to identify the COVID-19 immunization rank of those who handed out this blood in this baby's transference, "most of the nation's blood supply is now coming from donors who have inoculated [against COVID-19]" raises many questions.

You can read this website if you need to learn more about how most of the nation's blood supply has inoculated [against COVID-19].




You can read this website if you need to learn more about raising many questions.




Current blood banks concede the possibility of rejecting the questions as this feverish idea of "COVID skeptics." Appealing that requests for blood from unvaccinated contributors "would be an operational can of worms for a medically outrageous request." However, wise administrators concerned with providing such a service might not take the trouble fighting for customers.


Well, that is all I have. I hope you guys learn new things. Have a great day now, and remember to show the truth to the people so they know what's happening. Until next time.


Here is the reference for the article!


Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? • Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/us-blood-supply-tainted-transfusions-covid-vaccines/


Embalmer Sounds Alarmed: Massive Increase in Strange Blood Clots and .... https://rairfoundation.com/embalmer-sounds-alarm-massive-increase-in-strange-blood-clots-and-cancer-its-not-normal-its-drastic-exclusive-interview/


Here is where I got the info for this article!


































































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