
What’s the Next Disaster to Confinement in isolation in this State? - Critical Thinking News. @CriticalThinkingNews

It’s some plain enough recipe: first, you design fear and then take advantage of this by taking control.

What’s the Next Disaster to Confinement in isolation in this State? - Critical Thinking News. @CriticalThinkingNews


It’s some plain enough recipe: first, you design fear and then take advantage of this by taking control.

taking control


The first occurred on 9/11, and this administration used to transfer itself inside some totalitarian rule.


Therefore this COVID-19 pandemic hit and used this totalitarian rule to test its confinement in isolation controls.


It is taking everything in mind. This government’s movement to exploit emergencies (legitimate or manufactured) and take advantage of this nation’s intense feelings, disorientation, and fear extends this reach from totalitarian rule. one has to wonder what supposed emergency it will announce next.


It’s some plain enough recipe: first, you design fear and then take advantage of this by taking control.


It doesn’t matter what this following the national crisis (terrorism, civil unrest, economic collapse, a health scare, or the environment) is because of this approval. This administration is to lock off this State and legitimize all dictatorships in this supposed name of governmental safety.


Clue this Crisis State.


Radical attacks, group shootings, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”: this administration has been predicting and fitting for such emergencies for years now. (What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation? – Era of Light. https://eraoflight.com/2022/09/12/whats-the-next-crisis-to-lockdown-the-nation/)


If you want to read more about this loss of functioning political and legal order, the original website shut down, so to get the website for you guys to read, we have used the way back machine to get the page for you guys and to stop the evil censorship of the truth. Now go to this website and read about it. 




Suppose you need to know more about this administration that has been predicting and fitting for such emergencies for years. Then go to this website and read about it.




As David C. Unger rewrites for this New York Times: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventive wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been shouldered aside by the kind of imperial presidency our constitutional system explicitly designed to prevent.” (What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation? – Era of Light. https://eraoflight.com/2022/09/12/whats-the-next-crisis-to-lockdown-the-nation/), and (America, Meet Your New Dictator-in-Chief: The President’s Secret .... https://thewashingtonstandard.com/america-meet-your-new-dictator-in-chief-the-presidents-secret-unchecked-powers/)


Suppose you need to know more about Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management. Then go to this website and read about it.




Here’s what we notice: given this rate in the direction that this administration keeps conceiving new forms to authorize itself as this “solution” to all our worldly troubles in the order of taxpayer cost. Each following trouble ushers in regularly more serious expansions from administration control and less individual freedom.


That is this chain of cause and effect to absolute dictatorship.


You visualize once this administration acquires (and uses) authoritarian powers. To follow its civilians secretly:


  1. Achieve supervision, and convert its law enforcement forces inside enlargements from this military.
  2. Take taxpayer funds; never-ending prosecute wars, forbid and silence dissidents, potential label agitators, to arrest civilians without due process.
  3. Do not willingly relinquish them.


This education for this age is the: once some administration is authorized to outwit and enlarge its powers, it’s roughly unworkable to force this demon back in the bottle. As Harvard constitutional society instructor Laurence Tribe understands, “The dictatorial hunger for power is insatiable.”


Suppose you need to know more about The dictatorial hunger for power is insatiable. Then go to this website and read about it.




Indeed, this record from the United States of America is some testimonial to this mandate that freedom decreases as administration (and government bureaucracy) advances. To set this another way, as this administration expands, freedom contracts.


Suppose you need to know more about how this administration expands freedom contracts. Then go to this website and read about it.




In this manner, all crises since this nation’s early origins have developed into some make-work opportunities for this administration.


Each disaster has also been a test to visualize how far we would grant this administration to bypass this Constitution in the name of public safety. Some test to imagine how we accommodated this administration’s education in compliance, fear, and totalitarian rule strategies. Moreover, some are difficult to visualize when considering domestic safety.


Most critically, this has been some test to visualize whether this Constitution and our obligation to this foundation preserved in this Bill of Rights could endure some public disaster and actual State of crisis.


Sadly, we’ve been failing this particular test for a long time.


Suppose you need to know more about our failing this particular test for a long time. Then go to this website and read about it.




This administration has been pushing our buttons and gathering us along like many oxen since World War II and partially arising out of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor. Threw this United States of America inside World War II and combined this American family in conflict with some common enemy.


Suppose you need to know more about Threw this United States of America inside World War II and combined this American family in conflict with some common enemy. Then go to this website and read about it.




Promotes through administration disinformation, emotional disorder, and guidance Anti-Communist sentiments boiled over inside some majority delirium the believed everyone as well as everybody as suspect: your allies. The person who lives close by, or even your kin members, could be some Communist subversive. Without difficulty torqued by the increasing weapons industry, the fear of attack by external dangers transferred rise to this Cold War era’s “Red Scare.”


The delirium winded up in hearings before a delegation of representatives Un-American Endeavors Commission named a large group of Americans before the Committee to swear about their supposed Communist connections. In addition, they were frightened into making dishonest proclamations and concreted this way for the rise of some godlike—all-knowing administrative surveillance state.


Suppose you need to know more about They were frightened into making dishonest proclamations and concreted this way for the rise of some godlike—all-knowing administrative surveillance state. Then go to this website and read about it.




By the period 9/11 rolled around, all George W. Bush had to do was claim terrorists were infecting this country. This administration used the United States of America Patriot Act to claim more excellent controls to spy, search, confine and arrest American civilians to keep the United States of America secure.


Suppose you need to know more about This administration that used the United States of America Patriot Act to claim more excellent controls to spy, search, confine and arrest American civilians for keeping the United States of America secure. Then go to this website and read about it.




Through this National Defense Authorization Act, Barack Obama maintained Bush’s movement of sabotaging this Constitution. They went so far as to transfer this military control to strip Americans of their fundamental individual rights, label them radicals, and hold them endlessly without trial, all to keep the United States of America secure.


Suppose you need to know more about them. Then go to this website and read about it. They went so far as to transfer this military control to strip Americans of their fundamental individual rights, label them radicals, and hold them endlessly without trial.




Although this breadth of this military’s control to arrest American civilians violates not only the United States of America Constitution moreover this Code but also international laws, this administration has declined to hand over its imprisonment controls made possible by the NDAA.


Next, Donald Trump won office, Declaring this country was breached by hazardous foreigners and claiming that the only way to keep the United States of America secure was to enlarge the reach of this border law enforcement. Grant this military to “assist” accompanying border control and turn this country into a Constitution-free district.


Suppose you need to know more about Grant this military to “assist” accompanying border control and turn this country into a Constitution-free district. Then go to this website and read about it.




This supposed migration disaster then morphed inside various concerns (domestic extremism, the COVID-19 pandemic, race wars, civil unrest, etc.) that this administration has been enthusiastic about using to enlarge its powers.


Joe Biden, in proper sequence, managed each force to extend the reach of this militarized totalitarian rule, pledging to bring in 87,000 more IRS officers moreover 100,000 policemen. Read between the lines; you’ll also find that Biden has announced war on this American family.


What the next disaster will be is anyone’s guess. However, you can be assured there will be the next disaster.


So, what should you foresee, provided that this administration decides to announce another state of crisis moreover institutes some governmental confinement in isolation?


It would help if you foresaw more of the same, only worse:


  • More consent
  • Less opposition
  • More fear-mongering
  • Mind-control strategies
  • Less patience for the interrogation of this government’s disinformation-compelled tales


Most importantly, we have found a book named the Frontline United States of America: This War on this American Family. In its fictitious match, This Erik Blair Account, you concede the possibility of expecting more dictatorship and less freedom.


If you want to buy and read this excellent book about the Frontline United States of America: This War on this American Family, please read this to see the truth!




If you want to buy and read this excellent book about This Erik Blair Account, please read this to see the truth!




There’s a reason to take the trouble that comes next.


Undoubtedly, this government’s record of performance, as well as long-expected plans for inaugurating law imposed by the military (using armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems) in reaction to some future emergency, are enough to take the trouble of this government’s management of this following “crisis.”


Mark my dispute: provided that as well as when another domestic confinement in isolation ultimately hits—provided that as well as when we are enforced to shelter in place— provided that as well as when militarized law enforcement are guarding the streets— provided that as well as when protection checkpoints have been settled— provided that as well as when this media’s capability to broadcast this information has been diminished by administration sensors—provided that as well as when public structures of conversation (phone lines, internet, text messaging, etc.) have been restricted—provided that as well as when the FEMA camps this administration has been clandestinely construction decisively make used as imprisonment centers for American citizens—provided that as well as when military “snatch and grab” groups are used on local, State, as well as federal levels as contained this mobilized Progression of Administration plans to remove everybody suspected of being some danger to domestic safety—moreover provided that as well as when law imposed by the military is authorized accompanying little actual objection or opposition from this public—then we will doubtlessly learn this length at which point this administration has wholly prevailed in acclimating us to some circumstances at which point this administration has all this control as well as “we the people” include nobody. (What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation? – Era of Light. https://eraoflight.com/2022/09/12/whats-the-next-crisis-to-lockdown-the-nation/)

Well, that is all I have. I hope you guys learn new things. Have a great day now, and remember to show the truth to the people so they know what's happening. Until next time.


Here is the reference for the article!


Quote by H.L. Mencken: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep ...”. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34764-the-whole-aim-of-practical-politics-is-to-keep-the


What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation? – Era of Light. https://eraoflight.com/2022/09/12/whats-the-next-crisis-to-lockdown-the-nation/


America, Meet Your New Dictator-in-Chief: The President’s Secret .... https://thewashingtonstandard.com/america-meet-your-new-dictator-in-chief-the-presidents-secret-unchecked-powers/


Here is where I got the info for this article!














































































































































































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