
The Devastation is Deeper and Wider than We Know - Time to Wake Up By - L. Norman.

The complete upheaval of normalcy brought about by the pandemic has been nothing short of disastrous, and even more so thanks to the boneheaded policies implemented by our utterly inept governments. The sheer audacity of these so-called leaders to strip away our freedoms and destroy countless livelihoods under the guise of "protecting public health" is utterly infuriating. The aftermath of their authoritarian rule has left us with crippled economies, fragmented communities, and an incr

The Devastation is Deeper and Wider than We Know - Time to Wake Up By - L. Norman.  

"The Covid policies and their aftermath have had far-reaching impacts on our society, including lowered trust in public institutions, raised worries about privacy and freedom of speech, and the financial ramifications will persist for a long time." (1)

Summarize this article!

The complete upheaval of normalcy brought about by the pandemic has been nothing short of disastrous, and even more so thanks to the boneheaded policies implemented by our utterly inept governments. The sheer audacity of these so-called leaders to strip away our freedoms and destroy countless livelihoods under the guise of "protecting public health" is utterly infuriating. The aftermath of their authoritarian rule has left us with crippled economies, fragmented communities, and an increasing number of mental health issues, among other lasting societal impacts. Though they spew empty promises of a return to our former lives, it is evident that the incompetency displayed by the government throughout this ordeal does not bode well for our future as a society - a heart-wrenching reality that we must now endure together.

The dwindling faith in public institutions comes as no surprise, considering these establishments' constant encroachment upon our privacy and freedom of speech. The government cares more about monitoring our every move than safeguarding our liberties, which is not only profoundly concerning but also has far-reaching financial consequences. It's infuriating to witness the constant drain on our resources to fund invasive surveillance and suppression while our legitimate concerns fall like whispers into the void. Our hard-earned finances should be invested in productive sectors that benefit the majority, not perpetuating a state that constantly breeds distrust and paranoia. The time has come for a concerted pushback against these oppressive forces, lest we find ourselves hopelessly shackled by the authoritarian chains of an ever-looming government regime.

This is the main article!

Three years ago, the world changed in a way we could have never imagined as the Covid-19 pandemic descended upon us. Fear and panic gripped the globe, and in response, governments and institutions scrambled to implement policies they claimed would protect us. But was it really about safeguarding public health, or was it an overreach of authority? Helpless citizens were coerced into surrendering their rights and freedoms, all in the name of supposed safety. As the years passed, it became evident that these measures were doing more harm than good. Society suffered, businesses crumbled, and the impact on mental health was devastating, all while these so-called "leaders" continued tightening their grip on power. Maybe it's time for us to question the true motives of those in charge in future crises.

The pervasive schemes and machinations of those in power and their ill-conceived policies have impacted the social fabric that once bonded us. Trust, the once-flourishing cornerstone of our society, has been eroded over time, leaving a gaping chasm that reverberates with the echoes of deceit and betrayal. Carelessly put forth under the guise of progress, these so-called policies have only highlighted the shattered remnants of government transparency, accountability, and morality. Today, as we survey the ruins of what was once a just and stable society, we can easily discern the wreckage these unintended consequences have wrought. And as each day passes, the question nags at the very core of our collective consciousness: when will the few finally cease to dictate the lives and well-being of the many?

From the outset of Covid-19, it's been clear that the healthcare system has been severely disrupted. Government policies have put additional strain on resources, increasing medical errors and drastically reducing care for those suffering from other ailments. Diagnoses of cancer and HIV were often delayed due to lack of testing, with potentially life-altering results for those affected. Governments have also played their part in disseminating fear through inaccurate death counts, allowing them impunity to continue with oppressive policies which restrict our liberties even further. It's high time we push back against these measures and demand better from our rulers.

Seeing how the institutions we rely on for guidance during a crisis have proven untrustworthy and unreliable is utterly disheartening. Many Covid models that were pivotal in shaping policies turned out to be flawed and ineffective, further exposing the incompetence of organizations like the CDC. This institution, which should be a beacon of truth and integrity, has been marred by many controversies, including deplorable actions such as hiding data and tracking unsuspecting Americans through their phone locations. To make matters worse, the involvement of powerful unions in shaping CDC policy raised alarms about sinister political interference in public health decisions. We must question the legitimacy of these supposedly authoritative sources and strive to uncover the truth beneath the murky waters of deceit and corruption. Our lives and the lives of future generations depend on our ability to recognize and denounce these barbaric practices that plague our society.

Privacy and censorship concerns have reached an alarming height as the intrusive Covid policies seep deeper into our lives. It's appalling to witness governments and private companies capitalizing on this pandemic, exploiting vulnerable citizens through Covid apps devised to expand surveillance, quell protests, and siphon untold profits from the unauthorized use of personal information. The reprehensible collaboration between the CDC and Big Tech has been exposed, prompting multiple hearings on Capitol Hill. However, these hearings may only serve as a smokescreen, distracting us from the steady dismantling of our fundamental rights. The time for complacency is over. It's high time we resist and condemn this blatant invasion of our privacy, reclaiming our autonomy from those who seek to manipulate and control us under the guise of public safety.

The efforts of certain government agencies and Big Tech companies to control the narrative surrounding the pandemic have proven to be dangerous and oppressive. By blocklisting respected medical experts like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, these parties are engaging in a heinous form of censorship that seeks to limit people's access to vital information and trample on our right to free speech. It is painfully apparent that the only motive behind such oppressive behavior is to protect their interests while disregarding fundamental human rights. We must hold those responsible accountable for their actions and demand that the truth surface without fear of reprisals. Otherwise, our society will become even more vulnerable to this outrageous governmental interference.

It's astonishing to see how the government in Canada and the United States has managed to mangle the relief efforts during these trying times. The sheer incompetence displayed in the allocation and oversight of the massive spending on Covid relief programs leaves one questioning what their tax dollars are genuinely being squandered on. With billions of dollars being flushed down the drain on poorly managed programs in Canada and misallocated aid in the United States, it's evident that government inefficiency continues to plague our nations even during a global pandemic. We, as citizens, must demand answers and demand change. We cannot continue to allow our tax money to be wasted by bumbling bureaucrats who seem to have no qualms about pouring valuable resources into botched relief operations.

The government's draconian Covid policies have wreaked havoc on the most vulnerable members of our society - our children. In their blind pursuit of a one-size-fits-all approach, our leaders callously disregarded the devastating impact that lockdowns and restrictions would have on child health and development. The heart-wrenching surge in infant abuse and the alarming rise in children's anxiety is just the tip of the iceberg. Our teenagers, robbed of their freedom and opportunities for social interaction, face unprecedented mental health struggles. Even our youngest citizens, mere babies, did not escape the crippling effects of these policies as developmental delays ran rampant. The government's tunnel-vision obsession with control has inflicted immeasurable suffering on our children, and the consequences will reverberate through the years.

Witnessing how the government's mishandling of Covid regulations has further spurred the rise in child labor globally is appalling. With millions of more child marriages anticipated as a terrible consequence of the pandemic, it's evident that these so-called protective policies have instead contributed to an alarming crisis in child development. Our government's glaring insensitivity and incompetence only fuel the fire of adversity these young souls face daily. It's high time that the authorities be held accountable for their actions' catastrophic impact on the lives of innumerable innocent children.

The government's blatant negligence and mismanagement of the pandemic have had dire consequences on the development of our children, with masks and isolation causing significant harm. Due to the absurd social distancing measures in place, our children are now facing speech and expression difficulties, stunting their growth and development. But it doesn't end there; the state's insistence on enforcing lockdowns has also catalyzed an alarming increase in child abuse cases. On top of that, countless sports activities that foster teamwork and camaraderie in our children have been canceled, dealing a severe blow to their emotional well-being. As if that wasn't enough, these same oppressive lockdowns have diminished child abuse reporting, further jeopardizing our children's safety. The government's appalling implementation of COVID regulations has also led to a sickening rise in child sexual abuse cases. We must not stand idly by as such thoughtless, detrimental policies decimate our children's futures.

The iron-fisted approach of governments worldwide in implementing Covid regulations has arguably led to one of the most devastating consequences on our children's future - the obliteration of their education. As a result of panic-driven decisions, the learning process of an outrageous 1.6 billion children has been disrupted, further exacerbating the global learning crisis. The so-called solution - remote learning - was a pathetic excuse and a miserable failure in the face of the educational collapse wrought by lockdowns. Consequently, students have been left vulnerable and woefully unprepared for their future, casualties of a system that chose to sacrifice their success on the altar of safety. The catastrophic impact of these shortsighted and controlling measures cannot be understated and will surely haunt us in the years to come.

The UK government's decision to not only incentivize but also normalize the mass vaccination of children, even though they are largely unaffected by Covid-19, raises many concerns. There is no denying that immunocompromised children and those with some Long COVID symptoms have low risks of serious illness from the virus, yet withholding the vaccine from them together would be irresponsible. However, paying out compensation for vaccine injury raises alarm bells about potential side effects and long-term implications, which our mainstream media sources have largely ignored. Moreover, we must question why experts are being disregarded when they advise against booster jabs being given to children; This raises issues regarding access to information and suggests that there is more behind the scenes than has previously been acknowledged.

Astonishingly, there may have been more effective approaches than the heavily promoted isolation measures during the Covid-19 pandemic. Recent findings reveal that those who interacted with children had improved Covid outcomes, which makes one wonder if the government knew what it was doing. To make matters worse, the focus on Covid has overshadowed the importance of vaccinating children against other diseases, leading to declining vaccination rates at the expense of our children's overall health. This shows that blind trust in health institutions and government mandates can lead to devastating long-term public health consequences. The faults in their strategies have shaken the public's confidence, raising legitimate concerns about the competence of these so-called experts guiding our lives during these unprecedented times.

The heavy-handed Covid policies have left a trail of destruction in their wake, causing long-lasting damage to the very fabric of our society. Public trust in institutions has been shattered, as those in power have demonstrated their eagerness to trample on our privacy and muzzle our freedom of speech in the name of nebulous public health goals. The financial consequences of these ill-advised policies will burden future generations for years to come, serving as a bitter testament to their short-sightedness. As we pick up the pieces, learning from these colossal blunders is more critical than ever to ensure a more balanced and open approach to future crises. We must not allow another public health emergency to become an excuse for enacting draconian measures that undermine our cherished liberties and eviscerate public confidence in our institutions. Our society deserves better, and it is high time for these policy missteps to be held to account.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility and vulnerability of our global society. It is now more important than ever to learn from these mistakes and strive for a better future. We must reject further attempts to undermine our rights and freedoms while advocating for meaningful change to ensure long-term health and prosperity for us and future generations. It is time we realize that the world can no longer be managed with top-down approaches, for it requires open dialogue, critical reflection on our actions, and a commitment to protecting fundamental human liberties. Only then will we have actual progress toward building a better world. (2)

A reference list

  1. The Devastation is Deeper and Wider than We Know – NewsWars. https://www.newswars.com/the-devastation-is-deeper-and-wider-than-we-know/

  2. "Open For Entries." The campaign, Haymarket Business Publications Ltd., Dec. 2020, p. 104.

Here is where I got the info for this article!

  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-devastation-is-deeper-and-wider-than-we-know/

  • https://brownstone.org/articles/the-devastation-is-deeper-and-wider-than-we-know/

  • https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/05/medical-malpractice-hospitals-covid-pandemic-insurance/

  • https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/05/medical-malpractice-https://www.diagnosticimaging.com/view/cancer-screenings-and-covid-19-what-a-new-study-shows

  • https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/s1201-HIV-COVID-19.html

  • https://yle.fi/a/3-12472166

  • https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.30.22277091v1

  • https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/20/health/covid-cdc-data.html

  • https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o831

  • https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vymn/cdc-tracked-phones-location-data-curfews

  • https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cdc-director-union-leaders-tightening-masking-guidance-calendar

  • https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/police-seize-covid-19-tech-expand-global-surveillance-95584064

  • https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-bank-protest-stopped-by-health-codes-turning-red-depositors-say-2022-06-14/

  • https://www.wired.com/story/covid-19-data-switch/

  • https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/CDC-Emails-to-Big-Tech.pdf

  • https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-twitter-blacklisting-of-jay-bhattacharya-medical-expert-covid-lockdown-stanford-doctor-shadow-banned-censorship-11670621083

  • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-06/justin-trudeau-s-covid-19-spending-programs-wasted-billions-audit-finds?leadSource=uverify%2520wall

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  • https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/05/29/upshot/pandemic-school-counselors.html

  • https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/31/health/covid-mental-health-teens.html

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  • https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/08/us/pandemic-schools-reading-crisis.html

  • https://edsource.org/2022/student-math-scores-a-five-alarm-fire-in-california/669797

  • https://unicef.org/reports/state-global-learning-poverty-2022

  • https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-race-and-ethnicity-milwaukee-5ab5394b2513e7136b9b854355770a1a

  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016344532100548X

  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00431-021-04345-z

  • https://www.bbc.com/news/health-61898694

  • https://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2022/12/05/jme-2022-108449

  • https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/16/interacting-with-small-kids-may-lower-risk-of-severe-covid-outcomes.html

  • https://the74million.org/article/child-vaccination-rates-already-down-because-of-covid-fall-again/

---------------------END OF DOC TIME 03/21/2023----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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