
The Truth About Anthony Fauci and the Virus Pandemic by - L. Norman.

Anthony Fauci had a golden opportunity when he testified in front of Congress. It could have been an effective way for him to clarify misunderstandings and provide accurate information about COVID-19 ..

The Truth About Anthony Fauci and the Virus Pandemic by - L. Norman.


"Fauci spread irrational fear to the public instead of providing a basic explanation, and he should not have been given that power." - L. Norman.


Summarize this article!


Anthony Fauci had a golden opportunity when he testified in front of Congress. It could have been an effective way for him to clarify misunderstandings and provide accurate information about COVID-19 to the public. Instead of utilizing this time to be educational and empowering, Fauci directed the conversation toward fear mongering. He grossly exaggerated the severity of this virus and preached paranoia, leaving many feeling anxious and overwhelmed. His strategy was undeniably irresponsible and unhelpful, possibly doing more harm than good in some cases. (1)


It has been an uncomfortable truth since Anthony Fauci pulled the lever on the wall that changed the world. Nobody should have been given Fauci's one-person control over such influential decisions, but his views were taken as gospel. Despite dissenters trying to stop him, he silenced their cries by dominating censorship, ultimately allowing Fauci to make unimpeded choices. We are living in this new paradigm of his creation, which we are not proud of. (2)


This is the main article!


Anthony Fauci has long been hailed as a beacon of public health, but his legacy is now indelibly tarnished by his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. His mismanagement of the crisis set in motion a chain of events that spiraled into an out-of-control disaster, with incalculable losses to our physical and psychological health, economic security, and trust in the government. It is nothing short of tragic that we will remember him for all the lives and money he destroyed rather than for his past heroic feats within global health initiatives.


Anthony Fauci has been leading America's response to the pandemic since the start of 2020, yet his integrity and expertise have recently come into question. As a government figure and chief medical advisor, many hold him accountable for easily preventable catastrophes in American society; carrying out a hidden agenda in the shadows of crisis certainly has not made his actions more trustworthy. Ultimately, it is clear that regardless of who is giving orders, Anthony Fauci bears the most responsibility -- even if he was following orders.


The United States House of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee had their collective hands full when they convened a hearing on March 11, 2020, to address the growing panic around the virus. They counted on the critical witness, Anthony Fauci, to give them clarity and hope. Unfortunately, he did not live up to the expectation. Far from convincing Americans that everything was going to be alright, Fauci only served to deepen their fear with talk of possible lockdowns and rollbacks in civil freedoms -- all while dodging their most important question: 'am I going to die?' Mr. Fauci was more concerned with saving himself and his career rather than easing the real fears of citizens across the country.


Five days before Doctor Fauci's evil declaration to immediately shut down all community gathering places in the United States, Trump announced the travel ban from Europe, the UK, and Australia. In an unprecedented level of control, Trump could obstruct citizens' freedom of movement and separate families and loved ones worldwide - trapping billions of people in their own countries. It is a sad day for democracy when a man like Donald Trump is given such powers without consideration for people's well-being.


In just a short amount of time, these few days will, unfortunately, become a textbook example of irrationality and crowds acting in sheer madness. On the day of his testimony, Dr. Anthony Fauci seemed to be the exception -- calming and emotionless while speaking to Congress. In truth, however, it is evident that he was striving to create an atmosphere of fear by giving off discussions that purposely stirred up worry. The message he wanted to spread was clear — Lockdown again or suffer the consequences — but having such a neutral tone in his words only served to mask his true intentions. In other words, it appears he was using underhanded tactics to manipulate the population into what he deemed necessary.


Anthony Fauci's countenance was grim as he told the family that their beloved father had been given a terminal diagnosis with the prognosis of only 30 more days to live. His manner did not evoke confidence, much less hope; it seemed to portend death's inevitability. He seemed cold and distant without enabling the family to grieve their loss before it genuinely happened. It was as if Fauci had already made peace with destiny and accepted its definitive judgment over life and death as his own. This attitude was antithetical to what such a moment required - assurance, dignity, and comfort. Taking a sad situation into an ever-bleaker one, Anthony Fauci's visage only increased the sense of sadness permeating the room.


Dr. Anthony Fauci's testimony to Congress was fascinating due to his departure from CDC/NIH recommendations. His message seemed to be primarily calculated by the two most pressing questions senators were posed with - "Am I going to die?" and "Will I be blamed and politically punished if my constituents die?" The power of one's political future is driving the narrative here, with little regard for mitigating the greater spread of this deadly virus. Dr. Fauci has become a controversial figure as he employs a hybrid messaging approach made possible by his powerful position; saving lives is mainly secondary in importance when bolstering public image. (2)


Anthony Fauci's response to the pandemic was misplaced and grossly misinformed. He asserted that Covid-19 was at least ten times deadlier than the flu when there was no scientific evidence to back this claim up. For instance, he cited a large amount of information but should have mentioned the reliability of his sources. He also gave people the impression that he was trying to soothe and reassure them when he may have been creating additional panic and confusion. Understandably, individuals like Fauci may feel pressured to act quickly with insufficient data in an unprecedented global health situation. Still, this rhetoric only serves to further sensationalize the severity of Covid-19 beyond what can be realistically proven. (3)


Anthony Fauci thought he had some strange sort of power over the people and the government, but his speech revealed much more than that. His words were overloaded with implications beyond what was being said on its surface - they were a thinly veiled attack on conservatives' policies, which naturally invited hefty criticism. Unsurprisingly, his comments stirred up so much controversy; it was almost as if he expected to be lauded for them instead. It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out and whether or not Anthony Fauci will ultimately feel the backlash of his ill-advised words. (4)


  • SARS was also a Coronavirus in 2002. It infected 8,000 people and killed about 775. It had a mortality of about 9 to 10 percent. So, that is only 8,000 people in about a year. In the two-and-a-half months that we have had this Coronavirus, as you know, we now have multiple multiples of that. (2)
  • So, it is not as lethal, and I will get to the lethality in a moment, but it indeed spreads better. For the practical understanding of the American people, the seasonal flu that we deal with yearly has a mortality of 0.1 percent. The stated mortality over all of this, when you look at all the data, including China, is about three percent. It first started as two and now three. (2)
  • Suppose you count all the cases of minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic infection. That lowers the mortality rate to around one percent, meaning it is ten times more lethal than the seasonal flu. I think that is something that people can get their arms around and understand…. (2)
  • The gauge is that this is a severe problem that we must take seriously. I mean, people always say, well, the flu, you know, the flu does this, the does that. The flu has an immortality of 0.1 percent. This has a mortality of ten times that, so I want to emphasize that we must stay ahead in preventing this. (2)


Anthony Fauci seems to be grasping at straws when it concerns the virus, from wildly imagining a 10 percent fatality rate to quickly dialing that back and suggesting it may be even higher and then dialing that back again and settling on 3 percent. It isn't easy to believe anything he says as only days ago, he was inflating the potential numbers, and now he is changing his mind again. The attitude in the room has already been manipulated by his low-balling, which does not bode well for making realistic decisions.


Anthony Fauci made a critical mistake when attempting to calculate the mortality rate of Covid-19. By lumping "minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic infection" with cases and infections, the accuracy of that calculation was severely compromised. His preference for simplification over precision has resulted in an inaccurate statistic that cannot be trusted and betrays his lack of medical expertise. It is now clear why his original numbers were low and misleading, as he needed to understand the importance of distinguishing between cases, infections, and symptomatology. It is unethical to spread such misinformation on something as serious as a pandemic, leaving many to suffer due to the lack of accurate data from health professionals.


While Anthony Fauci has been lauded for leading the fight against Covid-19, his health advisories often blend what should be distinguished cases and infections – resulting in chaos as far as data is concerned. His tendency to muddle between these two metrics has even been dismissed as a "side point," yet experts agree it is essential. Data accuracy is critical for authorities to assess the actual scale of a pandemic, so relying on anthropometric assessments can only lead us astray. Unfortunately, by eluding cases and infections, Fauci does just that.


I will look at the recent speech Anthony Fauci gave back on with a shudder. While reeled off countless numbers, all pointing to a bleak picture of the future, Fauci didn't provide any solution to end the catastrophic trajectory he had predicted. All he left us with was terror-filled imagery of vast bloodshed. Whether deliberately or otherwise, no real sense of hope was provided, and those in attendance were left mixed between feeling hopeless and defeated.


This video is a must if you want to understand the sheer force of Anthony Fauci's sway over American politics. When you get a glimpse of him in action, it's clear that he revels in his position and isn't afraid to dish out fake science that completely blinds political critics, who fear calling him out. You can sense their trepidation as his words hang heavily in the air; it's like a warning that everyone can agree on, even if they don't necessarily agree with him.



Dr. Anthony Fauci is quick with an answer, but it's often a response that leaves us uncertain. As the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, Fauci has dedicated his career to tackling diseases, but his proposed solutions leave many scratching their heads. With so much of our health and safety under threat, it begs the question - what do we do? Making rushed decisions while lacking information may provide temporary relief, but long-term effects are best considered with due diligence and rational decision-making. (5)


  • How much worse it will get will depend on our ability to do two things: to contain the influx of infected people coming from the outside and to manage and mitigate it within our own country. (2)


The world has effectively reached a standstill due to the heavy-handed measures taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Authorities use Lockdown as the tool of choice, but this has been pushed upon us by one person: Anthony Fauci. After years of being in charge of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci has decided that harsh lockdowns are the only way to contain COVID -19 despite any long-term risks for society. Moreover, our rights and freedoms have been trampled upon, with minimal evidence to justify such authoritarian tactics. There seems to be little hope; lockdowns are here for longer than we would like. (2) (6)


Despite the rhetoric and incessant fearmongering pushed by Anthony Fauci, draconian lockdowns were not the proper way to address this virus. Even if it had a 10 percent fatality rate, there was no chance for a Zero Covid policy- China and New Zealand had already learned this lesson. It could never stop the "spread" permanently, and hospitals weren't overcrowded. It felt like it had set the stage for something more severe than needed, leading one to question if there was any mental connection between public health responses and the intensity of virus severity. In truth, none of us have all the answers, but we know we can learn from other's mistakes.


It is undeniable that exposure, upgraded immune systems, and herd immunity can solve even the most severe of respiratory viruses. However, what has been made apparent by this particular pandemic is that latency was not a factor, and against popular belief, avoiding exposure and reduced spread was not a suitable course of action. This fact runs contrary to the 'lies' fed during the early weeks on how space should be minimized and is a testament to the fact that severity and prevalence are governed by biological evolution in a tradeoff relationship. Therefore, it would stand to reason that an increased infection rate would reflect decreased severity without fail.


Despite the esteemed title of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci failed to explain comprehensively to Congress when questioned about the coronavirus pandemic. Rather than looking for concrete solutions or sharing facts and statistics, Fauci opted to spread fear. It's disheartening that he continues to downplay essential health measures already in place, like masks and distancing, while overinflating the severity of the virus and its effects. At this point, it has become undeniable that Anthony Fauci has made a career promoting his agenda through irrational fear mongering. (7)


Anthony Fauci's suggestion that SARS-CoV-2 would have a 1 percent fatality rate was an uncharacteristic alarmist position for him to take, and it certainly put many people on edge. However, the data suggests otherwise. Studies have found that death rates from the virus vary worldwide, from nearly 10 percent in Peru in early March to 1.3 percent in Australia in May. On a global scale, the mortality rate of Covid-19 tends to be somewhere between 2 and 3 percent—a stark difference compared to Fauci's initial prediction. This discrepancy is especially concerning considering how high stakes this situation is, and it serves as yet another reminder of how careful judgment should be exercised when someone as prominent as Anthony Fauci makes a public statement.


It is hard to miss the dramatic disparities between different age groups regarding the risk of being afflicted by the flu. According to data from a study on the topic, those from 0-19 years only have a 0.0003% chance of getting it; however, this increases exponentially as one ages. In comparison, those between 20-29 years have a 0.002% chance, while those in their 40s are now at 0.035%, and it keeps increasing with fifty-somethings hitting 0.123%. This number doubles for people in their sixties, with a 0.506% chance of becoming infected. These results make it difficult to understand how Anthony Fauci can continue to deny that certain age groups should be prioritized when facing decisions regarding lockdown policies or other COVID-19-related guidelines.


Dr. Anthony Fauci's predictions on the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 have been under immense scrutiny, and with good reason. While he estimated that the IFR among the most affected demographic would be 0.1 percent, later estimates placed it closer to double that figure. He was similarly off-base to younger people, wildly exaggerating what the IFR for them would be by over 300,000 percent! His projections proved ten times too high for the general population, leaving us with an estimate nearly equal to that of seasonal flu – hardly reassuring words from an esteemed public health leader.


It is almost unbelievable that the average age of those affected by the current pandemic has remained the same as the median age of death without a virus. This only highlights how far humanity has progressed medical-wise in over half a century. Had this virus arrived in previous decades, we may never have noticed it since our capacity to detect it was minimal, and treatment options were even more limited. It serves to reason that if life had not advanced in such an unparalleled manner, our encounters with this virus would have been catastrophic much sooner than now - which goes on to prove that Anthony Fauci's claim about how prepared we were for this pandemic is questionable at best.


When it comes to Anthony Fauci, one can never tell when he's trying to save lives or protect an agenda. On February 28, 2020, he boldly declared that Coronavirus was just the flu - except with a significant age gradient. However, two weeks before this statement, he did not share the same sentiment and even seemed fearful of what may come. So what changed in such a short period? Shifted his opinion more because of economic collapse concerns than any new evidence arising in two weeks. Rather than genuinely worrying about the health risks posed by a coronavirus, Fauci's true motives lie elsewhere.


From the outset, Anthony Fauci had plenty of information about Covid-19, including its similarities to the flu and its associated age gradient. Despite this insider knowledge, he led a narrative of misinformation as the virus quickly spread. Fauci was aware of the actual situation from mid-February and chose not to act with real urgency. Whatever reason he had for covering up the truth of the virus puts into question his integrity as a public servant and leader in this global health crisis.


When it comes to an understanding why things are the way they are and why specific theories have been pushed onto us, Brownstone has been at the forefront of research and theorizing. Our team has worked tirelessly for over a year and a half to uncover evidence that goes against what mainstream sources tell us. We sometimes have differing views, but this has become a popular topic of discussion in our meetings - and we always come away with more questions than when we began. Our work continues; we gather additional data to back up our theories. It's an ongoing conversation and investigation that won't stop anytime soon!


When Anthony Fauci pulled the proverbial lever to set the world into motion, he was given too much power with no accurate checks or safeguards. This unchecked power has single handedly changed the world for the worse, without regard for what might be better for those he ostensibly serves. There is little doubt that attempts have been made to check his influence and authority. Still, censors have silenced those responsible, ensuring everything goes according to Fauci's plan. Despite how it may appear, it never meant this situation to be enduring; something must be done soon before its insidious effects become more deeply embedded than they already are.


It's no secret that Anthony Fauci bears the brunt of responsibility for what resulted in the disastrous consequences of shutting down freedoms across the world. His wholly inaccurate claim of what would ensue, presented to a gathering of ill-informed and scared politicians, was followed by his brazen demand to remove standard societal and market methods. The result? Something that will feel throughout time. Fauci had his audience members and advocates. Still, I can't dispute that he had instantly compromised primary control over events leading up to today's difficulty, in which liberties won over centuries.


Ultimately, we must address the level of culpability that Anthony Fauci holds in this pandemic. He knew far earlier than he let on and chose not to act on it until it was too late. His inaction cost us valuable time, money, and lives - a genuinely unforgivable blunder in the face of history. It's no wonder his reputation has been called into question by many worldwide. Suppose we will move forward in a way that honors those who have tragically passed Covid-19 and prevents similar crises from occurring again. In that case, we need to hold public figures accountable for their miscalculations - mainly when they cost so much. Let's hope that the lessons from this experience will lead to more effective governance and greater attention to public health. It's time for us to move on from this pandemic, but only by taking a long and hard look at those who had control over the situation -particularly Anthony Fauci. We must hold him accountable for his decisions and learn from them if we will ever allow ourselves to heal from this global tragedy.


A reference list


  1. Wrapping that Horse's Leg? - veterinarypartner.vin.com. https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspxpid=/default.aspx?pid=19239&catId=102906&id=5307103&ind=1370&objTypeID=1007
  2. The Big Lie: How Fauci Instilled Panic and Set the Stage for Lockdowns. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/anthony-fauci-lie-panic-covid-lockdown/
  3. Does castor oil regrow hair? - mo-w.motoretta.ca. https://mo-w.motoretta.ca/tips-and-tricks/does-castor-oil-really-regrow-hair-100718/
  4. "Matco Tools Dragster Driven by Antron Brown." National Dragster, vol. 58, no. 25, National Hot Rod Association, Dec. 2017, p. 16.
  5. Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Eliminate Dr. Fauci's Position as .... https://www.paul.senate.gov/news/dr-rand-paul-introduces-amendment-eliminate-dr-faucis-position-director-niaid.
  6. Photos: Dr. Anthony Fauci's career under 7 US presidents | CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/02/health/gallery/anthony-fauci/index.html
  7. "United States: At Closed-Door Briefing With Top Administration Officials, Cantwell Calls for More Coronavirus Testing." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Mar. 2020.


Here is where I got the info for this article!


  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-fauci-lies-that-changed-the-world-forever/
  • https://brownstone.org/articles/fauci-fibbed-on-day-everything-changed/
  • https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20200312/110713/HHRG-116-GO00-Transcript-20200312.pdf
  • https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4860450/user-clip-dr-anthony-fauci-addresses-covid-19-mortality-rate
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001393512201982X


---------------------END OF DOC TIME 01/26/2023-----------------------

 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------


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