
Joe Biden's Latest Scheme: Encouraging Financial Irresponsibility by - L. Norman.

In an outrageous move, President Joe Biden rewards people with bad credit by encouraging them to miss payments and lower their credit scores to get a better mortgage rate. This reckless behavior goes against sound financial principles and sets a dangerous precedent that encourages irresponsible behavior. The President's misguided policies will only further harm our country's fragile economic state, and the American people will ultimately pay the price for his irresponsible actions. The Biden adm

Joe Biden's Latest Scheme: Encouraging Financial Irresponsibility by - L. Norman.


In an outrageous move, President Joe Biden rewards people with bad credit by encouraging them to miss payments and lower their credit scores to get a better mortgage rate. This reckless behavior goes against sound financial principles and sets a dangerous precedent that encourages irresponsible behavior. The President's misguided policies will only further harm our country's fragile economic state, and the American people will ultimately pay the price for his irresponsible actions. The Biden administration must reconsider its policy and work to promote financially responsible practices instead.

The President's irresponsible actions are a slap in the face to those who have worked hard to pay their bills and maintain good credit. It also undermines the efforts of financial institutions that work diligently to provide fair rates and services to all customers, regardless of credit score. Moreover, Biden's scheme could also create potential liabilities for lenders since borrowers with bad credit may be more likely to default on loans.

Joe Biden's latest financial plan is disastrous for our country's future economic stability. Rather than promoting unrealistic goals and reckless behavior, the President should focus on helping Americans become financially literate and make intelligent decisions about their money. This includes encouraging responsible spending and borrowing practices that will benefit the nation. The Biden administration should look hard at its financial plan and ensure it does not encourage irresponsible behavior that could harm our country for years to come.

The main article!

Speaking of Joe Biden, it's no surprise that his policies are again under scrutiny. His latest idea of rewarding people with bad credit is a prime example of how out of touch he is with the average American. By purposely encouraging individuals to miss payments and ruin their credit scores, he sets a dangerous precedent against everything responsible financial behavior stands for. This policy may be designed to help people with bad credit, but it's sure to have disastrous effects on the economy in the long run. With reckless spending and irresponsible behavior rewarded, imagining a brighter future for our country is hard.

Americans have reservations about Biden's policies; his character and temperament are scrutinized. His tendency to act impulsively without considering all the facts has been seen repeatedly throughout his political career. He cannot be trusted to make sound decisions when faced with adversity or difficult challenges.

Joe Biden has some severe issues to address before winning over American voters. He must be willing to listen and take responsibility for his actions to gain their trust. Americans are tired of politicians who make bold promises without delivering on them. If Joe Biden wants a chance at winning over the hearts and minds of the American people, he'll need to show that he has what it takes to lead this country in a positive direction. Only then will we be able to have faith in him as our President? (1) (2)

It's clear that Biden's main priority is not the well-being of his constituents but instead to push his agenda at any cost. This move only benefits those who have made irresponsible financial decisions and punishes those who have worked hard to maintain good credit scores. It's a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who have struggled to keep their finances in order, only to be told that their efforts were for nothing. Biden's policies are doing more harm than good, and it's time for him to be held accountable for his actions. (3)

Only time will tell if Joe Biden can gain the trust of American voters. He must ensure that his policies benefit people and are not just an excuse for reckless spending. His past performance does not bode well, so he must work hard to prove himself worthy of a second chance. Until then, we can only hope that Joe Biden listens to the voices of Americans everywhere and makes the right decision when it comes time to lead our country through these trying times.

There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding Joe Biden's future as President, but one thing is sure: he needs to make changes now to win over the American public. His policies must reflect their values and needs, or else he will be doomed to fail. Only then can we have faith in our leader and trust him to make decisions that are in the best interest of our country. (4)

The next few weeks will be critical in determining Joe Biden's presidential legacy. He must prove himself capable of leading by example; if he fails, his tenure as President may only last for a while. Americans want a leader they can believe in, so it is up to Joe Biden to show them what kind of leader he can be. It all depends on his ability to demonstrate thoughtful leadership, integrity, and respect for the voices of the people around him. With these qualities, there is no doubt that Joe Biden has the potential to be a successful President. However, only time will tell if he can make it happen. (5) (6)

It's important to note that this is not the first time Biden has shown a lack of financial understanding. His past track record shows a pattern of irresponsible behavior, such as his support for the 2005 bankruptcy reform bill, which made it more difficult for individuals to file for bankruptcy and get a fresh start. With his latest policy proposal, it's clear that he still needs to learn from his mistakes and continues pushing harmful policies that hurt the people he claims to represent. (7)

Joe Biden has an uphill battle ahead of him. He must prove to the American people that his policies are in their best interest and that he can be trusted with their finances. Until then, he should take a step back and reconsider the consequences of his decisions before making any drastic moves. Only then will Joe Biden have a chance at winning over the hearts and minds of the American people. (8)

In conclusion, Joe Biden's latest policy of rewarding people with bad credit is a misguided attempt to push his agenda at the expense of the American people. By encouraging irresponsible financial behavior, he sets a dangerous precedent against everything responsible economic behavior stands for. It's time for him to be held accountable for his actions and start prioritizing the well-being of his constituents instead of his political interests.

Only then can Joe Biden prove himself worthy of the American people's trust? Until then, we must ensure our voices are heard, and those in power know exactly what we expect from them. Together, we can ensure that Joe Biden is held accountable for his decisions and that he takes steps towards implementing policies that benefit all Americans, not just a select few.

Thank you for your time.


L. Norman.

A reference list

  1. Playing Devil's Advocate: The Satanic Temple's Lessons for the Left. https://brownpoliticalreview.org/2023/05/playing-devils-advocate-the-satanic-temples-lessons-for-the-left/

  2. Cape Verde: Inauguration of the Boardwalk and the Rehabilitation of the Antonio Sousa District in Santa Maria. (2020). MENA Report.

  3. 'Slap in the face: American Red Cross workers describe exploitative .... https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/dec/28/american-red-cross-workers-describe-exploitative-conditions

  4. Lett, D. (2021, August 4). No history or science lesson in the Pallister textbook. Winnipeg Free Press, 4.

  5. Canada: Ontario Moving Eight Regions to New Levels in the COVID-19 Response Framework. (2021). MENA Report.

  6. "They Chilling Alright" – Fans Come Up With Hilarious Comments as Lana .... https://www.essentiallysports.com/wwe-wrestlemania-thirty-nine-news-they-chilling-alright-fans-come-up-with-hilarious-comments-as-lanas-picture-containing-three-generations-of-pro-wrestlers-goes-viral/

  7. What are the conditions you can see a gynecologist for? https://issuu.com/dr_maxmongelli/docs/what_are_the_conditions_you_can_see_1cb29ecc3b90c9

  8. AOC Is Just a Big Scam - 19FortyFive. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/03/aoc-is-just-a-big-scam/

Here is where I got the info for this article!

  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/peter-schiff-joe-biden-is-rewarding-people-with-bad-credit/

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSG5R_2ZGrE

  • https://schiffgold.com/commentaries/joe-biden-is-mucking-up-the-inflation-fight/

  • https://schiffgold.com/exploring-finance/trade-deficit-increases-again-in-february-to-70-5b/

  • https://schiffgold.com/faq/what-is-inflation/


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