
The Death of the Dollar: Why Saudi Arabia's Move Could Lead to a Global Currency Crisis by - L. Norman.

Over the long term, the decline of the U.S. dollar will affect us all in a very tangible way - inflation. Prices are already extremely high right now, and the further devaluation of our currency will ..

The Death of the Dollar: Why Saudi Arabia's Move Could Lead to a Global Currency Crisis by - L. Norman.


"The dollar's decline will cause inflation, which will be noticeable within a year or two." - L. Norman.


Summarize this article!


Over the long term, the decline of the U.S. dollar will affect us all in a very tangible way - inflation. Prices are already extremely high right now, and the further devaluation of our currency will likely drive them up even higher. We will feel the full extent of these effects after some time to see how far an economic event has propagated through all places and sectors. But don't think that just because you don't have this effect immediately that it's not happening - it could take up to two years before we understand how much prices have gone up due to the dollar's decline. This is something all of us should be vigilant about.


America is facing a crisis, and it's one that the government not only hasn't revealed to the public but one that may be intentionally obfuscating. Central banks worldwide know that doom is looming for the U.S. dollar and are preparing accordingly. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens from everyday households like yours and mine remain in the dark about this staggering development coming down the pipeline. Why our elected leaders have chosen to withhold essential information from their constituents is worth asking. Please keep your eyes open; something big is coming, which could immensely impact our future.


This is the main article!


The recent stories of the decline of a currency's world reserve status have been denied over and over, despite the unmistakable downward trend in value. With continued uncertainty in bank liquidity and ongoing financial crises, it's no wonder that more observers recognize this gradual yet persistent fall from grace. This is a severe topic of conversation that should not be taken lightly; proper currency management is essential to its success and stability so that an entire nation's economy isn't at risk. Yet as we all know, larger forces at work here are often beyond our control, making it even harder to manage the situation without pricking up some controversies. As I've always said - keeping a close eye on global economic developments is the key to unlocking success for all nations!


It's maddening that many economic "experts" out there ignore the dire warnings of an imminent dollar collapse. They seem determined to reject the idea of a system without the U.S. dollar at the center and willfully ignore how prices appear to be setting up for some catastrophic convergence. These experts don't want to face all the evidence that suggests an impending doom, yet despite their denialism, others have been loudly sounding bells and whistles about it for years. It's time those experts wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late; instead of burying our collective heads in the sand like an ostrich, we must come together and solve this crisis.


The dollar is often presented as an untouchable world reserve, but it is merely because of its petro-status and our faith in the U.S. military. Some may argue that it's backed by the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve - resulting in a circular argument that turns out to be baseless. The 'All Mighty Dollar' may appear reliable and intriguing. Still, this appearance is just a facade that obscures a much more underlying problem - and that could mean trouble ahead if we don't act accordingly soon enough. Invest wisely, people!


We've all been convinced that the elites can do no wrong and possess a divine power to protect their golden goose, the U.S. dollar, and its economy. But when you look at the facts of history and the numbers in front of us today, it is abundantly clear that the establishment is far more vulnerable than many people give them credit for. They may have been able to rig the system and maintain control over entire nation-states, but they are utterly powerless against nature's wrath in all its forms. Now more than ever, with every passing day, we can sense in our bones that this could be it - this could be the tipping point...this could be where the elites finally realize their hubris cost them everything.


There is no denying that the world has seen the rise of a one-world economy in recent decades, including attempts to slowly replace national currencies with a global monetary system. We are slowly seeing the ultimate goal: a single unified currency. The United States dollar has long been at the center of this international economic chessboard, but it too will not be spared of its ambitions. At no point should anyone ever mistake the dollar as untouchable or even sacred – history has revealed a willingness to strip other nations' currencies of their ability to act within foreign exchange markets. We must be vigilant and ensure that our voices are heard regarding these vital matters, lest we forget what happens when global powers impede upon them for their gain. (1)


It was warned by some of our most daring journalists years ago, yet we see these globalist warmongers looking to destabilize the U.S. dollar with their new-fangled schemes. They are using Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to slowly wiggle away from the reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar; this is a known strategy and has been thought out with precision. They also want to link all possible currencies, eradicating any notion of national superiority. Make no mistake; whether you like it or not, these globalists have already laid the groundwork for the demise of an independent American economy - all to line their own pockets further!


The article 'Saudi Coup Signals War And The New World Order Reset' from 2017 was an encouraging and accurate reflection of the state of politics in that region. When Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman assumed power, it marked a significant change for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and U.S. relations with the area. It further indicated a significant shift in global politics, which had wide-reaching repercussions. Regardless of anyone's opinion, this sudden move signaled a need to reassess America's foothold abroad and its positions among allies and adversaries worldwide. Undoubtedly, this change has had game-changing implications that are still being felt today and speak volumes about our world order.


  • "To understand how drastic this coup has been, consider this — for decades, Saudi Kings maintained political balance by doling out vital power positions to separate, carefully chosen successors. Positions include the Defense Minister, the Interior Ministry, and the head of the National Guard. Today, Mohammed Bin Salman controls all three positions. Foreign policy, defense matters, oil, economic decisions, and social changes are now all in the hands of one man." (2)


This is an important story that the mainstream media continues to ignore conveniently. The Public Investment Fund (PIF), backed by influential globalists from companies like Carlyle Group, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, and Blackrock, has been instrumental in propping up MBS – Mohammed Bin Salman. It's no wonder these globalists are willing to help him out -- he's openly supported their "Vision for 2030," a ploy that involves dismantling the world's reliance on 'fossil fuel' energy. This means sayonara to oil and goodbye to our beloved U.S. dollar being used as the petrodollar. Shifting away from fossil fuels also puts heavy carbon controls into action, setting us up for an Orwellian-style government. Think about that the next time you hear mention of MBS! (3)


It seems like a wild, out-there conspiracy theory, but it's true: the Saudis are being given access to advanced technologies in exchange for cooperation with global financial powers. We're talking artificial intelligence and digital economy-level technological tools here. The craziest part? There's talk of using A.I. advancements to cure various diseases and extend human life. No wonder the Saudi elites are willing to trade in oil, move away from the dollar, and embrace all these high-tech resources! This situation has something nefarious written all over it — what asinine moves will they try next?


2017 was a challenging year for controversial talk show personality Alex Jones. He notoriously made headlines by defending President Trump and his administration's actions, resulting in heavy public scrutiny. On the other hand, he found support from those who shared his conservative convictions but didn't always agree with his wilder conspiracy theory claims. During this time, Jones maintained a consistent tone of voice that could be described as rough and aggressive. His approach only served to increase the hostility towards him rather than calm it, making many view him as nothing more than an outrageous loudmouth who cared little for facts or respectability.


  • "The next phase of the global economic reset will begin partly with the breaking of petrodollar dominance. The symbiosis between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia is an important element of my analysis of the strategic shift away from the petrodollar. "From the beginning, Saudi Arabia has been the most important key to the dollar remaining as the Petro currency." (2)


Petro's status has been the much sought-after crown jewel to many powerful ideologies, yet its future remains to be determined. Unfortunately, the threat to petro status may be driven by a proxy war between East and West. This assumption is based on recent diplomatic tensions and global conflict in that region. We may witness an international power play as governments attempt to maintain their coveted petro status. As a people of this planet, we must strive to uphold our sense of justice and urge nations to use diplomacy over force to protect our shared resources and ensure financial peace is not destroyed. We can demand those in power recognize the value of human life instead of the age-old pursuit of petro status."


  • "World economic war is the game's real name here, as the globalists play puppeteers to East and West. They will have created a geopolitical crisis to engineer public support for a proposed solution." (2)


It's becoming increasingly evident that the globalists have set their sights on Ukraine; this will likely be their playing field for igniting a proxy war. We might have thought the Middle East initially, or even Iran in particular, would be the stage upon which they'd create chaos and destruction - but we've been proven wrong. Even if we avert our eyes from what's happening in Ukraine right now, we still need to accept this much: Taiwan is coming next. They've spotted a chance for yet more geostrategic control, and unless we act soon, there won't be anything between us and our doom!


Is it the beginning of the end for the dollar? This past week during the World Economic Forum in Davos, a bombshell announcement was made by Saudi Arabia. After years of close relations with Russia and China, fueled by arms deals and energy deals, Saudi Arabia has declared that they are now willing to trade oil in alternative currencies. This bold move is no surprise, as it had become evident that their allegiance to the United States was starting to crumble. Could this be another high-profile domino falling on the path toward dollar collapse? Only time will tell. (4)


Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to jumpstart the campaign to get China's currency, the yuan, used for more energy deals. This move by the Chinese leader is just part of the bigger picture, a plan set in motion by Eastern parties like Russia and China meant to dethrone the U.S. Dollar as the primary international currency. We already see ripple effects in countries shifting toward doing business with minerals and energy prices denominated outside of USD. If more countries opt into this economic shift away from America, it could become difficult for our country to avoid financial disaster. There have been attempts by prominent nation members to lever public opinion against these economic movements. Still, we must be aware of what has become a genuine threat to our status quo.


The Saudi Arabian announcement will undoubtedly have huge implications for our economy, both near and far. The dollar's status as the world reserve currency has been largely enabled by its dominance as the petro currency. It's one or the other; without one, you can't have the other. This is similar to what happened in the 20th century when Britain's Sterling imploded - ushering in a new era of American supremacy in which the dollar took center stage! This could be what we see begin to happen now, only this time; it will be a different country across the pond taking advantage of this opportune moment and perhaps monopolizing the power vacuum created here. Folks should not underestimate this moment, as it may well be one of the unpredictably massive realignments!


The world as we know it is on the brink of an unprecedented economic transformation. We are about to witness the birth of a new global monetary system, a system in which a basket currency, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), and a single digital currency, yet to be named, will form the backbone of a transformed world economy. As we approach this monumental turning point – for better or for worse – I think it's time for everyone to ask: Are you ready for something unified, something that transcends borders, something that genuinely puts humankind first? The current system has shown us significant inequalities and provided refuge for corruption. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to create something revolutionary that will empower people from all walks of life. (5) (6)


The U.S. economy is on a ticking time bomb with the looming risk of losing its reserve status. Without this superpower, the ability to defer inflation overseas is nonexistent, leaving the Fed's printing money spree wholly exposed. These trillions of dollars created out of thin air will all come back in a tidal wave, flooding our markets and inducing hyper stagflation – crushing the American dream as we know it today. We must never underestimate how devastating it would be to lose this incredible advantage and vitality! The consequences are too extreme, so we must do all we can to keep our grip on reserve status intact before it's too late!


The whole thing is incredibly concerning. Since 2017, holders of U.S. debt and dollars have been reducing their stocks at an alarming rate. Now combine this with the Fed's ongoing balance sheet cutting and interest rate hikes- everyone needs to pick up the pieces! This means there needs to be more customers willing to purchase government-issued securities and U.S. currency. The consequences will be dire and will only worsen if we don't quickly stop the exodus of lenders and investors. We are running out of time to right this ship before we're pushed over the edge into a terrifying abyss. (7)


According to foreign central banks, the writing is on the wall; the U.S. dollar isn't backed by gold anymore, so its value depends on governments deciding to accept it. These banks have seen what is on the horizon, as they've started stockpiling precious metals in anticipation of a significant devaluation of America's currency. This might explain why the American public has been kept in the dark while other nations are aware of what is happening behind closed doors. The dollar may be in for an exciting ride, and foreign central banks are already preparing for it.


As if the current high rate of inflation wasn't enough, we are now looking at a possible further decline in the dollar's value. This could have disastrous effects on our economy that may not become obvious for another year or two, but rest assured that prices will remain high and monetary tightening will continue to drive those already-inflated prices even higher. The potential is for a recessionary contraction to begin within the next month. However, even with decreased demand and reduced access to credit, prices still won't budge from this pitifully high rate due to the continued desecration of our currency. Brace yourselves because these ridiculous costs aren't going anywhere anytime soon!


It's no surprise that the mainstream media and government economists are claiming they have "no idea" why persistent inflation is occurring - after all, their faulty management caused it in the first place! Those who accept the reality of a diminished dollar understand the cause: a detrimental reliance on easy money, debt accumulation, and devaluation of assets. Now more than ever, we need to brace ourselves for an inflationary wave unlike anything experienced in modern history. We saw this coming, but unfortunately, it isn't prep. It's time to wake up and recognize that our car isn't sustainable in its current form - only then can we take proactive steps to protect ourselves from an impending economic collapse.


The future of the U.S. dollar is uncertain, and it's now up to us to take the necessary precautions to protect our wealth. We must remain vigilant in seeking out ways to insulate ourselves from the inflationary storm that is brewing on the horizon. Various options are available, whether investing in precious metals, diversifying into different currencies, or entering into fixed-income investments with longer maturities. The important thing is that we take action before it's too late! Every day brings new risks, so don't wait any longer - start planning your financial strategy today! It's time to get serious about securing your financial future against all odds. Don't let uncertainty become inertia; move forward and get ahead of the game. The end of our currency and economy hangs in the balance, so don't wait to act - it's now or never! (8)


The U.S. dollar is facing an unprecedented crisis with no clear resolution. We must be proactive in protecting ourselves from its devaluation by taking the necessary steps to ensure our financial security. Investing wisely, creating a backup plan, and understanding the implications of inflation are all critical parts of this process. The time for complacency has passed; it's time to take action and secure your future before it's too late! We can safeguard against a financial disaster tomorrow by following these measures today. Don't let uncertainty become inertia - move forward and get ahead of the game! The future of the U.S. dollar and our economy is in your hands. It's now or never; take action today! (9)


A reference list


  1. "Denmark: Tax Rules for Cryptocurrency Must Be Looked at in the Seams." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., June 2021.
  2. A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of .... https://www.activistpost.com/2023/01/a-dollar-collapse-is-now-in-motion-saudi-arabia-signals-the-end-of-petro-status.htm.
  3. "Support Police Officers." The Hutchinson News, Hutchinson News, 10 Sept. 2015, p. n/a.
  4. Is it the Beginning of the End for Workplace Non-Compete Agreements .... https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/is-it-the-beginning-of-the-end-for-6999693/
  5. Professor's perceptron paved the way for A.I. – 60 years too soon. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2019/09/professors-perceptron-paved-way-ai-60-years-too-soon
  6. "Canada: Mining Day at the Legislature Focuses on Economic Recovery Opportunities, Innovation." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Mar. 2021.
  7. "United States: Congressman John Garamendi's World War II Merchant Marine Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2018 Accrues 103 House Co-Sponsors." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., July 2018.
  8. "Philippines: Bong Go Welcomes Creation of Task Force for Post-Disaster Rehabilitation While DDR Is Still Pending Legislation; Joins PRRD in Aerial Inspections of Typhoon-Hit Areas." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Nov. 2020.
  9. Jim Rickards' Strategic Intelligence: Biden Bucks Special Reports .... https://www.stocktrendalerts.com/jim-rickards-strategic-intelligence-biden-bucks-special-reports-review/


Here is where I got the info for this article!


  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/a-dollar-collapse-is-now-in-motion-saudi-arabia-signals-the-end-of-petro-status/
  • https://alt-market.us/a-dollar-collapse-is-now-in-motion-saudi-arabia-signals-the-end-of-petro-status/
  • https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2019/12/future-of-the-IMF-special-drawing-right-SDR-ocampo
  • https://www.activistpost.com/2017/11/saudi-coup-signals-war-new-world-order-reset.html
  • https://english.aawsat.com//home/article/1065396/carlyle-group-chairman-saudi-arabia-will-encourage-more-capital-attraction?amp
  • https://www.ocoglobal.com/uk-and-ireland-perspective/goldman-sachs-backs-saudis-ambitious-vision-2030-plans/
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexzhavoronkov/2022/07/14/the-new-saudi-arabiavision-2030-and-ai/?sh=5e968bc91805
  • https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Saudi-Arabia-Is-Open-To-Discuss-Non-Dollar-Oil-Trade-Settlements.html
  • https://www.activistpost.com/2017/11/economic-end-game-continues.html
  • https://finance.yahoo.com/news/japans-foreign-reserves-fall-again-151344254.html
  • https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202301/20/WS63c9c892a31057c47ebaab84.html
  • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-07/china-extends-gold-buying-with-fresh-flows-to-central-bank


---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/25/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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