Time is not a line but a dot. Period.

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Ask_Alyce Dylan
We can get tangled in time-lines or we can realise that its always NOW - and that's all that is meaningful.

Perception really is everything and time is a significant element of perception - how WE perceive time, how we perceive events in our PAST and how they affect our FUTURE and who we choose to be today. Also, how we handle the past - whether painful or delightful. Do we squander past delights? Do we harbour fears for the future based on the past . . . . Time is a really big deal!

And our beliefs around time can either burden us or bring us relief and really, wouldn’t we prefer lives as light and free as possible?

The perspective that once freed me from the burden of time and all it’s possible thorns was that LIFE is not a LINE, but a dot.

So we are not meandering along some set path from some origination point to some predetermined spot but rather, we ARE in this moment all we have been and within us lies all that will be. Right in this moment. Now.

So take that line you have sketched in your mind as your personal “time-line” and dissect it in this moment - now - rotate it 90 degrees and THAT dot, that perspective - that is all that is TRUE.

We are not some random atoms traversing the universe with a train dragging out behind us. Our 5-year-old self is not alive and well somewhere “back there” along some imaginary line. No. Our young self is right here, in this moment, NOW. All that remains of him or her anyway and therefore, it is right here and now that we get to heal any past hurts that we are dragging - kicking and screaming against the tide of time - into today.

All of our past experiences, all the experiences of our parents or their parents - all the accumulated experiences of our society ONLY exist in this moment if we bring them here. And so what do we CHOOSE to bring into our moments?

Beautiful loving memories or thoughts of loved ones? Dreams of possibilities? Hopes and positive expectations of unfolding beauty? Well what a world we would live in if that’s what was true! As a people we really put a lot of effort into dragging the detritus of yester-year into today along this imaginary time-line and MAKING it a part of today when really, NOW could well do without it.

“But it’s REAL! It HAPPENED! It’s a part of who I AM!” I hear the cries and yes, all that might be true but is it all the lessons, all the desires spurned by the events, all the wants identified that are a part of who you are now or does it HAVE to be the pain sorrow and grief?

If you fell down were you not inspired to achieve better balance? If someone was unkind, wasn’t a desire to be surrounded by kinder people born in you? Even the harshest most unjust hurts can be seen through the eyes of Grace and in that, a GOOD can be created from a seeming “bad”. And it is in that way that w truly get to rewrite history, change the past in that we change the effect of that past event in our NOW. When we see a historical event in the light of empowered truth, truth that directed our desires to greater clarity - a clarity that, with time and attention will manifest a true positive - then any past harm becomes the seed of a future peace.

A nervy example for many might be bigotry - in all it’s forms. Our history is littered with appalling acts inspired and upheld by bigotry. Most of the population of the earth has been detrimentally impacted by bigotry in some form or another. Now, instead of looking at the “acts” along some imaginary line, see the children of bigotry - the desires now held by most of mankind as a result: Equity; Equality; Equal rights; Justice. Far beyond the field of “differences” mankind got to get clear on a broad span of issues - we’ve seen and experienced what we DON’T want now - now we KNOW what we do want and we can focus our effort, time and attention THERE. That view in truth will bring about a better world.

Everything that you have ever been or will ever be is right here, right now, in your present moment. And if there’s anything here still causing you pain, try looking at it from a different perspective - see what dreams, hopes and desires were born in you as a result and KNOW that those new desires have the power to inspire you to new and better experiences. When you do that, you change the past - not through a time-machine but by taking back the power of YOUR will and CHOOSING victory over victimhood and wholeness over brokenness.

Time is a dot. Everything is now, and you are the one with the power to change, soothe or create it all - right NOW.


© 2018

Time is not a line but a dot. Period.


Perception really is everything and time is a significant element of perception - how WE perceive time, how we perceive events in our PAST and how they affect our FUTURE and who we choose to be today. Also, how we handle the past - whether painful or delightful. Do we squander past delights? Do we harbour fears for the future based on the past . . . . Time is a really big deal!

And our beliefs around time can either burden us or bring us relief and really, wouldn’t we prefer lives as light and free as possible?

The perspective that once freed me from the burden of time and all it’s possible thorns was that LIFE is not a LINE, but a dot.

So we are not meandering along some set path from some origination point to some predetermined spot but rather, we ARE in this moment all we have been and within us lies all that will be. Right in this moment. Now.

So take that line you have sketched in your mind as your personal “time-line” and dissect it in this moment - now - rotate it 90 degrees and THAT dot, that perspective - that is all that is TRUE.

We are not some random atoms traversing the universe with a train dragging out behind us. Our 5-year-old self is not alive and well somewhere “back there” along some imaginary line. No. Our young self is right here, in this moment, NOW. All that remains of him or her anyway and therefore, it is right here and now that we get to heal any past hurts that we are dragging - kicking and screaming against the tide of time - into today.

All of our past experiences, all the experiences of our parents or their parents - all the accumulated experiences of our society ONLY exist in this moment if we bring them here. And so what do we CHOOSE to bring into our moments?

Beautiful loving memories or thoughts of loved ones? Dreams of possibilities? Hopes and positive expectations of unfolding beauty? Well what a world we would live in if that’s what was true! As a people we really put a lot of effort into dragging the detritus of yester-year into today along this imaginary time-line and MAKING it a part of today when really, NOW could well do without it.

“But it’s REAL! It HAPPENED! It’s a part of who I AM!” I hear the cries and yes, all that might be true but is it all the lessons, all the desires spurned by the events, all the wants identified that are a part of who you are now or does it HAVE to be the pain sorrow and grief?

If you fell down were you not inspired to achieve better balance? If someone was unkind, wasn’t a desire to be surrounded by kinder people born in you? Even the harshest most unjust hurts can be seen through the eyes of Grace and in that, a GOOD can be created from a seeming “bad”. And it is in that way that w truly get to rewrite history, change the past in that we change the effect of that past event in our NOW. When we see a historical event in the light of empowered truth, truth that directed our desires to greater clarity - a clarity that, with time and attention will manifest a true positive - then any past harm becomes the seed of a future peace.

A nervy example for many might be bigotry - in all it’s forms. Our history is littered with appalling acts inspired and upheld by bigotry. Most of the population of the earth has been detrimentally impacted by bigotry in some form or another. Now, instead of looking at the “acts” along some imaginary line, see the children of bigotry - the desires now held by most of mankind as a result: Equity; Equality; Equal rights; Justice. Far beyond the field of “differences” mankind got to get clear on a broad span of issues - we’ve seen and experienced what we DON’T want now - now we KNOW what we do want and we can focus our effort, time and attention THERE. That view in truth will bring about a better world.

Everything that you have ever been or will ever be is right here, right now, in your present moment. And if there’s anything here still causing you pain, try looking at it from a different perspective - see what dreams, hopes and desires were born in you as a result and KNOW that those new desires have the power to inspire you to new and better experiences. When you do that, you change the past - not through a time-machine but by taking back the power of YOUR will and CHOOSING victory over victimhood and wholeness over brokenness.

Time is a dot. Everything is now, and you are the one with the power to change, soothe or create it all - right NOW.


© 2018 Alyce Dylan

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