
The Pfizer exec story is no hoax: he's speaking out against vaccines by - L. Norman.

This latest Pfizer exec story is a real shocker. An established CEO speaking out so strongly against vaccines? It's a testament to the power of objective investigation and research. We all owe it to o..

The Pfizer exec story is no hoax: he's speaking out against vaccines by - L. Norman.


This is the main article!


As a skeptic who questions official narratives, when I first heard about the Project Veritas video featuring a Pfizer executive talking about altering and mutating the coronavirus for profit and other immoral practices, it made my hair stand on end. It's unfathomable that such a thing could occur, and it compels me to research more deeply into the situation. After thoroughly investigating it, I highly doubt Pfizer deliberately planned this to mislead skeptics. The details of the video match up with public facts and data, and from what I've seen from reliable sources, there is no indication of this being fabricated by the company. While skepticism is essential to avoid being taken in by fake news, we must always remain grounded in reality.


When conscientious dissenters search for inconvenient stories for the authorities, it has become common for Google to post a warning. This keeps us from accessing our information, highlighting further the lengths that those in power will go to control our narratives and impose their authority. Some may say these measures are necessary evils to protect against dangerous farce, but I hold a different view. We should value diversity of thought and be willing to consider all perspectives before making judgments; otherwise, society can forget what freedom feels like.



The fact-checkers have met their match. No matter how hard they have tried to get creative, the story remains and will continue to rage across the internet. It's almost as if they didn't have a chance against its truthfulness—almost like they would never win. Their one measly attempt was far from convincing; Newsweek's weak and inconclusive fact-check fell over into the clichéd traps these companies usually rely on. No other company has taken it upon itself to provide further evidence or clarification of this story, which only highlights their fear of legitimizing something contrary to what we are led to believe.




It's almost scary how hard the system works to keep medical professionals out of public scrutiny and away from the conversation. The moment evidence linking Mr. Jordan Walker to Pfizer started becoming available, it was as if a switch flipped, and powerful entities began working furiously behind the scenes to conceal any trace that could connect him to their agenda of pushing forward their vaccine agenda. Thankfully for those in pursuit of truth, researcher Brian O'Shea caught wind of the executive in question before the shadows could conceal his identity entirely, proving beyond doubt that Mr. Walker is a natural person with considerable influence in the medical industry.


The executive's response to the reporter captures why so many are turning their back on modern medicine and taking a stand for their beliefs about vaccinations. His blatant disrespect for another person over something politicized is shocking. It serves as a call to action for those who share his feelings about the current vaccination landscape in some way. This intense emotion drives people to become anti-vaxxers and pushes them away from feeling comfortable with the safety of vaccinations. This recording demonstrates why vaccinations are such a hot-button issue today.






Amid all these obstructions, it can be challenging to remain open-minded about admission by those in power. However, there is no need for skepticism here; corporations and governments have repeated countless lies and deceptions about the COVID vaccine, leaving us with nothing but doubt in their intentions--but when one of them takes a step forward and makes a slight admission, we must take caution before casting doubt. Instead, each admission should be viewed as an opportunity for more transparency, accountability, and awareness, which is desperately needed now. It may not seem like much, but opening the door ever so slightly to truth is a significant step towards restoring our sense of sanity in a world filled with half-truths.


As soon as the news of Project Veritas' revelations broke, elements of the establishment undoubtedly scrambled to strategize a response. While we can only guess what methods they will use to downplay and deflect, one thing is sure: Project Veritas must not be allowed to be silenced. We owe it to our communities, families, and ourselves to hear their findings suggesting a powerful pro-vaccine conspiracy that would force us into submission. Let us stay vigilant in the coming days: These are not matters that should be taken lightly.


When the COVID-19 Pandemic began, so did my more profound understanding of the pharmaceutical industry and its negative impacts from unregulated greed. With Gerald Posner's Pharma – Greed, Lies and the Poisoning of America in hand, I have come to a new awareness concerning the false claims made by Big Pharma that rely upon their powerful connections with healthcare regulators. The USA is currently facing an opioid crisis due to Purdue Pharma and its creator, the Sackler family, who relentlessly drove lives into addiction through misguidance to profit off Oxycontin. This book serves as evidence that shows just how crucial it is for us to inform ourselves on these issues - be it COVID-19 vaccines or any other Big Pharma product - to prevent an even worse consequence than this Pandemic.


Given how they discussed the opioid crisis during the presidential campaign of 2016, we can see that President Trump and the public, in general, saw it as a severe problem. Barry Posner's book adds to this conversation, giving victims and their families a voice. Any attempt at silencing or censoring this vital work would have been met with staunch opposition, especially since no one attempts to downplay the issue in the first place. Unquestionably, it should never thwart public opinion on this matter. Should strongly repudiate such efforts.


The pharmaceutical industry has a long history of taking advantage of the public. Yet, somehow we have chosen to turn a blind eye and trustingly accept their vaccine agenda without question. Despite evidence showing that the vaccines they produce don't work against transmission, reports of adverse effects increase, and even record-breaking numbers of excess deaths attributed to them, people still believe these companies are doing something good for us. The statement from Mr. Walker is more an insult than a sincere belief in what the industry is supposedly trying to do - help us. It serves as a reminder not only of how powerful these organizations can be but also how foolhardy it is for people to quickly dismiss any doubts about pharmaceuticals' intentions.


The pharmaceutical industry and the governments that support their practices have been squashing public discourse and beliefs, using censorship, lies, and coercion as weapons. They have impacted millions and are responsible for silencing voices and canceling careers worldwide. Though the damage has been done, there is still a glimmer of hope; if people like Mr. Walker come forward to share information despite the risk, it creates an opportunity for us to face our oppressors head-on - but only if we are willing to recognize the truth. We must clear out the smoke produced by big pharma's disinformation campaign and break apart the mirrors they use to distort reality to come back to our senses. Ultimately, it is up to us to fight this war against the public. Project Veritas must be allowed to continue to report on these issues and protect us from the pharma industry's abuses. A free, open, and informed public is essential if we are to make progress in this fight. Let us not allow their efforts to go in vain. By supporting Project Veritas, we can help expose the truth - no matter how uncomfortable it might be.


Here is where I got the info for this article!


  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-pfizer-exec-story-is-no-hoax/
  • https://www.projectveritas.com/news/pfizer-executive-mutate-covid-via-directed-evolution-for-company-to-continue/
  • https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/26/pfizer-doing-gain-of-function-research-to-mutate-covid-and-make-more-vaccines-says-pfizer-executive-in-explosive-undercover-video/
  • https://www.newsweek.com/project-veritas-covid-mutations-pfizer-fact-check-1776845
  • https://banned.video/watch?id=63d4548db8727720c8f8ad0d
  • https://brianoshea.substack.com/p/who-is-jordon-trishton-walker
  • https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1618737936920633344
  • https://www.cf.org/news/pfizer-director-physically-assaults-james-okeefe-goes-on-rampage-in-coffee-shop/
  • https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1618737936920633344
  • https://geraldposner.substack.com/
  • https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Pharma/Gerald-Posner/9781501152030
  • https://thorsteinn.substack.com/p/does-vaccination-weaken-our-resistance
  • https://thorsteinn.substack.com/p/yesterdays-pfizer-story-a-follow
  • https://thorsteinn.substack.com/about
  • https://babylonbee.com/news/pfizer-releases-new-vaccine-virus-combo-pack


---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/29/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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