Mold, Mycotoxins and Your Autistic Child

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If your child has hit a healing plateau, it is helpful to work with a Bau biologist or holistic mold consultant to identify sources of mold exposure.

03/21/2024 - Documenting Hope / Healing Together / Epidemic Answers
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Mold in the Home and Its Impact on Health with PJ Harlow - Epidemic Answers

Happy spring! Now that it's warmer and wetter, t's time to think about mold and how it can affect your child's health.

Children with intractable health conditions often cannot completely heal due to unknown mold exposure at home or at school. In our experience, if your child has hit a healing plateau, it is helpful to work with a Bau biologist or holistic mold consultant to identify sources of mold exposure.

Water damage and humidity inside the home can cause mold to grow in your home, especially in dark and damp locations such as damaged drywall behind and under sinks. Mold fragments and mycotoxins can cause systemic inflammation and immune dysregulation, particularly in those with a high total load and/or genetic susceptibility. Read on to find out more about this growing and icky issue.

Mold Relevant Research

Here are some of the peer-reviewed medical research studies that highlight mold and its effect on chronic illness.


We will be interviewing PJ Harlow, an IICRC-certified holistic mold consultant, about mold in the home and how it affects health:

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 1:00pm Eastern

webinar signup

PJ will help us to answer the following questions in this webinar:

  • What are some signs, symptoms and common diagnoses associated with mold and mycotoxin illness?
  • Is everyone affected equally by mold and mycotoxins?
  • What are some underlying conditions in the home that can contribute to mold proliferation?
  • Why is mold contamination at such an epidemic in homes and schools?
  • What kind of tests should be run for suspected mold contamination?
  • What if mold tests come back normal?
  • What is the best way to remediate mold in the home?
  • Is bleach the best for getting rid of mold?
  • What is a holistic mold consultant?

Sign up to ask your own questions in this live webinar!

Book Review: The BioNexus Approach to Biotoxin Illness

The BioNexus Approach to Biotoxin Illness book provides a detailed guide for using herbs and Ayurveda for mold, PANS, Lyme and other biotoxin illnesses.

The author, Jodie Dashore, developed the BioNexus approach for her son with autism as well as underlying CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response) illness.

Both of these were brought about by advanced stages of biotoxin illness, and he is now fully recovered from both.

This book is mainly directed towards other practitioners, but parents with a solid grasp of anatomy and science can find gems in here that they could use in working with their own practitioners.

Jodie Dashore book

Parents and non-medical professionals can benefit from reading this book because they can gain an understanding of the cause, testing and treatment of biotoxin illness that they can use to better work with their healthcare practitioner.

Read the rest of the Suggested Book review here.

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