
Will RFK, Jr. Drain The Swamp?

An interview with RFK, Jr. : 'We’re living in a corporate kleptocracy'

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05/06/2024 - Age of Autism - Anne Dachel ran this post Substack

Xileen - I am not endorsing any candidate.  Hopefully, some of the views in this article dealing with our current health
problems, can serve as a template on how to deal with our country's most pending issues.  May the best man win.

We've waited too many election cycles for help to clear our way through the power and influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Its tentacles have wrapped around Americans' health in many ways including obesity, depression, heart disease, and the topic we know best, autism. It's hard not to feel jaded, like Charlie Brown looking at Lucy holding the football. Donald Trump was vociferous in his promise to drain the swamp, and specifically to take a hard look at autism. Joe Biden has not made strong promises, so there were fewer to break. Small comfort. Robert Kennedy is steadfastly moving ahead in the polls. Does he draw from Trump voters? Biden voters? The two party system has delivered precious little to us. If Trump or Biden can't win on their own, that doesn't make a third party candidate a "spoiler."  Instead, it tells us that Americans want more choice.  Ah, yes... choice. As ever, we will not endorse a candidate. Feel free to tell us your thoughts in the comments.

In this interview, Robert Kennedy, Jr. outlined what he will do to destroy the control the pharmaceutical industry has over the media in America.

We have the sickest generation of children in our history, and Kennedy wants to reverse this.

I personally see his description of the drug industry’s power over politicians and the news as the message everyone needs to hear. I wrote a book about it in 2014, The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public.

Today, 10 years later, nothing has changed, except that the autism has gone from one in 68 children to now one in every 36. The news industry continues to lie to about every aspect of autism.

Even though autism wasn’t specifically talked about during this interview, it’s clearly one aspect of the culture of corruption, collusion and cover-up rampant in the “kleptocracy” Robert Kennedy described here.

May 3, 2024, Interviewer Joe Polish, founder of Genius Network, talks to Robert Kennedy, Jr.


From The Military Industrial Complex & Big Pharma

Joe Polish:

Why do you think the legacy, untrustable, government co-opted media is so scared of you?

Robert Kennedy, Jr.:

. . . They should be scared of me because I’m going to hurt their revenue streams a lot.

The first day in office, I’m going to issue an executive order banning pharmaceutical advertising on television.  

Roger Ailes, who was the founder of Fox News—

I don’t know right now, and it’s hard to tell show by show. There’s a way that you can purchase a service that will tell you how much each pharmaceutical company pays to each news division and each television show. I don’t have that information right now.

What I can tell you is that Roger Ailes told me—

Roger Ailes was the founder of Fox News, and I had this odd relationship with him because when I was 19 years old because when I was nineteen years old, I spent three months with him in a tent in East Africa.

He had just worked for the Nixon campaign, being its communication director, and he was just about to start Fox News. He hadn’t started it at that time. . . .

To  me he became this kind of Darth Vader figure who embodied all of this extreme kind of right-wing manipulative stuff that Fox News was doing at that time that I thought was very bad for the country. I still had this friendship with him, and he was a very, very loyal friend to me.

He made sure that whenever I wanted to get on Fox News, I could.

During the 1980s and 1990s, I was the only environmentalist who would go on Fox News. I was going on Sean Hannity all the time, I was going on Bill O’Reilly, I was going on Neil Cavutor.

Whenever I had an issue that I wanted to talk about, he would make that they put me on.

I came to him around 2014, I came to him with a film that we had done about mercury in vaccines, called Trace Amounts, and I showed it to him.

And I showed it to Michael Clemente who was the second in command at Fox, and they were both blown away by it.

Roger had a member of his family who he believed was vaccine injured, and he thought that this was the answer to it. He was very moved, but he said to me— I asked if I could go on his TV, if he would get the host to put me on. He said, ‘I can’t do it.’

He said that about 75 percent of advertising revenues for his evening news shows were coming from pharmaceutical companies.

He told me that, on average, there’s about 22 advertisements in an evening news show, and on average, 17 of those are pharmaceutical ads.

He said, if any of my hosts allowed you on, I would have to fire them.

If they didn’t, I would get a call from Rupert within 10 minutes, meaning Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News.

That was a very candid, enlightening moment for me.

All of you can see that particularly the new evening news shows are just bracketed, one after the other, by pharmaceutical ads.

I think, on average, as I remember, about 30 or 40 percent of total network advertising revenues come from pharma.

They’re heavily weighted toward the evening news divisions because those are all old people. They’re the ones who are buying pharmaceutical drugs.

I asked my son, Connor, the other day, he was 28. I said to him, have you ever seen an evening news show, and he said, ‘Nope.’

The people who are watching those shows are Baby Boomers, and they’re the ones who’ve got all the ailments that are being treated by these companies.

You look at somebody like Anderson Cooper. I think Anderson Cooper makes about $20 million, you know, give or take a few million annually. . .

If you say he’s got a $20 million salary, and 75 percent of that, or 80 percent of that is coming from the pharmaceutical companies, that’s who he real boss is.


Long before I decided to run for President, these companies were making war on me, and I have to believe that part of that is they’re subsumed in these orthodoxies. They believe a lot of the stuff that they’re saying. 

But that also gets fortified— Upton Sinclair made this famous observation that is so true, and it’s so useful. ‘It’s very hard to persuade a man of a fact if the existence of that fact will diminish his salary.’

We all tend to cement our worldview around a superstructure that is going to fortify our own self-interest.

. . . A lot of the newscasters are directly interested in making sure those pharmaceutical revenues are going to continue, and I’m going to end them.

These networks are already in trouble, so that will be a blow to them.

Prior to 1997, there were no direct to consumer ads on television. FDA and FCC essentially legalized them around 1997, and we’re one of only two countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to consumers.

Everybody agrees it’s a bad idea, everybody. As a result of that, partially that, we are the biggest consumers of pharmaceutical products in the world.

And they’re not making us healthier. We have the highest bills, $4.3 trillion a year, and we have the worse health outcomes. We’re 79th in terms of health outcomes nationally.

We’re behind Mongolia, we’re behind Cuba, and we’re behind Honduras. You know, really bad health, and we have the best health care system . . . in terms of the technology that’s available to us, but the worst health outcomes.

Peter Koch is one of the most important epidemiologists in the world. He’s the co-founder of the Cochran Collaboration, which is a cooperative of 30,000 independent scientists who review clinical trial data of the pharmaceutical industry.

They’re kind of the overseers who look and try to bring some integrity to these clinical trials, these fake clinical trials that big pharma does.

Peter Koch yesterday published an article, a study, a big study showing that pharmaceutical drugs are now the number one cause of death in our country.  

Five years ago, he published another study. At that time pharmaceutical drugs were the third leading cause of death after cancer and heart attacks. Today they’re the number one cause of death.

They’re not making us healthier. And in a true free market, and if we were getting good information, we wouldn’t be taking so many of them.

And the job of these news organizations is to make sure that we don’t have that information, and that we’re lied to.

There’s a guy here called Calley Means who’s wonderful. This is a guy who knows more about the pharmaceutical industry than anybody in our country. 

He was on  Tucker the other day and just made this very good observation, true observation that yes, they’re selling a lot of ads on evening TV because they want to sell products, but really what they’re doing is they’re purchasing the power to dictate content. They’re not just using it as a platform for selling their product. They’re dictating content. They can control what Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper say, and they can make sure that when we have a pandemic, there’s a constant chyron going underneath  telling you have many people died today of COVID to get us all scared to death so that we comply. . . .

Kennedy went on to talk about the billions donated to both presidential candidates from big corporations. 

Those corporations are not giving them money from a patriotic impulse. . .  It’s an investment for them to benefit their mercantile ambitions and their commercial ambitions. It’s an investment, and they expect a return on that investment. It’s been a disaster for our democracy.

We are no longer living in a democracy. We’re living in a corporate kleptocracy. There’s no country in the world that allows these kinds of contributions. . . .

Joe Polish asked, “What are the three most important actions we need to take as a nation over the next four years, and how are you going to lead us there?”

The three big issues that I want to deal with very quickly are unwinding the war machine, winding down military expenditures. . . .

The other critical issue . . . is to end the chronic disease epidemic.

When my uncle was President, six percent of our people had chronic disease. Today, 60 percent of our children do, and it’s costing us $4.3 trillion a year. It’s destroying our country and it’s destroying our morale, it’s destroying hope.

It’s making us dependent on, lifetime dependence on pharmaceutical drugs. You’ve got a generation of kids. It’s really hard to meet a child today that’s my kids’ age that do not have chronic disease.

I can’t remember when I met that last child that did have chronic disease.

It’s just normalized now. You have a peanut allergy, you have ADHD, you have all of these reading disorders, sleep disorders, autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile diabetes, lupus, Crohn’s disease, IBS, all these exotic disease we didn’t know about when I was a kid. Nobody I knew had any of them, and today, every child had one of these.

It’s really unusual to find a child today who’s completely healthy. The monetary cost and everything else and just the morale of our nation. No other country has anything like this.

We have the highest chronic disease burden of any country in the world.

One of the reasons we had the highest COVID death rate. We had 16 percent of the COVID deaths. We only have 4.2 percent of the world’s population.

CDC said, well, that’s not our fault. It’s because you guys are so sick.

According to the CDC, the average person who died from COVID had 3.8 chronic diseases. They had asthma, they had diabetes, they had obesity, and one other thing. That’s what killed them.

They were already hanging off the cliff, and COVID just came and stepped on their fingers. They were already there.

There’s a whole generation that has just all of these diseases, and we need to stop that. . . .

Bobby next stated that when he’s President, the government will stop lying to us, and he will severely limit the power of the intelligence community.

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