
Winning Back Your Health Freedom

This is an election year! How to make sure that your Health Freedom Candidate gets their chance to win back Your Health Freedom! The only way out is through and tigetgwe’re taking down barriers that stand in the way of enjoying our basic American rights. We’re inspiring and empowering individuals to engage in the political process and making it undeniable to both citizens and lawmakers that America still stands for health freedom.

Source Article - April 2024 wins! - STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM


Health Freedom is FREE SPEECH

Health Freedom is PARENTAL RIGHTS

Health Freedom is iNFORMED cONSENT

Health Freedom is PRIVACY


Stand for Health Freedom is proud to announce that this is the most active legislative session we’ve had since our inception. As it stands, we’ve issued 155 statewide calls to action across the nation with 132 of those being in support of good policy! That’s a 158% increase over last year. Was the Washington Post hit piece on us titled “How the anti-vaccine movement is gaining power in statehouses” more prophetic than painful? We sure think so!

In years past, we’ve had to fight many more bills than we were able to champion, but 2024 has flipped that on its head. This year we saw a 286% increase of good bills we were able to support and we still have 10 states in session through at least the end of May. We’ll have a better idea of our final numbers in early summer! We couldn’t be more thankful for you, our advocates, and for our state partners, who are boots on the ground, doing the hard work of walking the halls and changing the hearts and minds of your policymakers.

We are thoroughly encouraged by the amount of good bills seeing action and passage – more than ever before! Do you know what helped make this happen? Our Vote for Health Freedom project. In 2022, we helped 892 candidates who stand for health freedom get elected. In 2023, where a few states have their elections in odd years, we saw 134 candidates take office. This project has truly helped us change the momentum in our statehouses for the better! And SHF advocates, we are just getting started.

Already this year, through the early primaries (only four states so far) we’ve helped 148 candidates move on to the general election! 

So, take heart, there’s still hope in this broken world. And you can still make a difference. While the national media pumps out fear and despair, know that those who are willing can still change the world. Did you know that only 30% of U.S. citizens take part in the primary process? This is the exact reason we call it our “secret weapon,” because if the health freedom movement steps up and votes freedom-loving candidates onto the ballot for the general election, we will continue to win.

As our Associate Director Valerie Borek says, “It’s not time to give up, it’s time to show up.” We are proud to have shown up with you. And just as you feel the weight of this election year, know that we felt it too back in 2023 when we started brainstorming what the ‘24 election season would look like for us. That’s why our tagline for this election is “This is our final stand.” We feel it. If we don’t put our stake in the ground, if we don’t “take the hill” now, we are bound to lose it all. SHF advocates, “united we stand,” has never meant more than it does now. 

United we stand for health freedom. It’s a pleasure and an honor to advocate with you. Let’s keep going!

For health, for freedom, for children, for America,

Stand for Health Freedom


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