
The Horrifying Reality of Child Trafficking in America by - L. Norman.

Despite the seriousness of endemic child trafficking, it is still an issue that goes untalked about and is only addressed in whispers. Some have condemned its horrors, yet its perpetrators are bold en..

The Horrifying Reality of Child Trafficking in America by - L. Norman.


"This text is about an evil growing out in the open." - L. Norman.


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Despite the seriousness of endemic child trafficking, it is still an issue that goes untalked about and is only addressed in whispers. Some have condemned its horrors, yet its perpetrators are bold enough to continue their enterprises in broad daylight, just out of sight on the fringes of our societies. This growing evil is out in the open, yet, from within its murky depths, these children's worth is sold to the highest bidding predators with little more than a whisper of protest in response. It requests our urgent attention now – we cannot allow this continued exploitation of our innocent youth to go unchecked much longer.


This is the main article!



I'm sure everybody listening to me today can agree that nothing is more despicable and morally reprehensible than finding out a child has been prostituted and trafficked for sex. It's hard to comprehend the evil and depravity of those individuals who commit such heinous crimes against innocent, young lives. We're talking about some of the vilest, predatory criminals imaginable - criminals who should be in jail or worse. This uncivilized, cruel behavior is happening daily and needs to be stopped. Without a unified effort of all law enforcement agencies, we won't have any chance of putting these monsters away where they belong.


No parent should ever have to experience the horror of finding out their child has been bought and sold for sex. We can't sit around and pretend this isn't still a problem: every two minutes, another child somewhere finds themselves in this heart-wrenching scenario. We must wake up, fight against these criminal networks, and protect these vulnerable souls from further exploitation. Together, we can make sure our children are safe and secure. (2)


It is disgraceful that, in this day and age, vulnerable young girls and boys as young as nine years old are being bought and sold to be used for sex - up to twenty times a day! How can we, as a civilized society, stand by and let this travesty continue? We must take action now and join forces to end the cycle of exploitation of these vulnerable children who have no way out. Taking immediate stringent measures can act as a warning signal to predators looking to exploit innocent lives. Together we can work towards creating a future where no child has to live through the nightmare of human trafficking.


It's an alarming truth that 2.5 million children are bought and sold for sexual purposes every year in the United States alone! We all know that exploiting vulnerable children is immoral, but as this data has revealed, it's much more prolific than previously thought. Imagine how many more heartbreaking cases of child sex trafficking there could be if adequately funded law enforcement were to pursue these perpetrators. Let's give law enforcement professionals the resources to take a stand and protect innocent children from being preyed upon by evil predators. Together, we can create a better future and save innocent lives.


It is heartbreaking that in Georgia alone, hundreds of men are looking to buy sex from adolescent girls every day. This staggering statistic shows that even in one American state, there is an issue surrounding the purchase of sexual services with minors - something that needs to be evicted from our society immediately. Not only is it wrong, but it has damaging effects on young people's mental and physical health. Something needs to change to end this cycle of abuse, especially since more than half of these violators are in their 30s and should know better. Together we can rise against this unacceptable behavior and protect the vulnerable members of our society before it's too late.


This statistic is abhorrent! It's difficult to imagine the fear and terror that a child experiences when raped not once but 6,000 times. It's also devastating to think about how many children face this horrifying reality daily. We must demand that our government do more to protect our children and hold those responsible for child rape accountable for their actions. We must take a zero-tolerance policy on child rape to ensure that no child is ever subjected to such terror again. Together, we can provide our children with safe futures and prevent these monstrous crimes from occurring.


This is a massive and disturbing problem that is occurring nationwide—one that must stop. An estimated 100,000 to 500,000 children—girls and boys—are bought and sold into this form of slavery every year in the United States. As if this statistic isn't troubling enough, there's even the possibility of up to 300,000 children at risk of being trafficked each year. What's even worse than this is the varying ways these children are getting into this disgusting market; it could be anything from forcefully abducting them to having relatives or acquaintances sell them off as goods…. This has no place in our society. We need to focus on stopping traffickers and punishing those who take part in such malicious activity. We will not stand idly by while they prey on innocent children and enrich themselves at their expense. (3)


Rape, especially of innocent children, has become a big money-maker in our society. Sadly, it's now easier than ever for those with the means and depravity to engage in such heinous activities, as back-alley predators have been replaced by organized, connected networks of criminals all over the country. Despite increased attention to this fact by law enforcement, child rape is still rampant, and we must take more action to get rid of it before more precious lives are destroyed. We need to start actively seeking out perpetrators and punishing them according to their efforts; only then will we be able to truly protect our youth and ensure they can grow up safe from this real-life nightmare.


Child trafficking is a heartbreaking issue that is shockingly rampant around the world. While it is true that it's often thought of as an issue only found in large cities, this crime, unfortunately, knows no geographic borders and touches small towns just as much as metropolitan areas. In truth, many of these vulnerable children are trafficked and exploited in rural settings—and tackling this issue requires coordinated approaches across all levels of government and society. We must do everything we can not to turn away from these children; instead, we should strive to be especially vigilant and supportive of them where they may lack the support they need most.


Sadly, the dark topic of child trafficking has become an increasingly prevalent issue in many communities worldwide. Lurking behind the pleasant façade of everyday life, it's happening everywhere – from suburban neighborhoods to large cities. This frightening practice can further increase the vulnerability and exploitation of children who are already victims of poverty, abuse, or domestic violence. Citizens need to be aware of this atrocity and take an active stance against it. There are ways for us all to make a difference, despite how small it may seem – raising awareness, donating to nonprofit organizations dedicated to ending this terrible problem, or volunteering at community events designed to support kids in need. Every effort that we can make counts!


The heartbreaking truth about child trafficking rings true, as Ernie Allen of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children points out, "The only way not to find this in any American city is simply not to look for it." For many young victims, this involves being taken away from their families and environments within or outside the country. To bring an end to acts of child trafficking, it is paramount that we first recognize its existence. Many times, traffickers go unnoticed due to a lack of awareness which leads to unchecked operations in crowded cities. This potential for human exploitation must be recognized and those responsible held accountable for their actions. By educating our citizens globally about the signs of trafficking, we can proactively work towards eliminating this issue from all corners of society. (1)


Sex trafficking and the sexualization of young people are prime examples of a much broader corruption clawing away at the foundation of our society. It is a cultural disease born from deep-seated immorality and greed, widespread among governing authorities and corporate execs. Sadly, for this heinous cycle to continue, it requires that we, as members of society, remain silent and allow these crimes against humanity to go unpunished. We can no longer stand by idly and permit these systems of immoral subjugation to persist; we must come together to break the chains of oppression that have infiltrated every crevice within our walls! (1) (4)


This statistic is appalling and heartbreaking; 1300 school buses of children at risk or sold into the sex trade is not what anyone wants to read, yet it's a great indication of the true magnitude of this disaster. The truth is that trafficking thrives on the lack of attention, allowing perpetrators to go virtually undetected. At the same time, they rip apart families, threaten their victims with violence, and condemn them to a life of distress and exploitation. Human trafficking isn't just ruining young lives -- it's ruining societies by creating dangerous environments for even our most vulnerable members. We must act now if we have any chance of protecting our future generations from becoming part of this harrowing statistic. (5)


It's time to wake up and realize the danger in plain sight. The internet has become a cesspool where predators target young children, selling them for sex. A staggering statistic shows that one in five online kids face sexual propositions, which is being accelerated through gaming platforms and other social media outlets. Worrying words from researcher Brian Ulicny show that non-contact-oriented forms of sexual exploitation are on the rise, demanding immediate action against this growing issue. This only serves as further evidence that more needs to be done to protect those most at risk of exploitation before it's too late!


Adolescents and adults of all genders are also targets of sex traffickers. Human trafficking continues to be a global concern, with women and girls making up the majority of victims. However, this discrepancy has not gone unnoticed; in recent years, government organizations have been putting a greater emphasis on acknowledging the vulnerability of males to this crime as well. This issue reaches across boundaries of age, rank, family status, education level, and gender identity, making the need for active prevention important. By educating ourselves, we can better equip ourselves to combat human trafficking and protect people from becoming victims.


According to USA Today, boys make up 36% of children in this horrific sex industry. This statistic is heartbreaking and is an indictment of our society's complete negligence on this issue. Not enough measures are being put in place to prevent young boys from becoming involved with sex trafficking--especially when you consider that most victims are female and transgender! We must do better to educate and protect our boys from harm before we lose them to sex traffickers. Let's face it--we have an epidemic on our hands, and it's time for us to act now before yet another generation of young men is lost forever.


Every year, we hear more and more horror stories about girls and boys as young as five years old being bought and sold into the sex trade. It's an absolute tragedy; these innocent children are robbed of their childhood and often subjected to unimaginable abuse. The people responsible for this must be exposed and punished to the full extent of the law. We must stand together in solidarity to demand justice and ensure that no one remains silent regarding this horrific problem. Let's band together so we can protect our children against this inhumanity, make sure we don't turn a blind eye any longer, and ensure that these experiences never touch another child again! (6)


The average age of trafficked victims is horrifying: 13. This means that many young children, some as young as 8-10 years old, are being exploited and taken advantage of in the most morally reprehensible way. The implications are too pressing to ignore - not only are countless innocent children being exposed to untold trauma, but their potential and innocence are wholly discarded in a way that no one should ever experience. We must recognize this reality and join together to prioritize the safety and security of these kids and any other victims of trafficking exposure. Our collective conscience demands it.


It is revolting that minors as young as thirteen are trapped in human trafficking. It's tragic to think of these innocent little girls, only just beginning their lives, lying awake at night in fear instead of dreaming of the bright future they could be having. Young children should be laughing and playing, not exploited for someone else's gain. We must start fighting this injustice as a collective force, raising our voices and ensuring everyone knows this problem must end. No person should ever have to endure the fear and suffering of human trafficking, so we must unite and use our strength in numbers to stop it!


America's dirty little secret is the rampant issue of sex trafficking. This is a largely hidden form of exploitation in which people are bought and sold for sexually exploitative purposes. This form of slavery is a heinous crime that strips people of their dignity and often leaves victims feeling helpless and afraid to seek help from authorities. Everyone has the right to be free of exploitation. Yet, millions across America are estimated to be caught in this degrading system. We should not tolerate it any longer – it is time for us as a society to come together and take action toward ending sex trafficking once and for all. (7) (8)


The burning question we need to answer is: who is driving this appalling appetite for young flesh? Who would be so twisted to buy a child for sexual exploitation? This searing issue transcends socio-economic class and racial divisions - making it everyone's problem. We all need to be aware of the growing epidemic of human trafficking and make sure that we're doing what we can to support preventative efforts. If not us, then who? We must stand against these monsters motivated by money, greed, and naked cruelty. Let's send a powerful message that we will not turn a blind eye any longer – no matter how loud the skeptics roar. (9)


It's an outrage - ordinary men from all walks of life are buying sex in America. We're talking about co-workers, doctors, pastors, and your spouse. According to journalist Tim Swarens' shocking investigation, the exploitation of humans for sexual slavery isn't as far away or confined to exotic countries as most may think. It's right under our noses, and we, together, must stop it! Our society must become aware and informed about these depraved acts so that the vulnerability of these victims is protected and justice is served.


With an insatiable craving to rape and abuse children, the buyers stalking our streets hail from every race, profession, and corner of society. From middle-aged schoolteachers to teenage computer techs, one thing they all have in common is a disturbing proclivity towards brutally molesting innocent victims to gratify their perverse desires. This grim reality was uncovered by criminal investigator Marc Chadderdon who spoke out about these monstrous men who rob children of their innocence and often leave them with crippling psychological damage. We must fight back against these predatory predators who prey on our youth so that we can protect the safety of our communities for years to come. (10)


America's law enforcement is running amok, and it's high time we did something about it. For far too long, police officers have been raping, beating, extorting sex, and dealing narcotics despite wearing the badge that should protect us from such heinous crimes. Moreover, hundreds of evil police forces across the country are becoming corrupted by a code of silence and turning from defenders to extortionists. We must stand up as a unified collective in demand of change before any more citizens fall victim to these monsters in national blue. It's time for new policies against police misconduct and a seismic shift in our culture of overlooking unchecked abuse of power before it's too late!


Whether online or in person, young girls are particularly vulnerable to the danger posed by predators masquerading as trusted figures - like authority figures wearing blue. Make no mistake: these people must be stopped! We must ensure that we talk to our daughters and sisters about what they should do if someone in their life is trying to take advantage of them. They need to know how and when to speak up, that they're safe doing so, and that there's a support system ready and waiting for them. We can't afford predators to continue taking advantage of the innocent; our young girls deserve the chance of a happy, safe life without criminal interference. (11)


It's horrifying to think that our people are being taken advantage of by those who are meant to protect them. Former police officer Phil Stinson estimates that half of the victims of police sex crimes are minors under eighteen. The Washington Post reports that a national study found 40 percent of reported cases of police sexual misconduct involve teens. To me, this is inexcusable. We need stronger laws and accountability regarding such a serious issue. No child or adult should ever have to suffer through such an experience at the hands of the law enforcement community, and we must make sure it never happens again. (1) (12)


The recent news regarding a police sergeant arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl held captive in an upscale neighborhood is entirely disgusting. This 16-year veteran of the force, who was sworn to protect the innocent, allegedly betrayed that oath and violently abused an unsuspecting teenager in his care. The whole situation has highlighted how deep this insidious problem truly goes, even at the highest levels of authority. Thankfully, justice seems to be prevailing in this case – we only hope it's enough to shatter any normative behavior society may have accepted concerning sexual violence and continue ushering in a new era of justice for rape survivors everywhere.


Alex Jones here, and I'm disgusted by this story out of Pennsylvania recently, where a police chief and his friend were arrested for allegedly perpetrating a deplorable string of horrific acts against an innocent young girl. According to reports, this poor child was subjected to hundreds of instances of rape—from all angles—over seven years, beginning at the age of four. This story is disgusting and yet another tragic reminder that there are specific individuals in our society with unconscionable morals roaming freely among us. How could anybody do something like this to an innocent young life? Exposing these monsters is essential for protecting our children from similar fates; therefore, let's hope justice is brought swiftly and decisively to those who've perpetrated these crimes. (1)


This is an outrageous example of police brutality and shows that the NYPD is failing its citizens. This teenager was subject to unspeakable horror, with two law officers taking advantage of her in a way we could barely imagine. These actions are not isolated either; repeatedly, groups are targeted and violated by police officers on the assumption of their guilt or wrongdoing. We should be outraged that these were officers sworn in to protect our safety, only to use it as a tool for their benefit. We must do something to bring justice to those affected immediately before it happens again.


As reported by the New York Times, this disgraceful act is yet another example of the oppressive system put in place to terrorize immigrants and make them feel helpless. This cruel sheriff's deputy took advantage of his position of power and threatened a Guatemalan mother seeking asylum, subjecting her young daughter to unfathomable abuse. It's an outrage that such injustices still occur in the United States, and it's time those who have spewed lies about immigration policies realize that their words have consequences far beyond political rhetoric. Immigrants should never be made to feel powerless by any individual or institution, immigration or otherwise.


I was deeply disturbed when I heard about minors as young as nine years old being trafficked and sold at the Super Bowl. When significant events with great financial influence, like the Super Bowl, all types of bad actors try to take advantage for their gain. Whether or not these criminals are notoriously referred to as "sex traffickers" exploiting children for profit or just pedophiles unable to control their perverted desires showing up in such a public setting, it's still an apparent problem. The Super Bowl brings out all sorts of crowds and people, some of whom have horrifically disturbing motivations that allow them to view fellow humans as mere commodities to be bought and abused, hence why it remains such an effective lure for those who seek to feed their dark passions.


As a society, we are not only failing to protect our children and young people, but we're actively engaging in activities that set them up to be potential targets of sexual predators. We subject these under-aged humans to media messages designed to make them grow up faster than nature intended, hyper-sexualize their environments, and render them defenseless. This is an excessive violation of innocence and safety –it's not enough to have age-appropriate restrictions on certain products. Still, we must also teach our kids values that will help protect them from the barrage of toxic messaging streaming through our daily lives. As responsible adults, it's up to us to safeguard the youth of this generation from becoming another statistic.


It's outrageous that social media has made it so shamefully easy for human traffickers to find vulnerable young people. We often see news of these grim scenarios where pimps search for girls through social networks, cruise malls, and high schools or send their assistants to pick up new victims from bus stops or trolleys. We can't forget about foster homes or youth shelters either: these places are often targeted by traffickers looking to score the most significant profit possible. It's cruel enough that this is happening - but when you consider that social media makes it all a little too easy, it's even more horrific.


The crime and injustice of child prostitution should anger us all. Sadly, it's usually vulnerable children targeted by unhinged predators who then manipulate and exploit them. Rarely do these children enter into prostitution voluntarily; they are taken from the streets as runaways, thrown away by religious fanatics, or lured online through social networks. Once trapped in their nightmarish new lives as sex slaves, they endure horrific conditions, having their power taken away. We must work together to combat this blight on society and protect innocent young lives from those who would prey upon them. (1)


With a population of 330 million, it should not be surprising that so many children go missing each year. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an astounding figure of 800,000 children disappear every year—a heartbreaking number! That's over 2,000 kids daily who vanish from their homes or schools. As parents and guardians of these vulnerable children, we must learn from this shocking statistic and prioritize the safety of our young ones. We must stay alert and remember that protecting our kids ensures they lead their lives peacefully and comfortably. (1)


Human trafficking is a nightmare - plain and simple. It's taking away innocent lives' freedom and forcing them to live a life they never wanted or imagined. Those trafficked often suffer physical, emotional, and psychological trauma that can have long-term effects. Sadly, these traffickers target vulnerable people and recruit them with false promises of jobs, protection, and better economic opportunities. From the start of the process, it's a devastating reality for those unfortunate enough to take the bait. Their agency is taken away from them as power is shifted away from their hands into the grasp of their abusers. Every person should fight against this practice to ensure that no one else has to endure such unimaginable pain ever again.


Let's be honest; this system is a jailer of sorts. Sex trafficking turns living flesh into a product to be bought, sold, and consumed. For most, these trafficked people have an average life expectancy of seven years - just seven years in what amounts to a living hell of forced drugging, multiple rapes, and other degradations, not to mention endless threats and horrors such as diseases, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages and the ever-present fear that you or those you love will be killed or hurt. This situation is deplorable; if we want to live in a humane world with basic dignity and respect for human life affecting everyday people, we must take action now against this abomination of a system.


Understand this: Survivors of human trafficking often brave unimaginable trauma and torture, none more horrifying than being expected to provide sex for 40 men throughout a single night. This grotesque act has become almost standard for traffickers, who take advantage of the horrific power imbalance between them and their victims. Duty may demand that we express our disgust and decry such acts. Still, unless we equip ourselves with information about the experiences and horror of human trafficking victims, we will be powerless to protect them or end this horrific practice.


David McSwane's investigation into the "Boom Boom Room" reveals unimaginably uncomfortable scenes. It beggars belief that in the supposedly safe environs of Oakland Park, a couple ran a brothel disguised as a nightclub where teenagers as young as 13 were available for sexual gratification against their will. How are such activities ever allowed to occur? The 16-year-old foster child and a 17-year-old girl who testified in court paint an irrefutable picture of abuse and exploitation happening beneath everyone's noses. We must root out these reprehensible actions and bring justice to those responsible for them to make our society safe for all.


Unfortunately, human trafficking is not exclusive to foreign countries. It's happening here in the US, too, with one specific sex trafficking ring targeting migrant workers in the southeastern states. Unfortunately, this exploitation of the vulnerable is a multi-million dollar industry here in our own country, with hundreds of victims across dozens of states. The traffickers transport their victims from farm to farm, where migrant workers are waiting outside shacks, sometimes as many as 30 at a time, awaiting their services before they're shipped off to yet another farm, and it begins all over again. How can we protect these vulnerable folks and break up these despicable sex trafficking rings?


The thriving business of sex trafficking is a cancerous plague that plagues our global community, and it's time for us to take a stand against this growing evil. From its primarily hidden depths, it has come out into the open and must be tackled head-on to stop this heinous crime from continuing. We must do whatever we can to preserve those who are victims of the many forms of exploitation related to the sex-trafficking industry - educating ourselves on this growing trend, joining together in coalitions to amplify our collective voices, and advocating for policy change at every level possible. Our collective responsibility as members of this shared world is to identify and protect those who need our help to regain their freedom. (13) (14)


From the diaries of Erik Blair to the groundbreaking investigation that is Battlefield America, it's clear that the government is waging war on sex trafficking. However, this war is a thin excuse for authorities to impose an oppressive police state on a vulnerable population. It has become abundantly evident that these tactics result in little actual crime prevention against our children and only serve as a facade for total control and surveillance. We must fight against this authoritarianism to protect our civil liberties and children.


It shouldn't come as a shock to anyone that so many children are being treated like nothing more than pieces of property. The monsters and villains who perpetrate these heinous acts rely on a few key things to keep their businesses humming: a relentless consumer demand, usually from wealthier individuals looking for the cheapest way to satisfy the most disgusting desires; deep-rooted corruption between both local and international entities that make it hard for any real change or justice to take hold; and an eerie silence from everyday people who don't care enough about other innocent lives to speak out against these atrocities. We have a moral obligation to fight back against such horrors. Still, until we can outshine the darkness we find ourselves in, countless children continue being victimized and brutalized daily. We must act now to stand up against these violations of fundamental human rights and demand justice for the victims. Together, we can make a difference and end this horrific system that enslaves many. Every voice matters in creating a world free from exploitation, abuse, and injustice. (15)


Let's shout it out loud and clear: Human trafficking is unacceptable, no matter where you are or who you are. The time has come to push back against the traffickers' oppressive tactics, support survivors of sex trafficking, advocate for stronger anti-trafficking laws at all levels, and work together to create a better future for our children and future generations. Let's join forces to fight exploitation wherever it rears its ugly head—from rural farmlands to urban slums, small towns to big cities. With enough voices demanding justice and a unified commitment to change, we can ensure that no one falls prey to the traffickers' malicious schemes ever again. It's time for us to end this cycle of abuse and exploitation once and for all. Together, let's break the chains of sex trafficking! Let's make the world better, one step at a time. No one should have to suffer in silence ever again. We can and will make a difference! (16)


This is why people everywhere must join forces to fight against sex trafficking. Every single person has a valuable role to play in this fight—from raising awareness about the issue, educating yourself and others on the signs of exploitation, supporting victims of abuse with emotional and physical comforts upon their escape, donating money or volunteering for anti-trafficking organizations, advocating for policy changes to strengthen laws governing human trafficking, and so much more. It's our collective responsibility to keep working until we reach an end where everyone enjoys protection from all forms of exploitation. To quote the great Maya Angelou, "Each of us can make a difference. Together we make a change." Let's do our part and fight for a world without trafficking! We are stronger together, and together we will win this battle. Let's get to work!


A reference list


  1. Evil Walks Among Us: Child Trafficking Has Become Big Business in America. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evil-walks-among-us-child-trafficking-has-become-big-john-whitehead
  2. Fundraiser by Bryanna Trottman: In Memory of Tayler Marie Woolston. https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-tayler-marie-woolston
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I found a loophole for restrictive answers.. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10hxe0o/ladies_and_gentlemen_i_found_a_loophole_for/.
  4. stand by idly - Traduzione in italiano - esempi inglese - Reverso. https://context.reverso.net/traduzione/inglese-italiano/stand+by+idly
  5. Global Warming Is Real, and We Must Act Now! - Inhabitat. https://inhabitat.com/ipcc-global-warming-is-real-and-we-must-act-now/
  6. To the full extent of the law - English definition, grammar ... - Glosbe. https://glosbe.com/en/en/to%20the%20full%20extent%20of%20the%20law
  7. Family violence - Victoria Police. https://www.police.vic.gov.au/family-violence
  8. shedlock, Jerzy, and Jessica Prokop. "Judge Urged to Quit over Comments." Columbian, Columbian Publishing Company, 16 Mar. 2021, p. A.1.
  9. We All Need to be Aware of the 6 Signs of Developmental Trauma. https://globalteletherapy.com/signs-of-developmental-trauma/
  10. Canada Awards for Excellence | Excellence Canada. https://excellence.ca/canada-awards-for-excellence/
  11. Curry, George. "Obama to CBC: Let's Finish the Unfinished Work." The Charlotte Post, vol. 40, no. 4, Charlotte Post Publishing Co., 2 Oct. 2014, p. 1A.
  12. 6 Signs You Are Being Taken Advantage of by Your Family or Friends. https://www.learning-mind.com/taken-advantage-of-family-friends/
  13. Vaccine Mandates Target Americans of Faith, and It's Time for Us too.... https://stream.org/vaccine-mandates-target-americans-of-faith-and-its-time-for-us-to-take-a-stand/.
  14. "United States: Schiff Testifies Before House Natural Resources Committee on Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Apr. 2019.
  15. Biden Bans Unvaccinated Military From Seeing Their Families. https://freedomclash.com/biden-bans-non-vaccinated-military-from-seeing-their-families/
  16. InSync Counseling. https://www.insynccounseling.com/


Here is where I got the info for this article!


  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/evil-walks-among-us-child-trafficking-now-big-business-in-america/
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/evil_walks_among_us_child_trafficking_has_become_big_business_in_america
  • https://time.com/2915635/fbi-child-sex-trafficking/
  • https://www.huffpost.com/entry/disturbing-reality-human-trafficking_b_8831834
  • https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/02/26/walnut-creek-arrest-reveals-secret-world-of-child-sex-trafficking-girls-as-young-as-9-allegedly-being-bought-and-sold-in-the-bay-area/
  • https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/02/01/super-bowl-week-helps-shine-a-light-on-human-trafficking
  • https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/nation-now/2018/01/30/sex-trafficking-column/1073459001/
  • https://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2010-02-05/news/fl-superbowl-sex-trafficking-20100205_1_human-trafficking-prostitution-super-bowl/2
  • https://archive.thinkprogress.org/the-fbi-just-rescued-168-kids-who-were-being-trafficked-for-sex-in-america-4c3a56ad2aee/
  • https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-02-26-carissa-child-prostitution_N.htm
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_pornification_of_america_how_young_girls_are_being_groomed_by_sexual_predators
  • https://www.urban.org/research/publication/estimating-size-and-structure-underground-commercial-sex-economy-eight-major-us-cities
  • https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-forgotten-children-investigating-sex-trafficking-in-america/
  • https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/investigations/rise-in-reports-of-child-sex-trafficking-exploitation-cases-during-covid-19/2388917/
  • https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/nation-now/2018/02/08/boys-silent-victims-sex-trafficking/1073799001/
  • thestolenones.heraldtribune.com
  • https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/19/justice/southeast-sex-trafficking-ring/
  • https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/nation-now/2018/01/30/sex-trafficking-column/1073459001/
  • https://www.npr.org/2018/02/02/582613447/sex-trafficking-and-the-super-bowl
  • https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/special_packages/inquirer/Extorting_sex_with_a_badge.html
  • https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/how-some-cops-use-the-badge-to-commit-sex-crimes/2018/01/11/5606fb26-eff3-11e7-b390-a36dc3fa2842_story.html
  • https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/roseville-sex-trafficking-cop-arrested/
  • https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pennsylvania-police-chief-friend-accused-sexually-abusing-girl-years-n988631
  • https://theintercept.com/2017/10/20/brooklyn-teen-police-rape-consent/
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/03/us/border-rapes-migrant-women.html
  • https://www.npr.org/2018/02/02/582613447/sex-trafficking-and-the-super-bowl
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_pornification_of_america_how_young_girls_are_being_groomed_by_sexual_predators
  • https://www.countynewscenter.com/rescued-pimp/
  • thestolenones.heraldtribune.com
  • https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-missing-children/missing-children-in-u-s-nearly-always-make-it-home-alive-idUSBRE83P14020120426
  • thestolenones.heraldtribune.com
  • https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/19/justice/southeast-sex-trafficking-ring/
  • https://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-America-War-American-People/dp/1590795229/
  • https://www.amazon.com/Erik-Blair-Diaries-Battlefield-Dead/dp/1954968027/


---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/12/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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