
Why You Can't Trust the Government with Your Privacy or Property. by - L. Norman.

Despite what many in power may have us believe, the U.S. government is far from being an ally to freedom and does not have our best interests at heart. So often, decisions such as legislative shifts o..

Why You Can't Trust the Government with Your Privacy or Property. by - L. Norman.

"The U.S. government is not looking out for our best interests or being a friend to freedom." - L. Norman.


Summarize this article!


Despite what many in power may have us believe, the U.S. government is far from being an ally to freedom and does not have our best interests at heart. So often, decisions such as legislative shifts or fights for human rights are made with only specific populations in mind and rarely consider those who are systematically disadvantaged or minority. Policies are ratcheted up that squeeze everyday citizens while government-connected corporations go unscathed. Despite their supposed transparency, we can see the ulterior motives in every layer of bureaucracy that should seek justice but instead seeks profits. Let's not be fooled by the friendly language they use to label themselves as gatekeepers of liberty; it's a mask hiding a reality far gloomier than we ever knew.


This is the main article!


It can be disheartening to watch government leaders blatantly ignore the Constitution, which is meant to serve as a system of checks and balances and a document full of protections for our rights. This type of behavior leaves many people feeling mistrustful and vulnerable. As citizens, we must hold government members accountable for their actions and dismiss ideals that would infringe upon the rights granted by the Constitution. If no action is taken to combat errant behaviors from legislators, we could find ourselves where our freedoms are at risk from those elected to protect us. (1)


While the government plays an essential role in our society and communities, it should always adhere to the Constitution and ensure citizens have their rights intact. However, we immediately lose trust when a government strays away from this path. This can be incredibly destructive if these changes strip away our rights or alter the interpretation of the Constitution itself. When a government violates our constitutional rights - its very purpose as an institution is questioned. We must remain vigilant and hold those in power accountable by demanding they keep our checks and balances strong and rely on the Constitution as a guide for all legislative decisions. If they cannot do that, they don't deserve our trust.


When all evidence is considered, it's clear that we, the people, cannot and should not trust the government to protect our privacy, property, life, or freedom. Despite laws and regulations set in place intending to ensure our security, individuals are still being bullied, beaten, bamboozled, targeted, tracked, repressed, and robbed of their money and livelihoods. Worse yet, imprisoned citizens - convicted with questionable evidence - while an ever-increasing number suffer injustice at the hands of criminals yet receive no justice from those responsible for upholding it. To top it off, this atrocity inflicted upon us by our government remains unnoticed mainly, proving nothing short of the privatization of government is required to regain what was meant to be inherent rights of citizens everywhere - given to them by a benevolent authority.


We live in a time when the government has infiltrated many aspects of our daily lives. We, the people, are being subjected to bullying, physical assaults, economic injustice, and, worse yet, murder at the hands of the government. It is a tragically unjust reality that can no longer be tolerated if liberty and justice are set to be preserved. It has become clear that we cannot put our faith in authorities that seem intent on depriving us of our autonomy and fundamental rights as citizens. The solution isn't complicated; it doesn't require an adjustment or authorization from our ruling powers. All we need to do to remain free is distance ourselves from them and exercise skepticism toward their intentions and capabilities. There could come a time when the government respects its citizens enough to deserve such trust, but until then, guarding our privacy, property, lives, and freedoms is essential for any age of independence - let us "we the people" lead ourselves!


When it comes to your privacy, you should not trust government control. Governments are often unresponsive and lack transparency, especially regarding handling your personal information. They may even use their power to deny you access to your data or oppress certain groups of people. No one is safe from overreaching legislation or intrusive surveillance practices. By trusting the government with your private data, you risk violating your civil liberties and being subject to various potential threats. The best way to protect yourself is to completely control your digital privacy and find proactive ways to keep yourself safe from government interference. (2)


Since the cataclysmic events of 9/11, the military-security industrial complex, composed of corporate giants and powerful governments, has been given free rein to operate under a constant state of emergency. This has allowed them to construct an unsettling prison through digital surveillance and advanced technologies that monitor our every move. Every day we are becoming increasingly more wrapped up within this invisible prison and with no means of escape - it is time to question and challenge the motives behind this system. Do not let the power of technology be used as a weapon against you!


In the era of technology, we find ourselves surrounded by wall-to-wall surveillance, tracked and monitored by AI software. This artificial intelligence sends data to a rapidly growing network of fusion centers dedicated to analyzing it. This means that every move we make can be recorded and stored. Privacy and anonymity have become virtually obsolete, as there is no escape from our digital footprints. In this age of near-constant surveillance, one cannot help but feel vulnerable, questioning who might be watching at any given second. Digitally speaking, trust comes at a premium, and with the breathtaking speed of innovation prompting new privacy concerns every day, safeguarding our data remains nothing short of a daily challenge.


The Department of Homeland Security has deceived us. By conspiring with corporations, DHS has seeped money into our city surveillance and policing under the guise of emergency response and counterterrorism. But this influx of funds is solely for their profit rather than the community's betterment. We cannot trust their words or motives; influential organizations have the potential to manipulate communities for personal gain, regardless of what facade they present via media or public statements. It's been up to us as taxpayers and community members to speak up and question why our cities are increasingly shrouded in cameras and patrolled by officers who often do not reflect the values all citizens appreciate.


Many people doubt the ethicality of police installing Flock Safety license plate readers. After all, with how public and private entities are forming a potentially dangerous partnership, who is benefiting from this? It's easy to imagine that we could share that data with large corporations and other interested parties without knowing what rights citizens will be protected under. What's more, these big tech projects can quickly sweep up data in unrelated areas. Alarmingly, citizens' right to privacy may be at risk, making this partnership between police forces and surveillance companies highly concerning.


The dawn of facial recognition technology is a worrying trend regarding the rise of public surveillance. The proliferation of cameras, which can transmit data directly to fusion crime centers without any warrant or permission from authorities, alarms those concerned about a potential police-driven surveillance state. We must remain vigilant and question the motives and reasons behind law enforcement's use of this technology. What is the cost-benefit analysis of ubiquitous surveillance? Have all angles been considered when evaluating privacy vs. safety? The stakes are high, with no room for error given the gravity of the situation, so it's time to ask questions and demand answers.


Do not trust the government's handling of your property. In some cases, they may take away what you own without providing any compensation. The government also has certain restrictions when it comes to properties which can limit the freedom of individuals. On top of that, there is no guarantee that your property will continue to be protected if laws change or political climates shift. Taking control of your possessions is the only way to ensure you can make all critical decisions about them. Please don't trust the government with your property; keep it in your hands for maximum protection and ease.


In yet another effort to bypass traditional search procedures, police departments across America have introduced "hit-and-hold" tactics to gain access to people's properties without obtaining a legal warrant. Under this loose legal loophole, officers can enter and search private residences without permission and even detain the inhabitants without giving any explanation or reasonable cause. By conducting such searches - often with continued harassment afterward - the police may be undermining our right to privacy and personal autonomy without justification. This tactic promotes distrust of law enforcement agents and forces citizens into untenable positions about their civil liberties. Such practices are abhorrent and should be soundly opposed by anyone who truly believes that all citizens are equal under the protection of the just law.


Despite the protections promised by the Fourth Amendment, police continue to find ways around it. In recent months there have been increasing reports of unwarranted search and seizure, with law enforcement officers using new methods such as drones or mobile tagging technology to get information without good cause. Many citizens feel violated, as these sneaky tactics threaten their right to privacy and security - in the name of "safety." It's no surprise that trust between citizens and police is at an all-time low. Privacy remains a precious commodity, and citizens should protect it from those who would trample it for their gain.


No-knock raids have become increasingly popular for law enforcement to stop crimes and protect possible evidence; however, these raids may more often destroy the same evidence they are intended to protect. By ignoring the traditional warrant system, officers put themselves into threatening situations and put innocent lives at risk without a clear understanding of what—or whom—they will encounter. This is made worse because no-knock raids have been lethally used far too often, using the same rationale to prevent evidence's destruction. It is imperative that law enforcement use tactics that grant due process while protecting both civilians and law enforcement alike.


The idea of a government capable of violating one's property rights is especially frightening when considering that the power which resides in the state could potentially be abused to intrude and damage private homes. The tragedy of one family caused by such an intrusion speaks volumes about the disrespect for individual liberty held by those in charge. When a state feels it can invade a home and terrorize its occupants without proper authority, it reveals its total lack of understanding of the concept of personal privacy and the right guaranteed in law to secure one's property against intrusion. Unfortunately, this grim event is an example to all citizens of what happens when our faith in our elected leaders is betrayed.


American citizens should be wary of trusting the police, given its power to seize assets without even a conviction of any crime. In numerous cases, officers confiscate bank accounts, cars, homes, electronics, and cash from hardworking individuals with the suspicion that they are involved in some illegal activity. While this tactic may provide law enforcement with needed funds to operate their department and make policing easier in some cases, it nonetheless presents concerning issues when it comes to the validity or necessity of the search and seizure. The potential for overreach is accurate, and individuals need to protect their lives and assets by being aware of their rights if or when confronted by officers.


The government's relationship with money often feels like a never-ending cycle, always taking more and more taxes from citizens while offering ambiguous results that people rarely need in return. Given the situation, trusting the government with your financial life is incredibly risky. There have been too many wasted funds, mismanaged projects, and excessive spending on optional items. So instead of trusting the government alone with your finances, it is much better to be proactive and find ways to take control of your monetary future by actively seeking out new investment options, keeping an eye on those options that you already have, or looking for new ways to generate income allowing you to stay ahead financially.


Year after year, the U.S. government continues its reckless spending spree with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Hardworking taxpayers' money is misused for programs that are too expensive and outdated for the nation's current state. It has been estimated that over 25% of the annual budget consists of unnecessary expenses, leaving citizens with a heavier debt burden each time taxes are due. There's no reason to trust a government that acts like this, openly disregarding its citizens by asking them to pay for their irresponsibility when things could've been managed better. It's up to us to stand up against these policy decisions and reclaim our financial freedom through an improved economic system that caters to all Americans, not just politicians on Capitol Hill.


The national debt is rising dramatically, and our annual interest payments don't make a difference. Despite spending unprecedented amounts of money, there still appears to be no policy that effectively reduces the immense fiscal burden. Unfortunately, this will mean more taxpayer spending with seemingly little benefit. It's enough to make you wonder why we don't have better financial planning and frugality from those in charge of our public funds.


Congress' consistent raising and extension of the debt limit may seem like a convenient way to keep the government functioning, but it's incredibly reckless. Without full transparency and explanation from our legislators, it is impossible to know the full impacts this decision will have - whether those are good or bad consequences for those not in Congress. It seems irresponsible for politicians to break the trust of their constituents by masking this kind of activity as routine; they should use citizens' hard-earned tax money responsibly, and unfortunately, Congress's adaptability of the debt limit does not demonstrate that kind of stewardship.


When it comes to our health, many of us put an excellent level of trust in the government and healthcare system. However, history has shown that when safety concerns arise and the public's health is at stake, we can only sometimes trust governments to tell us the truth. From contaminated medications to unsafe medical practices and treatments, there are plenty of examples of governments failing to inform citizens or take action until it's too late. When it comes to our health, caution is better than trust. Take responsibility and learn more about the risks associated with specific treatments and products - take your time accepting what your government tells you!


As recent events have shown, most of us are unaware of the government's insidious involvement in secret experiments that we have been unknowingly subjected to. From MKULTRA experiments to the U.S. military conducting racial testing of mustard gas on 60,000 men without their consent, it is clear that our government has a shameful history of using "we the people" as lab rats. These activities are often hidden from public knowledge and can go unchecked unless brought to light. It is essential to be informed and aware of any hidden experiments conducted to ensure our rights are not violated by those who must serve us first and foremost.


It is deeply troubling to realize that the government has been conducting secret experiments on innocent people without their knowledge and consent. You don't have to look far back in our country's history to find countless instances of this behavior - from forcing those exposed to chemicals to become sick and introducing infectious diseases into the environment to openly exposing people to airborne toxins and monitoring their reactions. Though it can never be undone, it is essential that we continuously stay alert and aware so that nothing like this ever happens again. (3)


It is quite alarming how much can divert the general public from the grim realities created and perpetuated by the U.S. government. Most people remain oblivious to the deplorable experiments against innocent humans and animals and their cruel treatment and appalling living conditions, all of which have been overseen by our federal authorities. It's undoubtedly disheartening that members of a nation supposedly founded on the principles of liberty would turn a blind eye to such atrocities, for it only serves to compromise democracy and betray those who fight for truth and justice. So be wary of federal legislators' words and claims - often, rhetoric is meant to curb growing angst while those in power carry out dark deeds in plain sight.


It is shocking and profoundly concerning the number of unarmed people killed over insignificant movements or objects misinterpreted as guns. The fact that police can so quickly resort to the unnecessary use of deadly force demonstrates their lack of regard for the lives and safety of public members, which undermines in no uncertain terms any confidence we should have in them. It is clear when incidents like this occur that the government and authorities fail to adequately protect citizens, making it painfully obvious why we cannot trust them with our lives.


It is alarming that the number of Americans killed by police continues to increase. It is even more concerning to realize that many of these deaths resulted from citizens who had done nothing wrong. Whether suspected of a non-violent offense, no crime at all, or during a traffic violation, innocent lives are being taken. This isn't the kind of society anyone wants to be part of, and we must take action now to stop this from continuing any further.


It is alarming to read that the death toll from police violence in 2022 was higher than it has been within the past decade, as reported by Mapping Police Violence. Such a report is particularly concerning because it demonstrates that despite assurances of progress and fixes, disparities still exist between people and police forces. This means we must constantly be vigilant and ready to hold our local authorities accountable for their actions or risk facing more significant numbers of deadly encounters in future years.


The fact that 98% of police officers who took the lives of innocent people were not charged with a crime is outrageous and inexcusable. Killers are getting away with their crimes, setting a frightening example for the rest of society. This impunity creates an atmosphere of distrust between the community and law enforcement, which could continue for generations to come if issues such as racial inequities in policing aren't addressed. If justice is not served, we cannot expect citizens to trust their emergencies when they call for help.


When it comes to our freedoms, we must be extra vigilant in protecting them. We must sometimes trust the government to do what's best for us, mainly when profits and power are involved. The history of taxation policies and unfair regulations demonstrates that governments will take advantage of citizens whenever possible, often at the expense of civil liberties. Empower yourself and stay informed about governmental actions intended to curtail personal freedoms. Speak truth to power and remain ever resolute in the face of attempts to strip away your rights as a citizen.


For years the government has acted like a predator, keeping us on our toes and never indeed granting us the full rights of freedom that we deserve. We're constantly trying to figure out if the promises of "freedom" are real or just an illusion; every step forward in independence is usually followed by two steps back with new restrictions placed upon us. Despite the limited range we're allowed to explore, we cannot help but continually hope for more - after all, it's our right! Unfortunately, those dreams may still need to be fulfilled as long as the government keeps playing this cat-and-mouse game.


Freedom has become something of a misnomer in our society. Thanks to technology and the ever-shifting legal landscape, our sense of security in exercising our freedoms has been severely hampered. Companies keep track of our online behavior, governments can monitor us without a warrant, and personal data is constantly being accessed by third parties without us knowing it—all at odds with the traditional conception of freedom that most people are familiar with. Unfortunately, freedom no longer means what it once did and continues to be eroded further each day.


The founders of this nation believed in creating a government for the people that would be accountable to us and respect our rights to speech, privacy, and justice. Unfortunately, our fundamental rights are often violated, including those essential for a functioning democracy. Whether we're talking about criticism of the government or protecting our homes from militarized police, these violations are troubling indications that it's time to reexamine how much we can trust the government to protect our rights in word and deed.


Many of us live under the assumption that freedom means the same thing to everybody; however, although we may be "free" on paper, our liberties are much more fragile than they appear. Our freedom depends entirely on how much government officials want to limit it – evidence of which is increasingly occurring in America today. From attempts to control what can and cannot be shared on social media to more severe cases like imposing curfews and detaining people without charge or court rulings, this kind of restricted liberty has become commonplace. Although it may disguise itself as a way to "protect" citizens, it only solidifies the idea that humans aren't free – even when everything seems legal.


The United States government has a long history of not looking out for its citizens. From how it handles taxes to how it responds to natural disasters, it is clear that the government is more interested in lining its own pockets than helping its people. This is especially true when it comes to freedom. The government has a track record of trampling its citizens' rights through surveillance or passing laws restricting our civil liberties. If we want to protect our freedoms, we need to be vigilant and not allow the government to get away with its authoritarian ways. (4)


Many people trust their government to act in the best interest of its people. Still, it's important to remember that a good government's ultimate purpose is to protect its citizens' lives and liberties first and foremost. It is easy to forget this in the face of grandiose plans and gleaming promises. However, we must keep this in mind when evaluating any decisions made by those who are elected to serve us. The government's primary function is to defend our right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness - not anything more, not anything less. We must never forget this essential truth and hold our governments accountable accordingly. (5)


It is a complex and heartbreaking reality to face – the institution our nation was founded on has become one we must learn to distrust. We have been deceived into believing the government is here to protect us, but instead, we witness constant violations of our rights and liberties. What's worse, it appears those in charge are making no effort to make reparations, the opposite of what an institution devoted to protecting its people stands for. With recent events, it has become more apparent that we need to be wide awake and question everything because if the safety and security of citizens are not at the core of political decision-making, then who will stand up for us?


The government has long been bent on breaking down the spirit of freedom for its citizens. Books such as Battlefield America and The Erik Blair Diaries warn how our society could one day evolve if we put too much faith into those willing to deceive us. Our elected leaders should be held accountable for their actions and lies; it's their job to protect the people, not hold them back nor take advantage of their trust. If they cannot keep this vow, then "we, the people," must hold them responsible no matter what. It's a pressing reminder that democracy requires resilience, cooperation, and responsibility to uphold our common rights; it will be only through a joint effort that we can keep liberty alive. It's time to realize that freedom is a privilege - something that must actively protect or will take it away. We must do our part to protect our rights and ensure the liberties we have are not abused by those in power. (6)


The fight for freedom should never end - if it does, then we have failed as a society. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to keep fighting for liberty and justice, no matter what government officials may tell us. It's time for us all to take up arms in this fight and ensure our freedoms remain intact. Liberty isn't something that can be written down on paper; it requires hard work, dedication, and commitment from everyone to survive. Let's not allow our elected officials to forget this and continue striving for a future where freedom reigns supreme. Let us never give up on the fight for liberty. (7)


Only then can we truly have a government that serves its people rather than one that is opportunistically exploiting them? The power to make this change lies in the hands of its citizens; it's time to take back what is rightfully ours and ensure that justice is served fairly and equally to all. Together, we can protect our freedoms - let's take action now!


A reference list

  1. Christiano, Spencer. "Film Preservation & Restoration Workshop India 2016." Journal of Film Preservation, no. 95, International Federation of Film Archives, Oct. 2016, p. 18.
  2. 10 Efficient Ways To Protect Your Personal Identity Online - TaxAct Blog. https://blog.taxact.com/10-efficient-ways-to-protect-your-money-and-personal-identity-online/
  3. How to Apologize for Missing a Meeting? (With Examples). https://flexmyfinances.com/how-to-apologize-for-missing-a-meeting/
  4. "Supervisor's Insight." Legal Alert for Supervisors, vol. 10, no. 225, Institute of Business Publications, 19 Sept. 2014, p. 3.
  5. "Japan Govt Proposes New Concept of Emergency." Jiji Press English News Service, JIJI Press America, Ltd., 6 Mar. 2015, p. n/a.
  6. Satya Nadella on LinkedIn: Every day, we must do our part to protect .... https://www.linkedin.com/posts/satyanadella_this-earth-day-like-every-earth-day-i-am-activity-6923301120324902912-_A2w
  7. "Our Readers' Views." Columbian, Columbian Publishing Company, 8 Dec. 2015, p. A.6.

Here is where I got the info for this article!

  • https://www.infowars.com/posts/dont-trust-the-government-with-your-privacy-property-or-your-freedoms/
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/dont_trust_the_government_with_your_privacy_property_or_your_freedoms
  • https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ACRE-DHSReport-12.02-1.pdf
  • https://triad-city-beat.com/winston-salem-license-plate-cameras/
  • https://www2.ca3.uscourts.gov/opinarch/212346p.pdf
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2023/01/09/debt-limit-showdown-and-government-shutdown-pose-greatest-risk-in-a-decade-heres-what-to-expect/
  • https://www.crfb.org/papers/how-high-are-federal-interest-payments
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2023/01/09/debt-limit-showdown-and-government-shutdown-pose-greatest-risk-in-a-decade-heres-what-to-expect/
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2023/01/09/debt-limit-showdown-and-government-shutdown-pose-greatest-risk-in-a-decade-heres-what-to-expect/
  • https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna41811750#.VzCAwBUrKRs
  • https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/from_mind_control_to_viruses_how_the_government_keeps_experimenting_on_its_citizens
  • https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/cops-killed-more-people-in-2022-than-any-year-on-record-heres-how-to-stop-it-from-happening-again
  • https://mappingpoliceviolence.us/
  • https://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-America-War-American-People/dp/1590795229/
  • https://www.amazon.com/Erik-Blair-Diaries-Battlefield-Dead/dp/1954968027/

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 -------------CRITICAL THINKING NEWS BY - L. NORMAN. -------------



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